C My dearest friend (w/ Littleittyboy)

Violet sighed and reluctantly put the money away. "Fine, fine. But I have an important question: What is your favorite fruit?" She needed to know because she wanted to bring him the best flavor of teas biscuits when she came back. She smiled at him shyly, thinking he had the cutest dimples when he smiled.

She looked away when she realized she had been staring at him just a bit too long.

Liam laughed gently “Well, does that not depend on the season? Fresh or dried?” He grinned cheekily before blushing a little himself, was he trying to flirt with the princess? She was betrothed! He thought to himself quickly and swallowed roughly looking over to see if Elliot had heard him but thankfully he was looking at something else. He cleared his throat gently “Whatever biscuits you prefer I’m sure I will enjoy” he said looking down at his feet a little nervously

"So I'll have to get you all of them to try," Violet said with a cheeky grin. "Since you didn't tell me which, you get them all." Was she flirting back? Oh gods she was!
"It will be some time before we are able to export the teas, but would you give this proposal to your parents?" She asked, handing Liam a slip of paper with an offer for a hefty sum in exchange for th first order of teas-with her favorite blend being on top of the list.

She side-eyed Elliot, wondering how badly she was doing with this conversation. If it was bad, she was going to hear about it later.

Liam blushed a little, was she flirting back? His heart beat quickly and he swallowed roughly. He nodded reaching for the proposal, his hand brushing hers just for a moment and he swore that electricity ran through the two of them as he took it. “Of course princess” he said gently not even looking at the paper correctly, just staring at her and into her eyes for much too long.

Violet felt the spark too, but tried to ignore it. This whole thing was a bad idea. She would be leaving after Alex and Elliot got married--there was no place for her here. She didn't want to get his-or her-hopes up for the eventuality she would leave. "Thank you," she said with a smile. "We should be leaving now, but I'll be back to let you know my impressions of the tea". And of course the fruit tarts. "Thank you for indulging me today."

Violet turned her attention to Elliot. "Are you ready to go?" She didn't want him to be inside a warm building with that warm cloak on for too long.

Liam pulled himself out of the trance and cleared his throat gently “Of course princess” he smiled gently “For you, anything” he said bowing to her gently before stepping away.

Elliot smiled gently at her, his face flushed with the heat but he did want them to spend as much time together as possible. “Whenever you are princess” he said softly and held his arm out to her gently. He felt slightly vindicated that they both clearly had feelings for each other.

Violet waved goodbye to Liam before accepting Elliot's arm and following him outside. "You're going to try the tea with me, yeah?" She asked, trying to shove a line of conversation in before he could try bringing Liam up. Plus, the smirk if satisfaction on his face made her embarrassed. She couldn't look him directly in the eye. "Where to next? How are you feeling?"

Elliot laughed gently “You mean the tea he made with you specifically in mind? Or the tea he had just created and gave you a sample of?” He teased playfully. “I am okay, I’m quite warm but that seems to be the norm these days” he smiled “What would you like to do Violet? Go back and talk about tea some more?” He said cheekily

"Shush," Violet said, poking him playfully in the side. "I think you should pick something, unless you want me to go buy more baby clothes..." Her eyes lit up. "Oh, well I suppose I need more blue and green yarn for my projet... But if you're ever not feeling well, or need a break, tell me, and we can go back ho-to the castle." She stopped herself from saying home, since it soon wouldn't be.

Elliot chuckled as she jabbed him “We don’t need any more clothes, babies grow incredibly quickly you know” he shook his head smiling “At this rate the child won’t have time to wear the outfits before he grows out of them” he grinned before looking at her sighing “You know…once I marry Alex and become King I can make connections with whomever I like despite marriage. Which means that I can make a deal with your kingdom without having to marry you. You have an older brother who is to be king anyway, what is stopping you from making here your true home? There are plenty of rooms in the castle you can have as your own, you won’t have to leave Liam” he said shrugging gently as they walked together.

"I'll have you know, my project is *not* more baby clothes," Violet huffed playfully.

At the offer to stay, Violet hesitated. "That would be wonderful, but I don't want to impose..." She trailed off, thinking. Not only was she worried about her homeland, but she was worried about Liam. She rolled her eyes. "Leave Liam? I barely know the man." Despite being attracted to him, she was scared. She didn't want to get hurt, so despite her best efforts, there was still a wall inside.

Elliot smiled gently over at her “Violet, this would be in no way an imposition. For one, you have become one of my closest friends over the past several months, you’ve kept my secret and the charade of us up despite not needing to” he said gently “Having a friend like you around my child to help them grow and learn to be part of royalty will help keep him and me sane” he said softly “And probably help Alex too” he said gently “But it’s up to you. And as a perk you will be able to continuing seeing Liam, if you wish” he said softly

((100% their baby needs to be a girl))

((Absolutely! Alex can be the one to have the boy when it's his turn ))

Violet grinned at him. "I would really like that. The two of you have become my best friends --I don't want to leave here." She bit her lip, a bit worried about what to say next. "I suppose that's a really good perk... I guess I'm just a bit scared," she admitted.

Elliot smiled at her warmly “Of course it’s scary, that’s what love is. You think it wasn’t terrifying for me when I started having feelings for Alex? I know what it’s like when so much is expected of you and you fail that perfect idea that you were made for. I mean, my father is still horrified about what’s happening and that’s also scary but do you think for one moment I wouldn’t be scared again for Alex and this little one?” He asked “I would risk my life every day for them, I am doing that now but that fear is so heavily overpowered by the love” he said softly

Violet smiled and squeezed his hand. "Yeah... And your bravery will be rewarded. You two are so cute it's unbearable," She teased. "I can't wait to meet your baby," she added quietly. "And as far as your dad knows, I don't." She made a face at the mention of his dad. "I just wish I didn't have to go through the formality of having a wedding dress tailored for this... It's quite uncomfortable." She wasn't going to wear it for anything, so it was quite a waste getting fitted for the dress.

((How do you feel about the king being another level of horrible and being interested in his "future daughter in law?"))

Elliot smiled gently and sighed “Hopefully he does not become suspicious of us over the next few months, I fear what he would do if he discovered everything” he said gently. “I mean, you could use that dress one day you know” he said grinning at her cheekily.

((Yuck. But yes, story wise it’s good. Maybe after the boys have the baby and marry, and the king could find out about Liam and have him arrested for some bogus charge to ‘get him out of the way’ while he tried to convince her to marry him? Because we could go with the queen being dead too))

((11/10 yes good idea. I like it!))

Violet shook her head. "He won't find out. I just need to keep acting like I adore you -which I do, just differently than before." She rolled her eyes. "Suddenly I'm getting married to him now? She gave him a sly grin regardless.

((Poor poor Violet))

Elliot smiled warmly at her “And I adore you princess” he teased gently before shrugging “Hey, I could see the sparks flying between you, maybe it’s not meant to be but maybe it is” he said smiling at her softly “You deserve it Violet”

((Yes I love an OC I make them suffer. Whoops))

Violet smirked. "Aww, thanks," she hummed. "Well, we'll see what happens okay?"
She sighed and said, "please help me avoid trying on the dress for as long as possible. I have a fitting tomorrow and I don't want to."

Elliot laughed gently “Well, unfortunately you need to seem enamoured with me which means you probably should go with it unfortunately” he laughed gently “I’m sorry”

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