Posts: 2,884
Threads: 44
Joined: May 2016
Sex: Female
Relationship Status: In a relationship
Location: "At my rightful place, which is "King Nitrogen's" side, kneeling before him or simply, in his lap. Those places are where a true "Brood-mare" belongs, until said otherwise by such a masculine "Man".
Sexual Orientation: To be honest, I am quite deeply Detached in real-life, riddled by severe-dissassociative/brutal BDSM-addictive tendacies to an extremely persistence and long-standing Anti-socialness by nature, but still clinging to signs of what Humans call by word as "Hope", as if so to say I suppose .. erm .. ~Pokes nearby balloon, humming to pass time quicker ..~ So .. um .. merp .. merp ...
Carrier/Seeder: Carrier
12-16-2023, 05:18 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-16-2023, 07:31 AM by
Jayde was truly hopeful, extremely hopeful of the outcome while knowing that her beloved Becca was a completely understanding soul, the same as she had vividly remembered after all this time, a soft smile of adoration, trust and sincerity was upon her face but as she noticed the tomato redness forming upon her girlfriend's face it had became uncertain, faded.
Completely .. faded.
She felt her thoat seem to dry as a drought burdened desert, doing so upon reaction as she saw the frightening sight of Becca's hands clench, responding in a way that was abnormal of her, yet completely justified when they became fisted in a clear show that she was unfamiliar with. She felt a flood of emotions bombard her mind and body, and overwhelmed by it all she responded with one, fear, backaway, a few steps or so, gathering an ample amount of space between the two of them.
She heard the long, deep outwardness of breath, dreading what had occurred next because her beloved Becca and her.
"B-Becca .. w-what are you sayin? I am not u-ungrateful .. you are! .. no! that came out wrong! I wasn't thinking! I mean .. I-I love you .. I-I do but I just .. I-I just .." She tried to explain, filled with more sadness than rage, rage was something what she should have felt toward Becca but yet .. it could not be channeled into such an emotion as it should have been.
As much as she wished to explain, to make it all make sense to her enraged beloved, now all shit seemed to break loose and bullets were directed at her.
"Becca please! j-just let me e-explain! .. please!" She stammered, trying to keep up with the swift speaking of her girlfriend, feeling her body shrinking in trueness of natural size, making her feel much much much more smaller than she truly was and before she could further react she experienced something she never experienced from Becca, that something was in the form of unfamiliar, a.k.a a strike to the face.
At first it sent her reeling, causing her to stumble, and in terror she tried to cower, to reach the corner of a wall or even the door of their apartment but was gripped by her hair causing a sharp, startled yelp to depart from her lips.
"B-Becca please .. y-you are hurting me! Im sorry, ill leave you alone to cool off, just let me leave and I promise to apologize more later." She whimpered, touching her mouth to find that it was stained by blood, causing her eyes to widen and her breathing to speed up, lips agape in a silent gasp. "B-Becca .. I .. I am bleeding .. I am bleeding!" She began to panic, her anxiety causing her body to overreact, and sending her into a frantic bolting for the door once more.
As she was hit a second time by a slap she was brought down, causing her to scramble back into the groove of the couch that she was now dazed upon her side upon, quickly, she cowered once more, trying to appear smaller than she actually was, feeling as if a little girl-child being scolded for taking a piece of candy that wasn't of her ownership from her mother's purse.
"This is bad .. Jayde was bad .. very bad." She said aloud, a quivering whimper to her voice. "I know you dont forgive me but I am sorry. So very .. very sorry .." She said the last word as a whisper, her fear taking hold. Her body tensed up tight, each bone devoid of all movement, her eyes directed downward and her mouth dripping with both new and old leftover blood that she tasted.
"Becca .. I .. I felt .. I just felt .." She tried to say, teeth stunned and painfully aching within the spaces of her gums which were all stained a crimson red, eyes tearful and wide as a deer blinded by the glare of headlights but her mind was at a complete and utter bllank.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.
A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Silent Feather