C My dearest friend (w/ Littleittyboy)

Those words struck a chord within Alex that helped push him over the edge. He wrapped his hand around Eli's over his erection, moving it up and down the shaft together. He wanted to help Eli clikax, he wanted to finish together as well. With a few more thrusts, he came inside Eli. The pleasure that coursed through him was sonintei, he saw little coloured sparkles on the edge of his vision. It seemed Eli had also climaxed, and he helped coax his lover through his orgasm. Once finished, he wrapped Eli in his arms and kissed him softly. "That was amazing," he praised, running his fingers through Eli's hair. "You're amazing."

While the two of them were cleaning up (Alex insisted on making sure Eli hydrated and attending to gim) a mail falcon from across the sea was heading to the palace. The letter he carried contained news of the princess delayed arrival, and a letter from her to Eli. She had been corresponding with him periodically throughout their "courting" period and she had been excited to hear back.

Eli couldn’t help the cry out of pleasure as he climaxed holding the back of Alex’s neck as he did. He looked up at Alex holding his cheek gently panting heavily as he caught his breath back “I love you so very much”. Eli laid there naked watching his love cleaning them up gently and reached out to him “Lay with me” he said gently biting his lip knowing this was pushing the limits but he wanted to be held by him all night and knew that he wouldn’t have the opportunity for much longer.

Alex made sure that Eli was well attended to, put him on clean sheets, and wiped himself before snuggling with Eli. He knew their time was short, but if this was their last time together, he wanted to spoil Eli until the very last minute. "Of course my love." He laid so that the two of them were facing each other; not wanting to miss a second of his love's handsome face. He wrapped his arms around Eli, snuggling close and listening to the sounds of their breathing. "I love you too." He meant it more than anything he had ever said before. Despite the fact that it was going to crush him when Eli got married, he wanted to stay by his side. Even if it was as a servant and not a lover, he'd gladly take it.

Eli reached out and held his cheek gently rubbing his thumb over his cheek repeatedly. He stared into the bright eyes of his love hoping to stay in this moment forever. He leaned forward pressing his head against Alex’s gently “I wish I could marry you” he said quietly letting it almost echo in the silent room

"I wish I had been born of noble blood so that might be possible," Alex replied. "I've been making a lot of selfish requests tonight, but may I make one more?" He looked at his love's beautiful eyes and felt his heart melt. "Let me stay by your side. In any way I can. I'll serve you until I die, so long as I can be yours. Please." The last word was whispered with so much longing and agony, it was almost painful to say.

Elliot whimpered at the pain in his voice “I will want you by my side as long as I live” he said gently holding his cheek gently “You will forever be the love of my life, no matter if I marry or not, it will always be you” he said and kissed him gently pulling his body close just wanting to be close and kiss for now.

Feeling satisfied that he could be with Eli for just a little while longer, Alex relaxed a bit. He could be satisfied with their agreement, he'd have to be. "I will never marry,' he thought, 'because it will never be you.' He stayed with Eli until the dark sky outside began to lighten, threatening the first rays of dawn. He knew he had to leave. Not only for fear of discovery, but so Eli could sleep. He spent a few minutes more with Eli, slowly coaxing himself out of bed.
It nearly broke his heart been he had to say goodbye, but he promised Eli that he would see him again soon. "Sleep well my love. I'll see you later." They shared one final kiss before Eli put on his clothes, and hopped out the window. He had to leave or they would both be in so much trouble.

It wasn't until he left the palace grounds, nearing his family's house that he felt the tears he'd been holding back finally start to fall. He had by his own hand, taken his heart and shattered it.

Elliot felt his chest tighten as he realised the sun had risen and sat slowly as Alex started to dress biting his lip a little, wishing for eternity so they did not have to part. He kissed him softly savouring the kiss as he watched him go before he crumbled quickly, his chest ached and he found it difficult to breathe as he cried himself to sleep, thoughts of not getting to live his life with his best friend killing him inside. He thought perhaps it would have been better if the feelings had been kept secret, perhaps it wouldn’t hurt as much.

The sun rose on a very unpleasant morning; with Alex not even bothering to go to bed since he would have to be up in a few hours to start chores regardless. He got himself up and around, splashing his face, trying to disguise the fact that he had been crying from his family. If they noticed anything while wrangling the chickens that morning, no one said anything. As they collectively sat down to breakfast, he was blindsided by the conversational opening that his mother started.

"So, Mary tells me that you went to the festival last night with someone~ Should I be preparing to meet any lovely young ladies?" She asked.

Nearly choking on his eggs, he said "Nothing of the sort.'
"Now, if you don't have serious intentions for this person, you had better not lead them on," his father began.
Alex cut his dad off quickly. "Dad, please. I'll manage my own life. Besides, I have someone I love. And I will never betray them.' He stood up and quickly took care of his plate. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to be getting to the palace stables."

Elliot tossed and turned unable to settle enough to sleep, his chest aching, his eyes stinging he sat up. He rubbed his sore eyes and stood dressing in his riding gear, although there were lessons he was meant to be attending this morning he decided to go for a ride instead.

He stroked his horse Zeus’ mane gently before setting him up to ride breathing heavily, still trying to clear the pain settled in his chest. He pulled himself up onto the horse and began to trot out of the stable, stopping when he saw Alex and swallowed roughly and though he had thought he was dry of tears he could feel some falling immediately.

Alex wasnt the only one who took care of the palace 's stables and livery, but he was probably one of the people with the most experience. He had been riding horses almost as long as he could walk. He also fell quite a few times; that's part of how he ended up meeting Eli. Despite what was a deep and passionate love now, it had begun as a passionate rivalry between the prince and he. One day, they sneaked out to the stables to have a competition on who was the better rider,( a race through a relatively safe path in the woods) and it ended up with Alex tumbling from the horse and into the river. He was not a good swimmer, and had almost drowned. But his beloved had saved him; .and he knew he had lost. Not only the contest, but his heart. The pair had gotten into a world of trouble after that, but looking back now it was fond memories.

And because of his childish foolishness, the gorgeous black mare whose mane he brushed had also become well acquainted with him. He was brave enough to try and ride her as a kid, and remained to this day one of the few people who could ride the temperamental equine. He was reminiscing on these thoughts as he worked when he heard the trot of familiar hooves enter the stable. "Good morning," he hummed to Eli, "taking Zeus out for a stroll?"

Elliot wiped at his eyes quickly to rid himself of the tears “Yes, I…I couldn’t sleep so I wanted to clear my head” he said gently biting his lip a little. He was still aching in his bottom from the night prior but it was a good ache, one that reminded him of their time together.

He often thought about the day he had saved Alex, the fear that enveloped him when the boy had fallen into the water and how fast he had been willing to put his life on the line to save him. He knew, he would do the same without a moments hesitation if needed. He would do anything for Alex.

"Yeah, I didn't sleep well either," Alex admitted. He looks concerned, trying to find a delicate way to bring this up, " Are you feeling well enough bto ride?" He didn't want to come right out and say what he meant; only hoped that Eli would understand what he was asking. "If you're feeling up to it, we could go on a ride together?" He patted the mare. "Hilda could use the exercise."

Elliot smiled warmly “Yes, I am perfectly okay to ride” he said softly “Of course you are more than welcome to join me” he said. He felt the electricity between them that he had felt the night before and swallowed roughly. How were they to pretend the previous night had never happened if this is how it would feel whenever they were in proximity of each other.

"I'd love to join you," Alexander said, his face lighting up like the sun. Just seeing Elliot's face was enough to soothe the ache in his heart a little bit. He got Hilda set up and ready to ride; the stubborn mare's demeanor turning into one of excitement when he asked "does the beautiful lady want to go on a walk?"

He was about to get on the saddle when he noticed something on the floor. An envelope with a rathe official seal; indicating it was from the royal family in the kingdom across the sea. He picked it up. "This yours?" He asked uncertainly, holding up the letter.

Elliot shrugged and took the envelope before opening it and reading it, “The princess is delayed and won’t be here for another month or so” he said sighing a little. He led the horse further out looking out on the field and towards the forest.

They were well onto the path by now; far away from any prying eyes or ears. Most people were not venturing outside this early. Alex tried not to be excited with the news; but he couldn't help it. "Another month that I get to keep you to myself , then." He grinned happily at Elliot, looking like a lovesick puppy.

(Hey, sorry, work and uni have been kicking my butt, hopefully I can rp more but I’ve just been tired and mentally drained a little, sorry)

Elliot looked over at the overexcitable man and swallowed roughly before sighing “I…I don’t think we should hang out anymore” he said looking away feeling his own chest constrict tightly even saying the words. He hoped that causing pain now would mean less pain would be caused in the future.

((No no take care of yourself! You need to focus on what important; don't push yourself! I'm in no hurry))

Alex's smile dropped. "Is that what you want? I'll do whatever you ask, so if that's what you wish, I'll obey." But he was clearly hurt about it, despite his promise to obey. It felt like El was going back on his promise to keep him by his side. But then, he was probably making everything worse for El in the moment. He got Hilda to slow down, preparing to turn around and give El some space.

((UPDATE: Not my dumb ass misreading his nickname 'El' as "Eli" and calling him Eli the who time dhdhdh )))

(Thanks and all good about the nickname Id go with either haha)

Elliot sighed shakily and turned looking at Alex, tears welling in his eyes “You know it does not matter what I truly want…but perhaps it will hurt less if we part now than wait a month and have to part then…” he said and wiped at his eyes gently “I love you very much but we both knowing being together is wrong and my father would never let it happen. I can’t hurt you more than I already have and I can’t put you or your family in danger by us being together” he said sadly

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