C My dearest friend (w/ Littleittyboy)

Alex came closer and wiped Elliot's eyes. "You are worth every bit of pain. I want to stay by your side as long as I can." He gave Eli a gentle smile. "But I don't want to hurt you more. If it will spare you more pain, I will take my leave. But if you don't order me to do so, I will continue to pledge my life to you."

Even if Elliot told him not to, to forget him, Alex would not. His family didn't know about his interest, and he would keep it that way.

Elliot leaned into the touch of the other man’s hands “What if someone finds out? They will come after you and your family. I’m untouchable but you’re not” he said scared “Not much terrifies me but losing you or being the cause of the loss of your family does”

Alex strokes his face reassuringly. "My family thinks I still fancy women--I do not think they shall know. We must just be discreet. But a life without you in it isn't worth living. I'll take every moment I can with you." He kissed Elliot's hand gently.

Elliot shook his head “I’m not scared of them finding out, I’m scared if someone finds out they will hurt them to hurt you” he said biting his lip “I know how much they mean to you” he sighed leaning into the touch before he got off the horse and held his hand out to help the other man down

Elliot was right. His family mattered to him more than his life. But so did Elliot. It was selfish of him, but he wanted to have both for as long as he could. He had to be careful. Alex took Elliot's hand and stepped off the horse. Both of them were well trained; they stayed nearby, waiting for the chance to continue the ride. Hilda munched on some wildflowers while she waited for the two lovebirds to finish what they were doing.

"I won't let us be discovered. It's selfish of me, but I can't forget you so easily." He gave El the warmest, sunshine smile he could.

Elliot leaned forward putting their foreheads together and wrapped his arms around the other man’s neck before kissing him gently pulling his body closer as they kissed. He pulled back for a second “I love you” he said softly before kissing him deeply again.

(I was thinking that he gets morning sickness and tenderness in his stomach and the kings doctor looks at him, discovers he’s pregnant, tells the king and the king is mad, forces the doctor to concoct a tea to create a miscarriage but it doesn’t work so then has Elliot on bed rest for the final month of pregnancy saying he is going to get rid of the child as soon as it’s born so when Elliot goes into labour sneaks out and goes to Alex’s home to give birth?)

((Sounds good! I was thinking either that or have a "marriage" with the princess once she discovers the situation. She would be on their side in this; a bit hurt, but she would want them happy. She comes from a place where the royals have lovers and they're well loved and respected as any nobility. After he gives birth on their farm, Violet (the princess) could tell everyone it's hers? So they would have a place in her kingdom if they chose to come back with her))

"I love you too," Alex hummed, kissing El deeply. He was so happy, he kissed him repeatedly, peppering his face with kisses.

((Shall we skip ahead?))

((I suppose we could do that. I was thinking that they could find a small church after he had the baby and they got married there because then maybe it would protect them from his father because if everyone knows then he can’t hurt the family? I’m not sure, just an idea. If you want to skip you can go ahead and start :) ))

Elliot smiled laughing in a carefree way holding the other man close.

((I like your idea! Sounds good!))

The day had finally come. Violet's ship had been delayed, but at last, she was able to set foot on the shores of the new kingdom. The air was warmer and more moist than the crisp, briney air that surrounds her home. But it was something she could get used to. She was excited to finally meet the prince that she had been conversing with via letters. Inadvertently, she had fallen in love with him from their exchange. Despite not knowing what he looked like, she knew in her heart that he was a kind person. It was her greatest hope that her future husband could learn to love and cherish her too--even just a little. Her parents had an arranged marriage, but there was so much love between them.

The royal courier brought with him a letter of notice that the princess' ship had a safely landed and brought it to Eli.

Elliot took the note sighing gently. He had been unwell for days now and everything he tried to eat just came back up but he fixed his clothing up and headed down to meet the princess. She seemed sweet and kind in the letters they had sent to each other but he knew he could never love her liked he loved Alex, they had said their goodbyes a few nights before and had avoided each other the past couple of days to try and get used to it but it was incredibly hard especially with Elliot feeling so unwell, he just wanted to be near him.

The night before the princess was due to arrive, Alex had spent his time with some friends in the tavern, drinking away his sorrows. He didn't want El to see him like that, so pitiful. He buddies were there for him, despite not knowing what exactly was wrong. Someone had speculated that he was involved with a minor noble woman who had played him for a fool and broken his heart. He let that pass as the truth, and was suitably drowned in alcohol by the friend group.
He was so glad he didn't have to work the next day so even in passing Elliot didn't have to see how pathetic he was. He did his usual farm work with a stoic and flawless facade, but he wanted to cry. He missed Elliot so much.

Violet's eyes lit up with undisguised joy when she was formally introduced to Elliot. She kept a respectful air, bowing to him before giving him a warm smile and properly introducing herself. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, your highness."

Elliot bowed back politely “Your highness” he said smiling gently “It’s a pleasure to meet you finally” he said gently “I apologise, I am not feeling up to giving you a tour today but I have one of my friends more than willing to help show you around” he said smiling weakly, his face flushed a little from how sick he felt. The king was near and signalled one of his men over before getting him to go and get the doctor as he knew his son had been unwell for the past few days.

"No, please get some rest and take care of yourself." Violet immediately looked concerned. "Feel better, your highness." Violet was like a beautiful doll; tall and pale with long, curly black hair, pouty lips, and heavy lidded eyes. She broke the doll mask for Elliot though, looking anxious for him. "Do you need any assistance?" For her build she was quite strong, and could probably get Elliot to the medical ward herself.

The doctor was ab older man with a kindly smile and and a receding hairline. He had Elliot sit down on one of the comfy lounge chairs, and asked. "Could you tell me more about your symptoms and how long you have been feeling this way?"

Elliot smiled warmly at her “Thank you, but I am more than capable of going back to the room myself though I appreciate the offer of assistance” he said gently.

He returned to his room where the doctor was waiting for him. He was confused as he had not called for a doctor but sat on one of the lounge chairs in his room. “I’ve been unwell the last several days, vomiting, unable to keep food down, tenderness in my stomach, that type of thing, it’s probably just some time of flu, no?”

Violet nodded, wishing him the best and a speedy recovery.

The doctor frowned, taking his symptoms into account. "Likely, but let's try to rule anything else out. Pardon my indelicacy your highness, but are you sexually active?" He asked.

Elliot felt his cheeks flush as he looked around the room thinking about his response, he knew some royalty were known to sleep around but he had never wanted to be that person, he wanted to be loyal but he loved Alex and couldn’t resist. “I…I was…” he chose to say “Prior to the princess’ arrival today though I will now be committed only to her” he said trying to rationalise it

The doctor nodded, making mental notes. "You said was. How long has it been since your last sexual encounter? And were you using protection?" He asked.

((Since the abortion meds don't work, I was thinking it would be because the doctor botched it on purpose, what do you think?))

Elliot cleared his throat a little “As recently as a week ago, up to about a month ago….we did use protection after the first few times” he said softly

(Yeah, I was just going to go with Elliot vomiting up the concoction after he left)

The doctor nodded, thinking of how to explain this. "Your highness, protection is just as important for those sorts of activities as it is for other physical activity. I think that lack of protection has lead you to some unintended consequences. That is to say, the symptoms you described to me as well as the timeline of your sexual history indicate that you are pregnant."

Elliot swallowed roughly and shook his head “N-no, I couldn’t be” he said softly thought it made total sense. How was he going to tell Alex? How was his father going to react? Just as he thought it, his father banged on the door before entering. “What ails him?” He demanded of the doctor

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