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12-12-2023, 09:24 PM
The room was quiet and dark regardless of being New Year's eve. Even from the attic and with her headphones on, Rhona could still hear some noise from the extravagant party her parents would always host for the festivities for friends and neighbors.
Sometimes she wondered why she kept coming home for every holiday. Her parents always went big for every ocassion and Rhona was not one to feel comfortable around large groups of people, hence the reason she was hiding in the attic watching a science fiction show, when everyone was downstairs dancing and drinking in celebration of the new year to come.
She had popcorn, cans of Coke in the mini fridge and a small bowl with the twelve grapes it was tradition in her family to eat once the clock stroked the twelve bells at midnight. She didn't need anything else to enjoy herself. She was more at ease in her own, a big reason she became an IT developer, for it meant she could do a lot of the work alone or even from home.
A sudden noise close by made her pause her show and take off her headphones. She calmes seeing it was her little brother's friend. Daniel had been bringing the guy home for every holiday since he started college two years ago. She relaxed as she saw the familiar face of the young man "I would ask if you're looking for the bathroom, but you've been here si many times before, Im sure you know its down stairs." she said with a soft smile. "Pop corn?" she offered wondering what would have made him come up, when she was sure downstairs was more entertaining for the young man. "Everything okay?"
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Ryan had always appreciated the sentiment behind his college friend Daniel inviting him back with his family for the holidays, especially since his family was on the other side of the country and it was difficult to make the trip. Despite that, he felt a little uncomfortable. He was always more introverted and quiet, and being around people that were so boisterous and celebratory was a little intimidating for him. The past few holidays he’d been feeling this more and more. Maybe it was his studies stressing him out, but he just felt the need to take a breather.
Where Daniel was more outgoing and friendly, Ryan was more quiet and reserved. Funnily enough he often felt like he had more in common with Daniel’s older sister Rhona. Especially since he decided to pursue a degree in computer science.
Looking around the party hearing people excitedly talk about New Year’s resolutions he realized she was absent. “She’s probably upstairs escaping from all this” he chuckled to himself.
Excusing himself from the group he was talking to by saying he had to use the restroom he made the trek upstairs.
Finally creaking open the door to the attic he saw her sitting on the couch with her popcorn. She had always been cute in his eyes. She had a kindness and understanding to her demeanor that made him feel at ease.
“Yeah some popcorn would be great,” he said taking a seat on the other end of the couch. “Yeah I’m fine, just sometimes it feels like sensory overload during these parties ya know?” After saying that he reclined a bit on the couch, raising his legs up on the coffee table. “Oh I know the bathroom is downstairs, I just also know this is a nice quiet place to sneak away for a bit. I hope you don’t mind” he said after a chuckle and smiled her way.
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Rhona handed him the bowl with the pop corn and a soft smile came to her lips in understanding as Ryan talked about feeling overwhelmed at such a large party. He knew him to be more quiet than Daniel, but she had wrongly assumed he did enjoyed a more noisy celebration as the rest of her family did. "I know, I never know that to. Do around so many people. It jsut feels... Safer up here. Yet I must admit I thought you enjoyed them as much as Daniel does" she said looking at him with curisity of this new found aspect of him, she shyly combed her fiery red hair back to get it out of her eyes.
"I usually stay alone up here, but I have coke and candy enough for two. You might do need to go downstairs for your own grapes though" she said looking at the clock and seeing they still had some hours to go before midnight. "I was watching Doctor Who to catch up, but we can do some other thing" she offered knowing few people would be up to watch what she liked. "Hope my brother is being a good host?" she asked trying to make some conversation yet knew and felt she was peobably being akward and that made her esrs turn as red as her hair.
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12-12-2023, 11:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-12-2023, 11:48 PM by
Ryan really appreciated how she made an effort to make him more comfortable. The way she combed her hair out of her face and looked in his face when talking to him almost put him in a trance. After a few seconds he knew he should say something. “Oh yeah… I think most people think I’m more outgoing than I am. I think I just push myself to at parties like this because I’m grateful to be invited at all.” He looked down for most of that sentence, but right at the end looked up and locked eyes with her again.
“Thanks for the offer, I think I’ll grab a coke actually” he said softly, grabbing one from the fridge and walking back to the couch, sitting down, noticeably more directed at Rhona now. “Actually, I came up here hoping to talk to you,” he said nervously. “I feel like we have a lot in common and to be honest most of the conversations downstairs are so vapid.” His heart started to beat faster saying it, but he meant it. Out of everyone at this party they clearly had the most in common. Nervously waiting for her response he realized he needed a bottle-opener for the coke bottle, and when asking for it she quickly handed it to him, with their hands pausing for a moment as they exchanged the opener.
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Her green eyes would look back at him as she listened to him. He had a deep voice wich was easy to eat, yet she felt as he was getting inside her head or reading up her feelings for she felt identified to what he was talking about. "For a time I tried too. Would let my roomate take me to parties or helpes my mom organize hers. They would often tell me it would get better, that I had to practice, but after years of that, I just.. Well I got to be comfortable with myself and decided it was better to stop trying so hard to be someone I'm not " she paused for a moment realizing she was talking of very personal things out of nowhere with her little brother's friend. She took a deep breath noticing she was nervous too, she could feel it on the tip of her stomach and how it was closing on her.
" You said that if it was a surprise my brother would invite you over. Im sure he does it gladly and that other friends would invite you as well if he didn't. At least well, Im glad he does.." she said suddenly una le to look at his eyes and felt relieved to be asked for the bottle opener and have an excuse to look away.
She was starting to feel frantic. What was going in with her? Ryan had been over many times for two years now. She had often enjoyed a little chat or playing video games with her brother and Ryan, so why was she this nervous?
Her hand paused as it made contact with Ryan,again she felt something and even if her first reaction would be to take her hand back, she left it there curious to what was stirring in her Ryan's presence at the moment. "its funny you think we got things in common. I never considered that" she hadn't as he was so young, just her brother's age "Now I feel quite worried to dissapoint too, if you find downstairs vapid" she said with a nervous chuckle.
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Ryan sat and listened intently. He was honored she was opening up so much. Everything she was saying felt like a description of himself. He just nodded sincerely, waiting for her to finish her thought. Once she did he remarked “Wow, it feels like you’re speaking about me haha.”
Hearing her kind remark about being invited over he said “I am too. I’m always glad to come, regardless of the parties.” With that last line he glanced from her eyes to her lips for just a brief moment. He felt something stirring in him, a feeling that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. A feeling telling him this was a chance for something special.
As he heard her talk about her fear of being vapid and couldn’t help himself, he wasn’t sure of what was happening to him. He was never usually so bold, but there was something about this moment that made him know what he wanted, and what to do. It felt alien to him, but it felt good.
They locked eyes again as she finished her thought, her red hair falling in front of her face again. “Not once have I ever thought anything you’ve said or done, is vapid Rhona,” he said deeply and softly, moving her hair out of her face with his hand and leaving his hand on the side of her face for just a second longer than was necessary, just to let her know his intentions clearly.
He was close to her now, but he wanted to be closer. He leaned in, and saw her close her eyes, he knew now, without a doubt, that she wanted it just as much as he did, and that emboldened him further.
He closed his eyes now as well, and they kissed.
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It was like falling. One second you're up the next you're on the floor. For Rhona, it went like that, they were talking and now they were kissing. It was nice and warm, natural even. Her head was racing as her inner voice was trying to yell this was a bad idea.
"We... Shouldn't" she said reeling as they broke apart. "I mean... You're Daniel's friend, still in college... Do you even know how old I am?" she usually looked younger and knew if he knew her age he wouldnt be kissing her and much less in such a manner. It had been more than te years since she had been in any real relationship back to when she was in college herself.
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I'm 34" she said as if it was a life sentence, for in a way it felt like that
She knew in the end age didn't matter much, but she was aware they were both in different times of their lives. She already had a steady carrer, her own home with a morgage and all what comes with being a adult. Ryan was just starting in that path, to her it seemed insensible to not see all of that.
Rhona could tell he seemed what to do or say. Or at least he seemed less scared than she was. "wait you mean?" she asked in almost a whisper "are you drunk?" she asked thinking for a moment this might be a cruel joke. "Ryan its not if I want to or not. Otsomlre if its smart or not. You're a good kid, but Im sure we want different things. I do to want to make things akward when you come for the holidays and much less cause problems between you and my brother." she said for surely he would agree with her.
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"No? If I had been a crazy teenager could have a child your age" she pointed out yet she was feeling silly by trying to rationalize what was happening and what she was feeling.
"I don't know... Maybe yes you need to be drunk to want something with me" she said for she wasnt exactly what men went for, and her past showed that. She felt breathless as he kissed her once more and this time she leaned into the kiss even if her mind was still trying to come up with more arguments to stop this. She felt her body become warm and quickly reacting to how he was touching her.
"Ryan... What do you really want? Because if youre just feeling lonely tonight of this is some game... You should go." she said looking into his eyes. She was ntl someone that simply slept with a man. She needed to feel safe in what she was getting herself into.
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Yet again, her firmness in asking what he wanted just revealed more of her vulnerable side to him. He could tell she was nervous, and afraid of what could happen. Looking in her eyes he saw a woman any man would be crazy to not want. He held her hand in his and spoke softly, “it’s funny Rhona, I’ve always thought you were beautiful, and kind. I am most certainly sober, and this is most certainly not some game to me. I know doing this sounds crazy, but I don’t care. Whoever needs to be drunk to see how great you are is an idiot.” He put his hand on her lower back and pulled her into a hug. “You’re someone special to me, not some trophy to win.”
He felt her melt in his arms, she nuzzled against him, letting out a slight moan. This emboldened him further, and he leaned against her neck, whispering again “I want you Rhona…” she felt his warm breath against her neck as he started to softly kiss it as he pulled her closer to him.
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Things were going too fast, she was trying to get a gripe and understand were she stood in all of this but found herself falling into the unknown with every word and touch Ryan would give her.
Her mind was still screaming it was a bad idea yet it only felt natural for Ryan to keep touching her. He was quick and she gasped in delight as he kissed her neck and pulled her closer. Rhona could feel him grow warm agaisnt her.she began to follow him kissing his lips as she could feel his hands were already seeking to undress her. "Wait... We aren't silly youngesters... Im on the pill. What about you?" she asked dizzy as her brain struggled to keep being responsible. She wasnt with anyone, yet took the pill due to other medical reasons to regulate her cycle. She had no idea if Ryan was a man who could carry, but she figured better to ask and be safe. It would be stupid otherwise.
"Also... Anyone can walk on us here. We should go somewhere we can have privacy" she said even if she leaned once more to kiss him as she now waited to hear his answers "you don't have a girlfriend waiting for you in campus or something?" she was fine having someone casual yet not with a taken man. Worse with such a young adult.
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He felt her warmth against him, his hands starting to explore her body. He had always known that he wanted this, ever since he first met her, but only now did he realize how much he needed it. They paused from the kissing and he looked at her face as she expressed concern over contraception. He non-chalantly spoke back to her “Rhona no man in my family can carry, I don’t even worry about that. I’m not worried about a pregnancy here, especially if you’re on the pill.” He finished that last sentence with intermittent kisses along her neck, moving down the middle of her chest, stopping just above her cleavage.
She stopped him again, asking for more potential reasons to stop, seemingly trying to convince herself to stop more than him, because deep down, she knew she needed this, he thought.
“No, no girlfriend back on campus, I’ve been too focused on my work. Also, you came up here because no one ever comes up here, especially during parties.” He looked at his watch and chuckled again reassuringly. He moved closer to her now, causing her to lean back flat against the couch as he kept kissing her neck, and spoke again, “besides, it’s only 30 minutes until New Years, no one is coming up here.” He started kissing her soft lips again, feeling them quiver with arousal, “you have me all to yourself Rhona…” his hands started to tease her lower back, and he slid them under her soft ass, grabbing it softly. He grunted into her ear: “Rhona, do you want this?”
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Rhona felt a rush of emotions go through her body, and closed her eyes as she kissed back testing the field not only in how she herself felt but to begin to learn how Ryan responded to her. She was not wearing a dress like most of the other female atendees, she was in comfortable sweats ideal to snuggle in and watch a scify marathon. She felt relief in hearing a pregnancy was not posible from his side and she was covered. That made her feel safe and more in control of what was happening.
She listened as he assured her there was no formal partner from his side,trying to decide if he was being truthful. Men could lie their way into sex, yet by what she lndsrlf Ryan she quickly discarded that posibility.
She gave in as he gently nudged her to lay down in the couch. She was nervous, but curious as she looked up to him "you're right, we are safe here..." she conceded and chuckled at his question "for some stupid reason I do... I don't know what this is" she said meaning how he was on top of her already "but... Im willing to try this, see where it takes us" she said softly looking at him. She was not playing any games. She felt too old to just let go of inhibitions for no good reason. She felt there was a potential of something here, dventif Ryan was much younger. He was right, they had a lot un common and she did enjoyed his company.
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It felt incredible to hear her say those words. The girl he’d sneak glances at as they played games together, the girl he’d always look forward to seeing every holiday, the girl he’d always felt connected to, was just laying down on the couch, looking up at him with her beautiful eyes, telling him she wanted him.
“We don’t have to know what this is Rhona, we just have to know we both want it.” He felt the most confident he ever had, like he could conquer the world. He slid his hands under her sweater as he kissed her neck, feeling her bra. She was bustier than he had imagined. She had always dressed so layered up that this was often something he wondered about. He heard her gasp into his ear as he started to massage them. She spread her legs and he was lying between them now. Whispering between kisses, “your body is incredible, anyone who wouldn’t want you insane.” He massaged her chest for a few moments longer relishing this moment before he gestured for her to take it off.
He was so ready for this. As she was getting ready to take it off he saw her eyes glance below his chest when he leaned back. He just now realized how aroused he was. It was clearly visible through his pants.
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She chuckled "I think you're mad" she said still in disbelief he not only had noticed her, but liked her. He was in college and was handsome. He surely could easily get some girl his own age, yet here he was, saying nice things to her eat, in her attic, making her forget all her plans for the night.
Rhona had a nice body, even if she was a bit short and had a constelation of freckles over her shoulders and back. She moaned as he took a feel of her breasts. It was a sensible área for her, just as her hips and thighs. She sat up in order to take her sweater and shirt off. She was surprised by his fast he was ready. She could tell he had a full erection by now in his pants. It even looked painful. "May I?" she asked asking permission to get him out of his pants in order to aid him so he would be more comfortable.
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He paused after she said those words and just marveled at her body after she took off her sweater. She was so beautiful. He wanted nothing more than to rip that bra off her with passion, to take her here and now, but he knew she was inexperienced from her nerves, so he needed to take it slow.
She only had to ask permission once, as right when he heard her say that he unzipped his pants and took them off. He also unbuttoned his shirt and opened it. It was his turn to lean back on the couch now. He leaned back on the couch with his legs bent slightly. He was just in his underwear and unbuttoned shirt now. Ryan was erect at a 90 degree angle from himself, his penis straining against the fabric. He was so aroused it almost hurt. He looked between his legs to see her moving closer, her ample cleavage gently rocking back and forth as she crawled to him. He looked at her longingly, repeating his words from earlier, “I’m all yours Rhona…”
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Hesitant seeing he took charge of the pant situation, Rhona camd closer as he laid down seemkngly letting her take the top role. Her hands came to his waist and gently made him lkft his hips just enough for her to bring down his underware down. She got a bit nervous seeing hie the member was indeed fully erect and throbbing.
"Ryan you.. Should know I haven't been with anyone like this in a very long time." she needed him to go slow, just by looking at him, she knew she would need him to be patient when he went in. "does it hurt?" she asked as she came over to him sitting o his lap and her fingers gently stroked the erection hoping that would help her now lover. She liked his body, he had muscle to his frame, whilest she was a bit chubby.
She took off her own pants and panties before sitting on him again "I'm a bit scared Ryan.. Of either of us getting hurt" by her voice it was clear she meant both emotionally hurt and physically hurt.
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He looked up at her. Seeing her straddle him talking about how she didn’t want anyone to get hurt made him go crazy. He wanted her so much. He knew he had to be careful and soft though. She needed it just as much as him, but she also needed him to be delicate. Her soft fingers rubbing over his pulsing erection made him softly buck his hips into her hand. As she did so his hand drifted towards her crotch, teasing and playing with her vagina he could hear her whimper and grind slightly against his fingers. She was wet.
“That’s okay Rhona, it’s completely fine if you haven’t been with anyone in some time. Just only focus on this, and everything will be okay.” He moved his fingers a little quicker now. “No one is going to get hurt here. I’ll make sure of that. With that she leaned over and kissed him again.
His other hand drifted up to gently tease her nipple as his other continued to finger her softly. As her hand drifted up and down his shaft he was starting to go crazy with sexual energy, but he had to make sure she was ready. He paused their kiss, looked in her eyes, and said deeply, “Are you ready?”