Open The Late Bloomer Club
Open to all, please read description.
Set in a world where the federal government requires men over the age of 50 to sign up for a laboratory induced pregnancy, this rp takes place in the medical facility where the womb implantation and eventual birth takes place. The men are free to live their daily lives while they're pregnant, but are required to report to the facility for bi weekly check ups, ultrasounds and eventual birth. Aside from the medical rooms, the facility also hosts a large cafeteria for the carriers and their families as well as a sprawling workout and recreation lounge. In short, the carriers are treated borderline like guests in a medical resort.

- Both furry and human characters are permitted as long as the pregnant men are over the age of 50.
- While not required, Cis-gender men are preferred, again not required.
- All pregnant men are required to be over the age of 50. Spouses and children of the carriers are not subject to this rule.
- If you would like to play the role as medical staff, please make clear their position and role.
- The carrier can be either willing or unwilling or somewhere in between.
- The species and amount of babies is up to your own discretion, as long as the carrier behaves and reacts accordingly.
(May I join it sounds fun (
Name: Wesley
Age: 30
Role & position : he's part of the medical staff as a doctor and midwife.
Pregnant : no, he only looks after patients.

It was the beginning of his shift in the facility. The doned his white coat in the staff room and also picked up the instructions left by his coworker of what patients were in labor, labor watch (those who could go into labor at any moment) and another list depicting a list of patients that were meant to come down to the center to get pregnant that day.
Compared to other days on the job it seemed today was going to be a lazy day.
(10-17-2021, 01:22 PM)Roselockheart Wrote: (May I join it sounds fun (

Feel free!
Name: Ron
Age: 62
Role: Carrier, on labor watch. (photo for visual reference)
Ron sighed as he tried to continue watching the boring daytime tv in his room. His calloused hands constantly finding themselves returning to the enormous belly that weighed him down against his hospital bed. It had been several hours since the last contraction, so the last shift of doctors and nurses hadn't even undressed him yet, leaving him in his burgundy pajama bottoms that stretched around his expanded midriff. He groaned as he adjusted his sitting position once again, the baby had flipped over last night, making Ron accutely aware that birth was rapidly approaching as a constant sense of pressure kept building deep in his aged hips. He just hoped that they wouldn't have to induce labor, mostly for the sake of his grandkids, who he agreed to allow to watch him give birth, like his dad did with him.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Wesley headed to room 602 where Ron was. He knocked on the door and waited for an approval of entering before he slid inside.

"well good morning Ron. How are you feeling today? They've told me you already started with contractions last night" he said going over his file to see if he had been placed in any medication or pictocin to induce labor. "did you had any breakfast yet?" he asked as he came closer to the older man.

"if you're okay with it. I want to do an abdominal check and sonogram to see where you are. Are you keeping track of your contractions?"
Ron nodded as he listened to the doctor, "yeah" he grunted as, with some effort, sat up straighter and folded his roughed hands on the globe of a belly, which was still covered in the blanket his wife had brought from home. "Pretty good breakfast actually," he bemused and gave his belly a gentle content slap. He then raised his arms and folded his hands over his head, " You're the doctor," Ron said with a chuckle.
(I'll let you make the judgment on how big he got ?)
Wesley cleaned his hands on the rooms lavatory a s then gloved them. When he returned Ron, who was quite the veteran was already on position and waiting for him.

Wes gently pulled down the blanket and sheets down to the pubic bone so he was well exposed yet his nethers covered. "how are your contractions?" he asked as his gloved hands applied pressure on the abdominal skin to feel out the position and size of the baby.
This was Ron's third pregnancy, so he was quite used to bring fondled by this point. "Oomph!" Ron grunted as he felt the pressure of Wes' hands on his sensitive skin, which was already stretched by his propensity for seconds at the dinner table, now even more so by the life being made to grow and develop within him.
"Ain't been too bad," Ron grunted as Wes continued probing him. "Its a little different than the last two." He admitted. "It reminds me of how my dads were. Took him longer and longer for his water to break. Which I know is when you can actually start pushing." Ron explained mostly to himself. "Only had a big one last night, took the breathe outta me."
"did that hurt?" he asked as Ron expressed some discomfort during the abdominal check "I'm sure my colleges told you baby is already head down, bit high still, the head hasn't engaged yet so yes it seems to be going slow for you this time" he said taking a look to his file to see just how many hours had been sincd Ron experimented the first signs of labor. "of there's no sign of progress we'll place you in pictocin to help things move. We don't want you to tire out without need"

Then he took the bottle of cold gel "I'll run the sonogram now, so keep that position you're in" he instructed as he applied the gel over the taut skin.

(preference in baby's gender and or size? You want it to be a very slow labor or for him to be induced?)
"Oh, I'd say unpleasant, but not excruciating," Ron explained before jumping at the cold gel being spread on the hairy globe, Ron following his own fathers trend of keeping his body hair during the pregnancy. Ron then reached over for his phone to text the grandkids to head on over, as just like his father, it seemed as if Ron's third and probably last pregnancy would have to be induced.
(BIG baby and belly, and the induction would be with both medication and with the electrodes the simulate labor, but it actually makes the muscles contract, so he's covered in a lot of wires and all that if he is)
In the gray scaled skin the image of the unborn baby appeared and a flutter of a heartbeat filled the room "the babe is measuring at nine pounds Ron" Wes said surprised as the baby had seemingly gained a lot since last time he did a sonogram on Ron.
"the baby is handling well the contractions you're having fight now so far, she's not under stress." he said yet knew that could change if they weren't careful in the monitoring of Ron's labour.he handed Ron some towel paper so he could clean the cold gel from his massive belly

"now your favorite part, I need to check your dilation" he said being playful and sarcastic as patients detested that the most.
Ron sighed grumpily, mostly at the prospect at actually having to heave his increased mass over to one side, exposing his wide rump to the doctor. He was still wearing his tighty whities. The thin white fabric outlining his swollen bottom, which was to expected as he prepared to push out a baby through equipment not really intended for such a task. His ass now much more wide as the muscles prepared themselves for their future task. After expending some effort, he finally managed to settle on his side, with the crest of his hairy global belly peaking out near the side of the bed.
Wesley went to discard the gloves he had used and once more cleaned his hands and covered them with a new set of gloves for the anal exam.

Wesley had tended Ron in his previous pregnancies and deliveries, so he knew him well. He quickly noticed the swollen ass cheeks it was a good sign that Ron's body could still prepare naturally for birth even if he might need some little help to speed things up.

Wesley pulled down the payama bottoms and the white briefs, exposing the round ass then careful he parted the cheeks and slid a finger inside the anal opening to check how dilated the elder man currently was
Ron groaned at the anal intrusion, it clearly wasn't his first time, but it was still uncomfortable nonetheless as the doctor continued to probe around his colon, making deep grunts and groans in discomfort the whole time. Before long Ron could tell that along with the baby, the doctors hands no rubbed near his prostate, which has constantly kept his sex drive on a hair trigger for the past nine months.
"relax those muscles Ron, it will make it easier for both of us" he reminded the veteran father.
Wesley stretched his fingers inside the anal cavity to see how far he could stretch them.
His fingers couldn't go too far away as he would like after reading the file and seeing Ron had been with contractions circa ten hours. "you're at three cm Ronald. Of you give your authorization. I would want to induce the labor to aid you have your daughter in the next few hours."
Ron, who started to sweat from the unpleasant probing, sighed, he realized that this time he would have to be hooked up to all the wires and tubes, he had seen his father had an induced labor. Birth was never exactly pretty, but it was doubly so when the carrier is hooked to an iv and electrical wires to force him to do so. He had never met thr family for this girl, but he imagined that they would probably be getting impatient with their carrier. And with him reaching his third pregnancy threshold, he figured he might as well get it over with. That probably meant that by the time the grandkids got here, he probably would already be done. Oh well, they can probably watch their father, his son, when his number eventually gets pulled. Ron pulled his underwear and pajama bottoms back on as he laid back down in the reclined position, and nodded for Wes to begin the inducing process.
"you sure? We can give you some more hours to see if your body naturally dilates as it needs to deliver this baby girl" Wesley said as he took off the gloves. He knew Ron was proud of giving birth naturally the two other times. "the baby is well, she's not under stress. My request to induce is so you won't tire out excessively".

"will this be your last time birthing Ron? Or will you have another round?"
Ron seemed to ponder, rubbing his hands up and down his packed womb, she had long run out of room to be flailing and kicking around, now being still in waiting for the older man to bring her into the world.
"Let me think about it for a bit," Ron said as he caressed his baby filled belly, "we can wait around a while."

(I'm probably gonna log off for the day, continue tomorrow?(
Wesley nodded a she aided the elder man pull up his briefs and bottoms and settle back into a more comfortable position.

"All right we'll wait and see how you progress on your own" Wesley said as he wrote down on the file, Ron's desire and desicion to wait and postpone an inducement of labor.

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