C The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy)

Jace shook his head gently, still not wanting to eat but wanting to placate Charlie enough to leave him somewhat alone.

((Yeah, for sure, should we just leave Charlie and Jace for a while?))

((Up to you! I was going to show what was going on down on Earth as well, but whatever works for you. I was low-key contemplating Charlie getting a bit tipsy and blurting out that Yuni is the god. Something like "Good thing he's the god of fertility and not love... Cuz he's bad at this" ))

Yuni, despite this time of year being his "resting season" was not feeling very well rested. Initially, he was constantly very anxious about Jace, popping in on them daily for hours at a time, at the expense of sleep in exchange for his sanity. And eventually, he was happy to watch Jace and Charlie as they spent time together around the farm. He was so grateful to Charlie for everything. He needed to find a way to repay that man when he returned. Yuni owed him so much for everything he was doing for Jace on Earth. And of course, for him by looking after his most beloved person. The thoughtfulness made him want to cry.
He'd been wanting to cry a lot, lately.
And despite the fact that his mental situation was a little better, he was feeling physically very unwell. Which was quite unusual for him-wnd gods in general. But his stomach was constantly queasy, and he was still very fatigued. Very odd.

((I learned recently that extreme fatigue can be a sign of twin pregnancy ))

((Well, I don’t mind, if you want to do both we can))

Sapphyra was strolling the hall and stopped, once again, looking in on Yuni and the mirror, he had been there almost every day for hours. She went and knelt down next to him “Yuni, this is not healthy for you sweet child” she said gently and touched his back softly “You need to rest, you seem exhausted” she said, not trying to offend him but just noticing his tired face.

Yuni's eyes lit up when he saw Sapphyra, giving her a big smile when she came in. He didn't mean to worry her, so he said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you. I'll try and be a bit better about it." He unconsciously massaged his queasy stomach, trying to I get it to settle down. It had become a habit lately, not that he had really noticed. "I'm just a bit tired, I promise."

Charlie had gotten used to farm work after a few weeks; it was much harder work than he anticipated, but it was also fun an fulfilling. At this point, he had even made close friends with the two dogs. He had gone from being terrified of them to calling them sweet babies and sneaking them treats. He still snuggled in Jace's bed at night, happy to have company and keep him company as well.

Sapphyra smiled softly at him and watched him rub his stomach “Would you like some herbal tea? Is your stomach upsetting you?” She asked gently unsure of why he would feel unwell apart from his tiredness. “Have you been feeling unwell a lot lately?” She asked and stood holding her hand out for him.

Jace didn’t mind having Charlie around, he knew he was definitely feeding his dogs way too many treats but it was nice having a lighter load of farm work to do, especially since he had no appetite still, although Charlie was sweet and warm he wasn’t Yuni. Jace had started to lose a bit of weight but it wasn’t completely obvious due to the clothes he wore.

Yuni took Sapphyra's hand and stood up. "Thank you, I would like some." His face flushed a bit with embarrassment when he realized that she had noticed him doing that. He didn't really even notice himself doing it anymore. "I guess I have been feeling nauseous lately," he admitted. Along with the tiredness, he just chalked that up to his anxiety.

Charlie knew Jace wasn't feeling well. As much as he tried, he wasn't Yuni, and he knew it. It made him a bit sad that he couldn't make Jace smile the way he had been before. He was cooking breakfast when he realized that, and immediately felt guilty at the thought, pushing it aside. He was hoping Jace would try to eat a little more today. On the days he barely ate, Charlie would make him a light barely soup, and things he could drink easily. Especially since it was starting to get cold.

Sapphyra smiled warmly at him and had him follow her to her tea room. She put the kettle on and organised a calming herbal tea to help soothe his stomach. Once she had finished preparing it she gave it to him gently “Drink sweet one” she said softly and sipped at her own humming happily at the taste.

Jace moved around the farm easily, getting as much done as he could before breakfast. He headed inside once finished, washed his hands before he went to the table. He took what was offered in small amounts and pushed most of it around gently, not really eating but trying to satisfy Charlie.

"Thank you; " Yuni said, accepting the tea with a smile. It was the first thing in awhile that didn't make his stomach do flip flops by just the smell. He took a sip and relaxed, loving the taste. "Sorry that all I've done is create anxiety for you," he said looking down at the teacup. "Relaxing is difficult."
He missed Jace. He had no trouble relaxing in his arms or by his side. He knew he was okay, and that should be enough to satisfy him, but it wasn't. His eyes got blurry with incoming tears, and he hastily blinked them away. Oh no. Not again.

Charlie knew he wasn't eating a lot, and therefore worried away at his own plate, probably causing a fair amount of annoyance with his constant tapping of the silverware. "It's getting cold out now, uhm. It'll snow soon, so I have something for you, if you like." He was incredibly nervous when he stood up and handed Jace a fancy looking box. Why was he so nervous? It was just a gift!

Inside the fancy box, wrapped with a beautiful ribbon and folded with care was a new winter jacket. It was soft and fluffy, dyed a deep emerald green, and had beautiful brass buttons. It had clearly cost him a lot.
"I promise I didn't sew this, so it's in good condition," Charlie added, to fill the silence.

Sapphyra smiled gently at him and moved close gently wiping his tears “Sweet one, I understand why you are upset, Jace and yourself have an incredible bond” she said gently “Nothing can break that, no matter time or distance” she said softly. “I have seen many reactions to heartbreak, from anger to pain, to I’ll health, I do not wish that fate for you. You know that you will return in less than two months so what is truly ailing you?”

Jace heard the clinking of the cutlery but chose to ignore it continuing to play with his own food. He looked at Charlie confused when he was handed the box “Why have you gotten me a gift?” He asked gently looking at the box running his fingers along it before opening it gently and removing the coat inside “These such coats are incredibly expensive Charlie, I can’t accept this gift” he said nervously and put it back in the box as gently as possible not wanting to damage it in any way.

Aside from missing Jace, Yuni didn't know. He sniffed, trying to keep it together. "I don't know," he admitted, "Ive been so sad at the tiniest of inconvenience lately." He knew he was a bit maudlin, but it was getting ridiculous. "And I feel sick all the time... I guess I'm more anxious about him than I thought I was..."

"I wanted to thank you for putting up with me," Charlie said. "Please at least try it on? I already bought it, so I can't take it back." He fidgeted with his hair, feeling anxious. "I wouldn't have bought it for you if I didn't want to."

Sapphyra laughed gently “Oh sweet child” she said softly “I think you miss him incredibly because a piece of him is inside you” she said softly and returned to her seat smiling gently “I mean, you are the god of fertility, it would only make sense for you yourself to be fertile” she giggled softly.

Jace shook his head “I really can’t, I’m a farmer I have no where to wear such a lovely thing” he said gently running the material through his fingers gently “You take it” he said pushing the box towards Charlie “Think of it as a present to yourself”

Yuni nearly dropped his tea cup at what Sapphyra told him. "That... That's impossible," he said. The one and only time the two of them had sex he was in his male form... His hand went to his stomach, touching the spot out of reflex where he had been massaging for weeks already. He couldn't be... Did god's get pregnant???

"Please," Charlie said, "it's sized for you." He pushed the box back. "I'll take you somewhere to wear it, if it bothers you that much."

Sapphyra shrugged and sipped at her tea smiling softly “Perhaps I’m mistaken…but you’ve been I’ll, exhausted and more emotionally charged than normal.” She shrugged gently “I feel like those mixed with you being the god of fertility makes it quite likely that you are”

Jace was unsure of what to say looking at the expensive coat before looking back up at Charlie, a little tearfully. “Thank you” he chose to say “I…I haven’t had someone buy me something like this…well….ever” he said being extremely gentle in picking it up and gently put it on

"I'm not saying you're wrong, but.." Yuni began, "when Jace and I were... Together... I wasn't in this body. I was in the human male body. Is it really possible?" He didn't know how to feel. On one hand, he was elated. On the other, he was so scared. How would Jace feel? Jace wanted children yes, but would he still want to have them if it was with him? He had hidden his true identity, and was potentially coming back pregnant...

Charlie grinned happily. "It looks amazing on you. Admittedly, I didn't know which colour to get you. They would all look good on you, so I picked the one that I thought would compliment you the most." He straightened his hair and said, "Now, shall we go somewhere nice to show off your new look?" He asked.

Sapphyra shrugged “I am not sure but despite the fact you were in a human body you are still a god, and a god of fertility for that matter, so to me it seems incredibly likely you are with child” she said gently “Considering your aversion to most foods and my tea had a calming affect on you, I think it could be” she said gently and moved over to him gently placing a hand on his stomach, her eyes glowing for a single moment “Yes, I feel love in there” she said smiling at him.

Jace but his lip looking down on himself. He felt this was so much higher value than he deserved or should be wearing. “Are you sure I don’t look ridiculous?” He asked nervously “I mean, this is for someone who is higher class than me”

Yuni's eyes got all teary at her diagnosis. "A baby," he breathed, feeling happy tears form in his eyes and fall down his cheeks. He massaged the spot, where a tiny little bump was forming. "I hope your daddy will be happy to know about you."

"You look incredibly handsome," Charlie said, "if I saw you in a bar I would go up to you and buy you a drink."

((Gonna go eat brb ))

Sapphyra stood and smiled gently at him “Yuni, he will forgive you, your love is incredibly strong, one of the strongest I have felt in a long time” she said gently “And you know he has always wanted a family so he will be ecstatic I’m sure” she said softly

Jace felt himself blush a little and shook his head “Don’t be ridiculous” he said, a little shyly. He buttoned the coat up gently “Where should we go?” He asked softly.

((All good, I have work in an hour and a bit so I won’t be on much longer today))

Yuni beamed at her, feeling better now that he has answers. He hugged Sapphyra, feeling like he could finally relax a little bit. "Thank you." He blushed, hearing her praise of him and Jace. "well, I definitely love him so very much.."

"Where would you like to go?" Charlie asked. "I know a very nice pub on our side of town," he offered. He knew better than to suggested the rich side of town, despite wanting to take him there and prove he was just as good. "They make an incredible house cider and the food is heavenly ~"

((Ah fun fun. ))

Sapphyra hugged him gently and soothingly rubbed his back “I know sweet child and soon you will be reunited” she said gently

Jace rubbed his neck awkwardly “I don’t really do the going out thing so, wherever you think is nice, I’m happy to go there” he said fiddling with the edge of his coat nervously

"I'm always in your debt, it seems like," Yuni said, laughing. "You always know just what to say when I've gotten everything all mixed up and anxious. Thank you. You're amazing and wonderful."

He was excited to see Jace, he knew he had more time to wait, but he felt that the wait might be a bit easier now. Now that he knew he had brought a piece of Jace with him, he didn't feel so disconnected from him anymore. He still missed him, but maybe he should stop worrying so much. Charlie was there with him. A yawn surprised him, not expecting to actually feel sleepy now that he was relaxed.

"Alright, " Charlie said, linking arms with Jace, "I'll take you to my favorite pub." And without waiting for protest, he excitedly headed out the door into the frosty air towards the town. "It'll be my treat so don't even think about prices, okay?"

Thanks to Yuni, they made a lot of money this harvest season. And he thought it was only appropriate to take Yuni's lover out for a good time with that money.

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