C Man of my (wicked) dreams. [Closed with SilentFeather]

Brandon knew Jin too well to know he was lying through his teeth, but for now decided to brush it off and approach other topics instead.

"No, don't bother making dinner," Brandon refused. "I actually just came to pick you up. You're moving in with me today," He stated, sure of himself as usual, determined.

"You'll be carrying my child soon, and I want you to be as near to me as possible. Plus, that way I won't have to drive all the way here, you know it's better if you come with me," He tilted Jin's chin up and pecked his lips.

"If you do want to make me happy, get out of the damn bed already and pack some stuff for tonight," Brandon commanded. "I'll send someone to pick up the rest of your stuff tomorrow morning. Got it?"

Jin, now nicknamed and titled "Jinny" by her beloved Daddy, lit up as he experienced a rush of flooding emotions, all coming toward him at once.

He was rather unprepared for the next few minutes, that was because of the man known as Daddy Brandon placing his hand beneath his chin, tilting his chin upward and lastly .. placing a rather alluring kiss upon his vulnerable pale but coy, innocent lips, rendering him breathless, numb and rather, stone-limbed as well as body.

He nodded swiftly for a matter of three times while answering just as quickly, stutter like but all-agreeing, a sure sign of his listening to affirmation of command before arising from the bed, ignoring his badly tingling legs and persevered, coping through the awkward sensation like a goddamn soldier he was meant to be for his Daddy. His Brandon.

He proceeded with opening every drawer, cabinet and even boxes and retrieving only the essentials, a few articles of clothing, a black and red long sleeved shirt with black pants, a deeply cherished green sweater and a few more articles of self-stitched clothing hat his Nana gave to him before she passed away *God rest her soul ..* he thought to himself, sighing inwardly of mental utterance, gathering all into a wheeled suitcase before briskly walking over to his Daddy, forgetting that he was half dressed. "I am ready now Daddy Brandon! .." He smiled affectionately, playfully Minx like like a mere lad ever would be for his bestest Papa.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Once his pretty toy was all packed up and stood before him looking the happiest he'd ever seen him, Brandon patted the top of his head and chuckled.

"Actually, you better put on some decent clothing. I don't feel like having others see you walking around half naked," He stated, taking Jin's suitcase with ease and looking at him. "Daddy's going to carry this for his little girl," He pecked him on the lips and marched away.

"I'll wait for you in the car."

Brandon did just that, and when Jin went inside the car, he placed a possessive hand on his thigh and drove towards their new home.

Jin nodded excitedly, looking down for a moment with a deep rose red blush upon his face. He got dressed in a long red hoodie and dark navy blue jeans that he saved in case he was ever to leave anywhere on the road. Now was a valid enough reason, and now was a moment to show off his physique.

He bolted out to the car within minutes, a smile upon his face beaming brighter than the sun itself. He got in the car and shut the door, nuzzling up next to his beloved Daddy Brandon as they cruised. He wondered if he would have to wear a collar, he wanted to reveal to all that he was now "Owned", not caring if his friends thought negative of it.

"Mmm .. Daddy .. you are so warm, I love snuggling up with you. You are all the heat I need. Can I um .. make you a bit hotter while we you know, cruise?" He blushed, coming up with an idea that seemed a bit bold for himself but it was worth it if he could hear his Daddy's voice over and over again. "I want to ya know .." He clears his throat softly, swallowing shyly, nervously but confidently.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Brandon agreed to Jin's bold idea, but kept his power over him ever so present.

After that, they arrived to their new home and Brandon guided Jin inside, placing a hand on his bottom back.

"I hope you like it," He smirked, kissing the side of Jin's face as he went to take his toy's stuff to the bedroom they would share.


Jayden's girlfriend stood by her door, gathering up enough courage to knock on the door. After all, Jayden called because she "needed to tell Becca something very important".

Becca had felt the distance between them for far too long and maybe this was the end.

She took a deep breath and knocked on the door finally. She was so very unaware of what Jayden was about to confess.

The door slid open and her eyes fell upon Jayden, "Hi, you wanted to see me?" She asked, perhaps a bit shyly, not knowing what to expect when Jayden looked so... broken.

Jin, who now too up the titling of "Jinny" had joined Brandon, his Daddy into the following of walking to his car, getting into the passenger seat and buckling up.

He glanced at his apartment from the passenger window, swallowing silenty, weakly, heaviy but did not voice his emotional concerns. After all, they no longer mattered, he was now "Owned' status and Brandon was his well "Her" Master and whatever he meant .. had been "law" now. No "if's" "ands" or "buts" about it.

Such was the life of a slave. He was no longer a free-man he was now .. Jinny the breeder and Jinny the whore. But anything was worth forgetting about being moneyless, living day by day and having friends who did not care about him. and Jayden .. dont get him started about her ..

As he brooded of his unfairly fucked up existence he was snapped from his thoughts as a hand of familarity was pressing and laying itself to rest upon his back, he cleared his mind further by slightly shaking his head, trying not to gain unwanted attention and cued in to what Daddy Brandon was speaking of, only getting bits and pieces of the lecture.
"Like it?" .. "new room"

He became wide awake as the side of his face was presented by a slight kiss from Daddy, but it alone was more than enough to supercharge him. He was like Juliet the fair maiden and Daddy Brandon was Romeo but modern styled and Era. Sadly .. it had to be of modern times. Upon reaching his room he smiled, eyes lighting up brighter than the sun itself. He never shared a bed before but that would be a challenge he would be more than happy to overcome if it meant he could sleep beside and cuddle with Daddy Brandon.

He hoped he would have been gifted with a collar of some kind to present himself further as "Owned" to others, including other men who would prey upon him or even stalk him.

"OOH! Oh thank you Brand- I mean Daddy Brandon! uhm .. that aheh .. will get some being used to to address you by .. my bad .." He smiled graciously, only for it to fade upon realizing his mistake and recorrected by a swift clearing his throat, biting his lower lip and gnawing upon it with the tips of his teeth, a habit he often engaged in when a mere boy but did not know he did such.

- - -


Jin's closest friend and childhood companion was in her own kind of emotional hell, she was pacing from one side of her apartment to the other, thoughts of many and restless upon her mind. Her heart was a mess, beating furiously within her heavily rising and falling chest so violently she feared it would either explode, rupture open or simply .. cease function or in other words, stop in it's tracks.

Like Becca, Jayde had also sensed an inner tension and in suit did cause a rift between them and further distance one from the other.

She turned toward the door, swallowing hard in response to the familiar knocking upon it's sturdy dark earthen brown wood. Instantly she regretted making the call, but answered the door, after walking stiffly to it first with numb, stone heavy trudging of feet. Today she was wearing a dark black hoodie, dark black tanktop with an ensambling of dark black sneakers, something that Becca always grew to recognize when Jayde was conflicted or heavily conflicted of thoughts and self-worth. Something was wrong as Jayde had to address before successfully pursuing forward in her train-wreck of a young life. She may have been in highschool but she knew when enough was enough and honestly .. it was.

"Becca .. just the gal I always love to see and hold in my arms and close to my heart .. I had wanted to do this over the phone but I think- I think .. we should chat a bit ..I - Is that alright? okay .. you see .. th -- the thing is that I kind of .. I kind of ... c-cheated .. on you with a guy .. and I took a pregnancy test and I am kinda .. well you know. Dont need to spell it out for ya, wow .. now that ya hear it outloud from yourself it really sounds quite .. selfish and absorbed and uh .. I know it sounds cray, ludacris even but I want you to know I apologize and I .. love you ..we can raise him or her together, as a real legit couple .. can we just .. go back to the way it was before .. all this went down, when you and I could not keep our hands off of eachother? .. please .. what do ya say, babe?" She spoke fast, her mind jumbled with thoughts that her body tensed up by what she heard herself say. She rubbed the back of her head as if a male would when they knew upon realizing they had blundered, then her lower arm in an up and down motion as her eyes also apologized with a desperation to them non-verbally.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Becca stood there, expecting anything, absolutely anything and everything, but not this. She couldn't even believe her own ears as Jayden's words kept hitting every cord, charging up her anger the more Jayden had to say.

Her face was flushed red in a way it normally did when her anger had reached its limit. Her hands balled up in fists and her darkened blue eyes stared at the wall behind Jayden.

For the first time in all the years they'd been together, Becca really wanted to hit her. Wanted to lift her fist up in the air and strike the fucking cheater standing right before her.

She stayed silent long after Jayden finished her sentence, then took the deepest breath and finally her eyes met Jayden's again.

Becca's gaze was excruciatingly cold. "What in the fuck are you even saying, you ungrateful fucking bitch?" She let the words out lowly, in a way too sick and spiteful tone, like it disgusted her to even direct her attention to Jayden.

"You go around like some cheap whore and get fucked over by some guy's cock, then you come here and tell me we can raise your bastard child together like nothing happened?" She couldn't contain herself and landed a loud, harsh slap on Jayden's face.

Becca gave Jayden no time to react and both of her hands went to Jayden's hair to hold her in place and force the now frightened female to look at her. "I'm not forgiving you, you disgusting slut! You threw away what we had and went to jump on some dick, and for what?!" Another slap came and this time she hit her so hard that Jayden fell backwards onto the couch.

"You better get down on your knees and beg, because what you did is something atrocious!! You fucked up our entire relationship!!" She shouted viciously at Jayden, only wanting to make her feel worse.

Jayde was truly hopeful, extremely hopeful of the outcome while knowing that her beloved Becca was a completely understanding soul, the same as she had vividly remembered after all this time, a soft smile of adoration, trust and sincerity was upon her face but as she noticed the tomato redness forming upon her girlfriend's face it had became uncertain, faded.

Completely .. faded.

She felt her thoat seem to dry as a drought burdened desert, doing so upon reaction as she saw the frightening sight of Becca's hands clench, responding in a way that was abnormal of her, yet completely justified when they became fisted in a clear show that she was unfamiliar with. She felt a flood of emotions bombard her mind and body, and overwhelmed by it all she responded with one, fear, backaway, a few steps or so, gathering an ample amount of space between the two of them.

She heard the long, deep outwardness of breath, dreading what had occurred next because her beloved Becca and her.

"B-Becca .. w-what are you sayin? I am not u-ungrateful .. you are! .. no! that came out wrong! I wasn't thinking! I mean .. I-I love you .. I-I do but I just .. I-I just .." She tried to explain, filled with more sadness than rage, rage was something what she should have felt toward Becca but yet .. it could not be channeled into such an emotion as it should have been.

As much as she wished to explain, to make it all make sense to her enraged beloved, now all shit seemed to break loose and bullets were directed at her.

"Becca please! j-just let me e-explain! .. please!" She stammered, trying to keep up with the swift speaking of her girlfriend, feeling her body shrinking in trueness of natural size, making her feel much much much more smaller than she truly was and before she could further react she experienced something she never experienced from Becca, that something was in the form of unfamiliar, a.k.a a strike to the face.

At first it sent her reeling, causing her to stumble, and in terror she tried to cower, to reach the corner of a wall or even the door of their apartment but was gripped by her hair causing a sharp, startled yelp to depart from her lips.

"B-Becca please .. y-you are hurting me! Im sorry, ill leave you alone to cool off, just let me leave and I promise to apologize more later." She whimpered, touching her mouth to find that it was stained by blood, causing her eyes to widen and her breathing to speed up, lips agape in a silent gasp. "B-Becca .. I .. I am bleeding .. I am bleeding!" She began to panic, her anxiety causing her body to overreact, and sending her into a frantic bolting for the door once more.

As she was hit a second time by a slap she was brought down, causing her to scramble back into the groove of the couch that she was now dazed upon her side upon, quickly, she cowered once more, trying to appear smaller than she actually was, feeling as if a little girl-child being scolded for taking a piece of candy that wasn't of her ownership from her mother's purse.

"This is bad .. Jayde was bad .. very bad." She said aloud, a quivering whimper to her voice. "I know you dont forgive me but I am sorry. So very .. very sorry .." She said the last word as a whisper, her fear taking hold. Her body tensed up tight, each bone devoid of all movement, her eyes directed downward and her mouth dripping with both new and old leftover blood that she tasted.

"Becca .. I .. I felt .. I just felt .." She tried to say, teeth stunned and painfully aching within the spaces of her gums which were all stained a crimson red, eyes tearful and wide as a deer blinded by the glare of headlights but her mind was at a complete and utter bllank.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Becca stared at Jayden's face, feeling in a trance of rage. Right now she couldn't hear a thing, her ears were buzzing, like Jayden's voice was now muted.

It felt oddly blissful to see the blood on her face. Right, she hoped it would be a learning lesson for her.

Becca ignored each and every word falling from Jayden's lips, the sadistic little devil inside her was jumping up and down in joy after having hurt the ungrateful bitch.

"I have nothing else to say to you. It disgusts me to even see you right now," were Becca's cold, emotionless words, before she turned her back on her now pregnant girlfriend and left.

Days after that, Becca came up with a devilish plan. One that would forever change her and Jayden's life.

She contacted a doctor and came to an appointment. Another appointment was settled after that and some tests were ran on her to make sure her body and blood were compatible enough with the drastic treatment of experimental medicine.

Jayden would soon meet the new her and she would regret everything she did for real.

The next three weeks Becca was on hard through for her new transition. It was a rough but new and exciting path.

Becca no longer had a cunt. Instead, between her legs now rested a rather well endowed cock. She continued to take medicine for her body to continue to adapt to her new appendage, and in no time, she was going to pay Jayden a visit so that she got to know the new her.

Jayden expressed a wince, trying to speak strong but all that came from her blood stained lips was a broken, shattered croak of a voice, feeble and unsteady. "B-Becca .. Becca please .. do not leave just let me e-explain .."

As Becca, her only true love left she screamed out to her, trying to jump up and follow after her, not caring if she got harmed further in her rage.

All she wanted was Becca, all she cared about was her girlfriend, well .. she was .. untill .. well all this shit-storm.

Ohhh boy.

- - -

One evening, instead of being out with friends she was mostly at her and Becca's apartment, a mess she was without her, spending her days after the violent "altercation" on the same couch she was slapped into, the two still a fresh reminder, in the shape of a dark blackish purple bruise upon her right cheek, her eye slightly also red and irritated by the encounter which made her feel rather shell-shocked, jittery and downright goddamn paranoid to answer the door. But yet she wanted to see if each visitor was her Becca, and even though she broke her heart she was willing to go through all forms of torture the woman could dish out upon her if it meant she could feel her hands upon her body again.

She was upon the couch, rubbing her vaginal lips and clit with her fingers, Becca making love to her for the first time they met was fresh as dawn within her misted mind. She moaned heavily, spreading her jean clad legs, slightly lowered down to reveal her hips a mere bit to have room to work with herself, so close to a half day long several romps of about 10 to twelve orgasms.

"Becca .. oh Becca .. there .. right there .. oh baby .. right there .. you know how your Ja likes it .. o-oh babyyy .. baby yes! .. yesss! oh fuck .. im gonna .. i-im gonna! .." She shrieked a sex-crazed howl of lust, calling out Becca's name while close to her next orgasm. She felt it, the tingling, it was closing in, she could see Becca's smile, the way she licked her lips on that first sexual exploration they embarked on in her mind, the flashbacks, it drove her wild. So fucking wild.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Becca had always been quite a passionate lover when making love to Jayden, her first and only girlfriend she'd ever had since high-school.

Becca had never felt anything but passion and love towards Jayden, but now all of that was tainted and fucked over. Their relationship had gone down hill for that past year, the passion now lost and it was probably what pushed Jayden to find someone to pleasure her like she used to.

The thought still sent Becca in a rage, she was still not over what Jayden did, how she got knocked up by God knows who.

She was now in the perfect shape to go pay Jayden a visit. Becca put on a pair of sweatpants that would properly hide her endowed cock. She still had her feminine looks, absolutely nothing in her changed, except for the fact that she now had a cock instead of her vagina.

She was at Jayden's door and heard her pleasured howling and moaning, how her name fell from her lips as she seemed to be reaching her orgasm on the other side of the door.

She stated there for a while, possibly looming a creep for any passersby but she did not care.

Then, Becca finally knocked on the door, waiting for Jayden to compose herself and come open.

Jayden, one a stable minded individual in female form was now a jittery mess, each knock bringing her closer and closer to insanity to it's purest form.

But yet she took each risk, even answering without peeping though the eyehole of the apartment, something she knew was not much of a wise idea but at this point she did not give much of a flying fuck. She needed the near-death frights to keep her on her toes, to make her feel alive as her Becca did.

Even though she was now an epicenter of hatred to Becca she still adored her, keeping her memory alive within her very mind and heart. It was all that kept her going, what kept her heart stable, in place and above all, beating with vibrant life.

She was halfway close to release, the golden palace gates when she was ripped from that such opportunity, disturbed by a knock on the door. Muttering softly beneath her breath, she cursed in latin, sighing as she slowly got up, answering the door as fast as she could as she had not really indulged in suitable meals, or any at all besides one or two cereal bars, a few cigarettes and a few bottles of whiskey they stashed away for nights of their own together.

She answered the door with a frown, but when she saw who was behind it she seemed to perk up for a reason. "B-Becca? .. you retuned? h-how ya doin? .. I .. I was thinkin about ya .."

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Becca stared back at Jayden once she opened the door. Her normally collected Jayden, now seemed for from it.

"I didn't come here to just get back with you like nothing happened, but I wanted to be with you, so I decided to come and see you," She stepped forward, forcing Jayden to step back and let her in, to which Becca smiled and touched her cheek, feigning a loving gesture.

"I also brought food," She lifted the paper bag in her other hand, "I figured you haven't probably eaten much today and maybe you need it... uh, because of the baby and shit."

Jayden's jeans were unoticably unbuttoned, hanging loosely from her slightly smaller hips, an indication that she had not consumed much after their dreadful encounter. She was lured in by Becca, too desperate for her touch, too eager to be forgiven, but sadly it would not be.

It would end up with a terrible price for believing in trust when it was broken.

She frowned for a minute from the first beginning of Becca's sentence, but was rather cheered up by the second and third portions of such. "Becca .. I .. Im sorry .. I did not mean to break your heart .. I didn't .. I just .." She seemed to become increasingly tongue tied around Becca, something that the both of them never found happening of all their time together.

It was now harder to distinguish was was real and what was mere fiction.

"T-Thanks but .. y-you didn't have to .. I have .. already eaten .. you could have kept your money .. but you are sweet. Just like you always have been. Becca, my sweet butterfly in this fucked up world." She purred, tilting her head to the side where her cheek was touched at, closing her eyes as she anticipated being lured to the wall and being kissed passionately upon her lips or neck.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Becca was going to keep her act up, not revealing her true intentions as of now.

"That seems like a lie. You look thinner and it worries me, you should be eating more," She said, placing the food on the counter and looking for a plate.

"Sit down and eat," Shr urged Jayden, mostly just to pretend it was the same Becca she had always been. "I will pour some orange juice for you while you dig in," She flashed Jayde a smile, then went to look for a glass to pour Jayden some juice.

"And about your apology, yes, you've broken my heart, but... maybe we can work things out again. Just maybe. Will you be patient?" She said softly, still lying right to Jayden's face.

Jayde was unaware, blissfully, blissfully unaware. And that was a very lethal problem.

She tried to find her center of gravity, pretending as if she were unaffected by her hidden starvation after the "drastic" incident. Many girlfriends who were abused for the first time were sort of skittish to face their abusers but yet Jayde, she seemed to be of the forgiving and redo all over again type of personality.

Becca was feeding from that, like a sickness, and like a illness it would eventually .. claim it's prize, regardless of the outcome of what happens to it's "unfortunate" victim.

And Jayde was that such vessel.

"T-Thanks .. I do not wanna make ya do more ya dont wanna do, trust me, ya just cool with me because I am a catch when I am in a suit and .. w-what the hell am I sayin? .. yeah .. on other thought, I think I do need to eat a bit. I must be a bit fucked up, but I have been eatin .. just forgot for a day or two. No big deal, Bec." She called her her pet named she called her when they were in the throes of orgasmic lovemaking.

"A-Alright .. and it will be hard but yes, yes .. I will. For as long as it takes if it means I can repair the damage I caused to your heart, Becca." She said just as soft, opening her eyes but were half lidded and glassed over by drowsiness, orgasm not reached and sexual frustration.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

They talked for a bit, sort of doing some catching up. All throughout Becca was well aware of Jayden's needs and desires, well aware of what was coming down before she went inside Jayden's apartment.

Still, she played cool, pretended to be oblivious and carried on with some talking about anything and everything.

Becca even ordered some desserts for them to eat that evening, and it soon got dark out. "I will stay the night with you. I think I feel comfortable enough with that. Plus, I've missed... well, sleeping on the same bed with you," She pretended a bit of shyness, even laughing a little. "I don't want to do anything, Jayden. I just want to have a good night's sleep with you."

Jayde grew more and more comfortable, further dropping her guard, oh what a fool she was, a complete fool.

She was suckling on a spoon of vanilla icecream, laughing her ass off like a complete pyscho at Becca's antics, she always made her crack up. And to be honest, it gave her such warmth to know that she and her butterfly on earth were united.

But soon that would be realized as a lie.

"Bec .. ya know .. uh .. I know that this is a bit sudden but .. I saved a little somethin for an occasion such as this if it ever arose and well .. well .. well just let me get it .." She got up slowly, stumbling a few times but had insisted that she could handle her own as she was the man in the relationship but in a slight bossy/slight sweet as sugar way. A hybrid of the two personalities if you will say

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Their dynamic had always been quite different from what Becca now had planned for them. As much as Jayden had always been the more dominant of the two, Becca was taller and stronger, and she was now picturing herself pinning down Jayden rather easily and effortlessly and showing her her true worth.

Becca feigned excitement, and once Jayden left, she waited for a bit.

When Jayden was taking too long, she went to look for her. "Come on, babe. I'm dying here waiting, please tell me what's this you're going to give me?" She called out 'sweetly'.

Jayde had tried to be the strongest for the two of them, and normally she could handle her own quite well but now .. well now .. she was in rather poor condition.

While she once felt like a loss of opportunity was now within her very grasp. She had ventured off to the kitchen area to retrieve the "gift" as well as a special necklace she stashed away just if this situation arose, it was always just mere tidbits of pondering but now, well now it was a damn full grown thought.

She had the present and wine, both prepared to walk over to her lover with but was cut off as she felt the room sway, becoming off kilter from it's true location. "H-Hold on my buttercup, I-I must make it perfect for y-you." She walks to the door and prays for a moment, stumbling a bit by accident before returning to Becca who seemed to be impatient.

"H-Here I am here .." She hands Becca the bottle of her favorite wine and a necklace in which she had been practically dying to get. "Happy Anniversary of our first break-up and make up sex." She burst our laughing, drinking a few cups before almost passing out.

She took a risk, embracing Becca close, speaking slurred.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

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