O BSB and Baylee forced pregnancy (open to six people)


Alex flinch when Daniel looks at him he looks down he started to shake he breathes slowly trying to calm down

Daniel think about remove both of them from the main room and take them to a more private room, but he need to wait to see for his boss to come first.

«You’re welcome. Did you know where the rest of your group are?» Ask Daniel.


The boy stands obediently, shivering slightly from the cold. He would like to be sitting in the vehicle already. He wondered how much longer it would take.
《I don't know. Sorry... Will it last long?"》 asked Daniel politely

«I hope my boss gonna come soon and I’m gonna try to protect both of you if I can», explain Daniel as he look at them.


Alex doesn't looks up at Daniel he stops shaking he looks at the scar on his side


Protect? Does that mean he wanted them for himself? What did it mean? Howie thought about it intensely.
《I understand... Thank you》 he just said and lowered his gaze

Daniel nods his head for Howie and look at Alex next.

«Are you in pain?» Ask Daniel as he look at him.

He hopes his boss gonna arrive soon, so he can try to protect some of the young man.


Alex joints up hearing Daniel asking him a question " y yes had that scar a long time ago

Daniel nods his head in understand as he continue to check all the others young men to be sure no one are hurt or sick as he write the names with details.


The boy was really chilly from sitting in the cold for so long. He crouched down weakly and looked at Daniel. 《Could I have something warm to drink? 》 he asked pleadingly

«I’m gonna try, but I need to wait until my boss come to decide who he send where in the traffic group. Did you know where the rest of your group is?» Answered Daniel in a whisper.


He didn't know what the questions were. Finally, he shook his head frightened. He was afraid. He didn't hide it. He threw himself around Daniel's neck.
《Won't you hurt me? I really don't know》 whispered to him

Daniel take him into in arms without thinking and he choose him the picture of the boysband name the Backstreet Boys on his cellphone and he doesn’t understand why he doesn’t know them because he was on the picture.


Alex looks at the two men he stands there he looks down again


The boy shakes and looks at him seriously.
《 I can't do it.... Sorry. Punish me, anything!》 He falls to his knees and starts sobbing

Daniel show him the picture on his cellphone too for the picture of the group to see if he knew them and he look at his reaction. He takes again Howie into his arms and stopped him before he hurt himself.


He cries in Daniel's arms. He hugs him tightly.
《I'll do anything, but don't kill me...》 he begged

Daniel take a decision on the go and he decide to take both of them in a safe room before his boss arrive. It was the first time he broke the rule to save two young men from the human traffic ring.


When they were led into the room, he sighed. Will they kill them? He wondered. He looked at Daniel in slight fear. 《Did I make you angry? What are you going to do? 》 he asked quietly

«Stay there until I come back, you are safe here, no one gonna find both of you if you are quiet. I can be killed if someone find I protect both of you», answered Daniel.

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