C Teacher's Mistake

Nathan thanked the woman pleasantly.
"Thank you for your acceptance and kind words, Director..." He replied, and then stood up carefully, and then he was reminded. "I have a question... A little silly, but... My belly is getting bigger. If I wear slightly more comfortable clothes will it be okay?"

“I don’t see why I shouldn’t be”, Irene began, “just make sure they are slightly formal, maybe a plain white top or a polo?” She smiled at Nathan before saying goodbye and getting back on with her work.

Nathan grabbed some folders from his desk and then brewed himself some herbs. With his mug and folder, he started walking to class. He now had lessons with the last class.

The last class happened to be Taylor’s. He and the rest of his class were sat waiting for the teacher to show up, he was too busy talking to his mates to notice Nathan enter.

Nathan walked into the classroom, where he set his mug on the desk and took out his utensils from his briefcase. He immediately looked at the class.
"Dear friends... Before we begin, I wanted to announce something to you," he replied and stood in the middle of the class, "I am expecting a baby.... That's why I wanted to expect understanding from you."

Taylor only noticed the teacher had entered once the class had gone silent, he hadn’t heard what had been said though. He turned to his mate and elbowed him, “what was said?”, he asked. Once he had gotten the answer, he pretended to act shocked, “whaaaat”.

Nathan looked around the classroom. Reactions varied, but nevertheless most sent him smiles.

The boy sitting in front of Taylor did not hide his amusement. He quietly commented.
"I wonder who wanted to fuck such a person.... Yuck!"

Taylor was disgusted with how he reacted. At his school he was known not just for his looks but also his kindness. Many thought of him as the ‘kind popular boy’ stereotype that everyone has in their school. A couple of people who heard it glanced over at Taylor knowing it wouldn’t please him to hear someone be so nasty.

“Oi”, Taylor called out, “who gave you the right to say something so disrespectful, especially whilst you look like that”.

The boy stiffened. He didn't manage to say anything more. Fortunately, Nathan did not hear it.

"Thank you for your kind reception of this information.... Now let's turn to page 269," he said, opening the manual, "Anyone want to do this task?"

Taylor took the boys silence as a win, hopefully they wouldn’t be so nasty again.

Just because him and the teacher were in a relationship does not mean he would answer questions in class and so Taylor did not offer to answer it, instead watched as the nerd began to get excited.

Nathan stroked his tummy gently as he sat back in his chair and watched the student solve the task.
"Okay... How about now that we have a few minutes.... I'll give you back your final tests?" he offered and pulled out a bundle of graded tests.

Taylor sat up in his seat a little, he knew that he had greatly improved in math now and so he wouldn’t have failed. He watched as the papers were handed out until it got to his turn.

Nathan approached him with a small smile. He handed him a piece of paper.
"You made an effort Taylor.... Let's keep it up," he praised him sincerely.

Taylor cheered, “fucking finally”, he exclaimed, before realising he had sworn, “sorry sir”, he blurted out.

Nathan laughed quietly. When everyone already had a piece of paper and was returning to his desk he suddenly let a few pieces of paper out of his hands by accident. He bent down to pick them up. His sweater then became slightly exposed showing a small bump.

Taylor caught sight of the bump and smiled to himself, he will definitely be holding that layer. It looked like it had grown a lot since he had last seen it.

Nathan returned to a standing position with a sigh. His back was already a little sore at this stage.
"If you have questions, ask away. The lunch break bell is about to ring."

Taylor waited for the bell to ring and rose with everyone else, he turned to his friends and explained that he wanted to ask a couple of questions about the paper so they didn’t wait for him.

Nathan was putting his desk in order when he noticed Taylor. He checked to make sure they were in a comfortable position. No one was there.
"Unhappy with the grade?" he asked him

“No I’m so grateful”, Taylor began, “but I noticed something when you bent down earlier, lift up your shirt quick”

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