O Purge Night (Open to all)

March 21st, 2023, 11:30 AM.

Ryder, 24 was talking on the phone with his sister when his daughter, Elizabeth,6, walks up to him. “Daddy I’m hungry.”
“Hi hungry I’m da-“ No but Ryder wasn’t that type of parent. He goes to the kitchen to make his daughter a sandwich. He looked over at 1 of his roommates. “You want 1?”

Ryder was oddly calm. He was completely against the purge and usually only helped others. When he did get involved, it was quick and brutal, Giving him the nickname: “Angel of death.” (I do want to remind people that this is completely open so feel free to join whenever)

March 21st, 2023; 11:46 AM

Jethro Grantham: Good Morning Sleepy Head I made you Breakfast in bed...
Austin Mahone: Oh Babe that's so sweet...
Jethro Grantham: Nate & Pete are in the Game Room playing 'Warzone'
Austin Mahone: Really?
Jethro Grantham: Yep...
Austin Mahone: Okay that's cool...
Jethro Grantham: Emma and Savannah are in the backyard playing...
Austin Mahone: Oh they are getting along so nicely...

Ryder was against the holiday from day one. The main reason he hates it so much is that he lost Elizabeth’s mother in the chaos. He showed her a photo. “God you are starting to look just like her.” He said, smiling at his daughter.

*Jethro knocking on the door*

Jethro Grantham: Hello it's your new neighbors The Granthams...
Austin Mahone: Yeah we're your new neighbors...
Luke Grantham: Dads why are we here?
Jethro Grantham: Because Son it's nice to introduce yourself to the new neighbors...

“Well my name is Ryder Milton. This here is my Daughter, Elizabeth. She’s a little shy” He said as Elizabeth slowly goes up to greet them.

Jethro Grantham: Hello My Name is Jethro Grantham The Leader of this Family...
Austin Mahone: I am Austin Mahone his Husband...
Luke Grantham: and I am Luke their son...
Emma Heck: I am Emma their daughter... I lost My Birth Father in the Purge...
Liam Heck: I am Liam their other son..
Savannah Heck: I am Savannah their other daughter...
Jethro Grantham: Axl Heck My Ex and the Mother/Father to Emma, Liam, and Savannah died just 10 Hours into the Purge...

“Well it was nice to meet you guys” He said, with a warm smile.

6:45 PM, 15 minutes before the purge.

“I just want to make sure you guys are safe” He said, talking with his parents over the phone. “We’re fine dear. Just don’t get shot. Bye!”
Ryder was watching the news, which was mentioning controversy over the purge.

Jethro Grantham: Ryder and Elizabeth you will be safe with us...
Austin Mahone: Because We survive the last purge so as long as we stick together we can be fine...

“Thanks for the offer but I think we will be fine”
A few minutes later, he arms the houses security system, looks at the cameras before sitting down sipping a cup of tea. The announcement plays.

“This is not a test. This is your emergency broadcast system, announcing the commencement of the annual Purge, sanctioned by the US government. Weapons of class four and lower have been authorized for use during the purge. All other weapons are restricted.

Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity and shall not be harmed. Commencing at the siren, any and all crime,including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours. Police, fire, and emergency medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning at 7AM, when the purge concludes.

Blessed it be our new founding Fathers, and America, a nation reborn. May god be with you all”

(Sounds like an interesting premise! Loved the films and show, even. I hope this is an alright way to start.)

Most of his day, days before really, were spent in preparation; Preparation for his body. He needed to be in top shape and his body needed to be protected from most firearms while flexible enough for him to run. There was preparation on how to defend himself; He wasn’t concerned about some of the lowlifes, but the more serious heavy hitters came with heavy guns, armored vehicles and paraded the city and towns. That meant he needed to have a gun that fitted his speedy trend. Last but not least, he planned his paths. The nearest to the bank and the nearest to a neutral ground territory to hole out for the rest of the purge night.

His task was simple. He wasn’t alone, but he would be when it came to securing his end of the deal: Hacking and wiring accounts for a hefty payout. As soon as the sirens sounded, he was off, driving through a neighborhood that was close to the federal bank.

Meanwhile, Ryder was busy comforting his daughter and put her to sleep. He decides to check to the security cameras. As he expected, it was a mess. He saw a couple of bodies, then a couple more. People in masks were wondering the area, looking ready to kill. He reluctantly goes outside toward a person who was barely still alive, and wrapped their injuries up.

Jethro Grantham: Ryder we are stuck here...
Austin Mahone: Yeah it's too dangerous out there right now...

*Back at Home*

Nate Grantham: Pete did you lock all the doors & windows?
Pete Grantham: Yep...
Charlie Grantham: Nate are we safe here?
Nate Grantham: Yep...
Emma Heck: Okay...
Liam Heck: Okay...
Kyle Heck: Okay....
Savannah Heck: Okay...
Sawyer Heck: Okay...
Luke Heck: Okay....
Nate Grantham: Pete and I will protect all of you..
Pete Grantham: Yep...

Everything was going well, more or less. Kylar had arrived to the bank from one path and his team in question arrived in different locations as well. Slapping on masks to hide their identity before they got near or around cameras, the doors was popped open and they were on to do their separate tasks. Two went to pop the vault; One doing the deed while the other operated as detail. Just in case another team got the same idea to rob the bank on a night of legal crime. The other patrolled the area in general, just in case the other on guard detail happened to get blindsided.

As for Kylar, he picked the lock to an office, one of utmost importance no less, and accessed the computer. It took him just a few seconds to hack into the mainframe. They always robbed from the rich. Yet, they never took too much, either. Five hundred or close to a million, at most. Something those type might not miss in the long run. From there, they split it amongst themselves. That went towards gear and better home improvement for their loved ones.

Everything went right until it didn’t. After hitting the bank, a large armored vehicle began to tear down the streets. Kylar was hardly close to his motorcycle when it was torn up by anarchists bent to destroy almost everything around them. Then, they caught eyes on him and now, he was running for his life. With the masked men and women in pursuit, he didn’t leave it to chance for them to try and catch up with him. With his sub machine gun in hand, he found himself backing up towards a guy who was mending the wounds of someone almost on the verge of death.

Kylar wasn’t by any means a person who would shoot instantly because he had the means to do so on this night, but his guard was up all the same, despite the fact that the figure before him was tending to wounds.

“It’s not safe out here,” he stated, removing his mask to imply some sort of non-hostility. He then looked down at the wounded person. “Can they move?”

His chances of getting to the neutral bar were a little low at the moment, so he was trying to use any means to stay safe and hide low for a while. TnY meant helping the wounded figure up and following this angel of mercy somewhere safe.

“They should be fine.” The wounded person could barely speak as he helped them up. Suddenly they ran, or limped rather, away. “So that’s how they thank people now.”
He looked over to Kylar. “You need anything?” He asked in a calm voice.

Eventually, the person recovered and they were running off. Kylar couldn’t help but mentally hope they would be alright by the end of this chaos. His attention turned back to the “doctor” in the situation however. Hearing the sounds of maniacal screams nearby, Kylar naturally leaned against the wall. To better hide himself should they come running straight down, he thought.

“I can imagine,” he stated, referring to the person who had just run away. “Being close to death like that, rather friendly or not, they might question your intentions.”

But, did Kylar need anything in particular? The brown skinned male exhaled when the noise around them died down, which was either a good or bad thing.

“My plan was to hit a nice payout and slip out into one of the neutral spots for the night, but someone found my ride and wrecked it. You don’t know any places I could hold out for until sunrise, do you?”

“You can hide in my house for a while.” He said, starting to walk back inside. “Just try not to do anything stupid while you’re here.”

“Wouldn’t dream on it,” Kylar stated. “How secure is your house though? You seem confident enough to leave it out in chaos like this?”

Not that Kylar was turning down somewhere safe to stay. It was better than hoping for the best out on streets. He followed the stranger, but he did introduce himself. “Name’s Kylar, by the way. Kylar Knight.”

“You know how many bullets I put into the last person who tried breaking in? You could barely recognize the body. But the security system is mostly enough. Ryder Milton’s my name. So you coming or not?” He said.

Jackson waddle fast as he could to get to safety he's 9 and half months pregnant with triplets he pet his 3 year old cat under his jacket he sees some people "Ryder is that you man I haven't seen you since high school your not one of them right Jackson is a close friend of Ryder in school Jackson wasn't popular or smart he's a nice guy but he doesn't take no shit from anyone he waddle slowly to Ryder seeing a injured person "is he okay that's a nasty wound I have first aid kit in my backpack I was almost done in college for being a doctor

(Keep in mind the person already ran off)
“Oh hi there. What the hell are you doing out here Jackson?” He sounded a little concerned. He turned around, noticing Elizabeth looking out the door. He ran up and pushed her back inside, saying he would be in there in a moment. It was too dangerous. He had seen some people even crazy enough to kill children and he wasn’t about to let her be 1 of them. He made a promise and he would be damned if he broke it.

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