O Retribution (open to many possibilites)

(Prompt: Heavily pregnant Cameron in attacked while alone on the street and goes into labor. Open to so many possibilities: Bystander/helper, Stranger, partner, someone who wants to make things worse, Marco, all of the above) Come play!

Footsteps on the sidewalk behind him sent a chill down Cameron's spine. He'd walked the same path a hundred times and never felt unsafe but today was different. The usually busy street was empty, the street lamps seemed dimmer, and even the hum of the city felt muted and muffled. Everything was off.

Or maybe it was just fear.

Cameron stuffed his hands into his pockets and cupped the large swell of his belly as he quickened his pace. He put his head down as he rounded the corner, trying to block the click of boots from his mind. Another few blocks and everything would be fine. He would be home. He would be safe. He rubbed his stomach to steady himself and for a moment he wondered if all of his fear was just the creation of his hormonal mind.

But the footsteps didn't stop, and as he turned another corner they became louder. Faster. Cameron tried to run but his gravid body was heavy and slow. His breath came in gasps as he forced himself to move but still the boots got closer. He neared an intersection and panic consumed him. What could he do? Left or Right? Would it matter? He looked both ways, hoping one would be his salvation, but before he could make a choice a man stepped into his path.

Cameron stumbled back as the figure moved toward him but a hand grip down on his shoulder.

“There’s nowhere to run, Cameron.” The man growled into his ear. “Not that you could.”
With one swift motion his partner drove his fist hard into Cameron’s stomach. Cameron crumpled forward, only held upright by his assailant’s grasp.


A second blow sent a shock of pain through his abdomen and down his hips. He swayed as his vision blurred. His own cries echoed in his ears.

He grunted as another fist struck his ribs. Then another. And another. He felt himself being wrenched and turned and his jacket lay at his feet. They pinned him against a wall before stripping off his shirt.

“Why…” Cameron gasped through sobs.

“You know damn well.” One of them pulled a knife from his belt and held it beneath Cameron’s chin.

Cameron shuddered. His hands clutched his stomach. If this was the end he would hold onto his child for as long as he could. He cried out as the knife plunged deep but to his surprise his attacker didn’t choose to slit his throat. The blade bit deep into his bicep, slicing his only tattoo in half. Blood pooled from the wound, coving the word ‘MARCO’ in blood.
Cameron shook his head in confusion and in pain. The man grinned and brought his knee hard into Cameron’s gut. The pain was instant and terrifying. Fluid rushed from deep inside him and flooded down his legs. A contraction curled around him so tightly he couldn’t breathe. His legs gave out beneath him and this time his captors let him fall. He tumbled to the ground, unable to stop himself from land forcefully on his belly. The weight of his own body sent him reeling again.


He curled around his belly as the contraction began to subside. He gasped and panted, trying his best to regain control. The knife clinked onto the pavement beside him.

“Tell Marco the debt is paid.”

Cameron tried to scream as a boot dug into the small of his back but another pressed down hard on his throat. He could hear the men laughing as they took their turns and then slowly his whole world turned black.

He grunted as he came to. His head was spinning. Blood dripped from his nose and seeped from the gash in his arm. Every part of him ached but he was alive. Gingerly he pulled himself into a sitting position, groaning with every movement, and sagged against the wall for support. Blearily he looked around. The street was still empty and the sky was dark. He was alone.

“Mmmmm….” He moaned as his belly began to tighten. “Ahhh…huhh….huuhhhh…”

He panted through it as the seconds ticked on, but it wasn’t enough. It took hold didn’t let go. . He could feel bile burning in his throat. His body tensed and he pressed his hand firm against the sides of his belly, hoping to counter the pressure He arched his back and shifted his hips as the pain grew stronger. His panting grew into a wheeze and whine before the pain reached its peak. He took a breath and looked down at his fluid stained pants, still unsure if they were ruined with blood or his waters. Either way his baby was coming.

He felt like he was in a fog, like a terrible dream, as if the pain, the ringing in his ears, and the blood that stuck to his skin wasn't real. If he squeezed his eyes tight and then opened them again everything would be back to normal. He would be walking home gain and not beaten and bloody, left for dead on a sidewalk.

He took a deep, ragged breath. His ribs seared with pain and he was quite sure some had to be broken. Still, the air started to clear his head some and the first coherent thought was "help". He needed help. He couldn't stay here on the street. He needed a hospital.

"Nnn...." he gritted his teeth as he moved his hand to his belly. His baby needed a hospital. Whatever they had done to him, they had done to his child too. "Mmm...." he gently rubbed in circles, hoping the rhythm would give him a sign of life within--a kick, a movement, anything--but he felt nothing, only the continuous ache in his back, and the unsettling stretch deep within him. "Stay with me..." he mummbled through bloodied lips. Oh god, he needed help

As if in response, another contraction gripped him. "Mmm.... he moaned, bobbing his head back and forth as the word 'help' still flashed in his mind. Tears flowed down his cheeks "Stay with me..." he whispered again.

Could I partake in a slice of this, can I be Cameron's Beloved? or significant other in this Role-playing scenario?

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(01-21-2024, 01:22 AM)SilentFeather Wrote:  Could I partake in a slice of this, can I be Cameron's Beloved? or significant other in this Role-playing scenario?

Absolutely!! please join in!

Affirmative! I thank you ever so much for allowing me access to joining such a fine piece of creative foot-working! I hope I did not go too far with this post. If I did then I shall redo.

"Tch .. pitiful, how pitiful of a sigh you are, Cameron, dearest lover of mine." The presence of a voice rang forth, seething with rage, seeming to present itself from the very depths of nowhere, a presence was close, or rather, in proximity of nearness, it's reply followed by a lewdness, dominance flowing with raw intensity within his tone. Brink the bad-ass, or if better said, the rather bold Alpha of the "Marrow" gang, a notorious burgular and outright rebel had presented himself, stepping forth from the depthless shadows that had loomed.

He was wearing a leather jacket with a short white shirt beneath, his hair was neatly combed, laying to the side with a slight spiked up appearance, his eyes were a dark chocolate brown, almost to the point of ink blackness with kissable lips and a slimness to his figure, but through it all, appearances could be definitely deceiving as he was rather strong, immortally of such to immortal forms of such. He had black and white converses that had stepped silently against the concrete as he lurked in the shadows that he used for concealment, stalking his lover, closer and closer.

"Awww, did the little boy get a wittle scratch?" He approached, not giving his pregnant endowed lover much of a chance to react, a hand punting out and taking possession of Cameron's locks of hair atop his head, yanking him up to where he could be better viewed. 'Let me make it better .. and when I mean "better" you know I mean worse, much .. more .. worse." He dragged him across the sand-paper like Concrete, unkind of the progency which was either of deceased or close to that threshold.

He scowled, taking a creeping of his Cameron, a hand snaking around the front of his throat, taking harsh possession of such a part of the body part, closing fingers in the form of constricting, choking him with a deepening of the expressed scowling. "You have disobeyed me, for the last time!"

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Cameron's heart skipped a beat as the voice drifted through the darkness like a smokey tendril. Brink The man appeared as if out of nowhere. His lover. His child's father. But his instant of relief what quickly crushed by the cruelty of his words. Brink always had a temper but never like this. Not to him.
Camerone cried out as the man's wrenched him upward. Brink's eyes were so cold. What had he done to deserve such a look? The sidewalk stung like shards of glass against his battered and broken body. His belly sagged low as he was dragged--lower than it had been just hours before. The weight and pressure spread his hips wider. The ache in his back was unrelenting even as the contraction ended. Cameron wanted to ask so many questions but his lover's strong hand clamped down on his throat. He coughed and choked, clawing with both hands, smearing blood onto Brink's knuckled.
"P...ple...please..." He pleaded, unable to loosen the man's grip. His wounded arm felt useless and heavy. His vision darkened in the corners and he swore he heard his lover laugh as a gasped. "The...the ba...baby. Our...our baby..."

With each shuddering of gasp, Brink's scowl deepened in intensity, corners of Etheral lips curled ever downward, a sharpness of snarl surging forth as his rage festered deep, ever so deep within an even deeper brooding heart. "I care NOT," He replied in angered retort, upper lip arising to reveal of pearly whites which gleamed ever so dangerously like a Pyschopath's bladed torment, weaponized with rather sinister points. "Let us just discover how much your body can endure while under such distress? shall we .." He drolled, doting love-remarks as if he were a maddeningly love-stricken patient, and even though the male was, still he wished to enact vengeance upon the other, wishing to reveal the side of affection that not many knew of.

"You never deserved me, nor did you deserve me inside of your pathetic excuse for a body, you might as well be a corpse .." He felt his scowl become uturned, developing more of a positive appearing, but yet, beneath the surface of such innocence there withlaid a piercing presence of thorn, or rather, a unstableness to him, and upon this evening, this nightfall, Prince Cameron would meet Brink, the true side of hm, Jekyll and Mr. Hyde style.

"You .. you useless wench! how dare you!" This was not Brink, this was not him, not at all. The true him was sweet, generous even, but tonight, well tonight, his "Blood-thirst" or "Hunger-Heat" was really getting to him, being the Ring-Leader while he struggled within for control, to calm his harsh exterior before his innocent beloved, his Cameron and their unborn would be severely and brutally harmed. "Which is what you will be when I am done with you! your body shall be my canvas, your blood my paint and your flesh .. my appetizer! .."

"No. Noo! .. must not lose control .. m-must not lose control .." Brink snapped back to reality, but only for a moment, able to communicate with his cruelly injured beloved, momentarily gaining a sense of control, and had released his hold upon where it encased his throat's front and sides. "C-Cameron .. run! .. j-just get up and run .. run somewhere .. somewhere safe!" He grunted, clutching his chest and was victim to a rather rumbling of low, alarming snarling, his fangs sharpening to finer, more devastatingly fear-inducing percision of predator-worthy points. His ears followed suit in the transitionin, becoming of more canine than man, appearing and triangular as Alpha took control of his humanistic features, longating toward the crown of his head. Next, his flesh blossomed with strands of hair, forming into more of a pelt-like surface above it, as if a carpet would a floor, endowing him in a fine hue of pitch marble with streaks of flecked scarlet. "GO! and get help for our little one j-just go!"

He was both of quadrupedal bipedal, which gave him the ability to walk upon either his two or four limbs at will, even in both formation of forms. His nails jutted out and lengthened, becoming fixed to a fine point upon all five digits, as same his teeth were now consisted of.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

This wasn't his Brink. This was evil. Wicked. Cameron know what existed inside his lover but Brink had never let it loose. Even in their heat he had maintained control. He had remained the incredible man that Cameron had come to cherish, even love. The night the child was concieved had been passionate, primal, rough--even Cameron liked things a little bit rough--but never cruel. Never this monstrosity.

Cameron gulped for air the instant Brink's fingers loosened, still awash in a haze of terror and pain. He felt himself drop hard to his knees as his lover grunted "run!"

He wanted to. All of his being wanted to, but his body wouldn't listen. Instead he forced one knee, one hand, forward, crawling away from the snarling and snapping of razor sharp teeth. He lurched forward, unable to take the presure on his mangle arm, dragging himself as best as he could. His hand hit something hard and steely and he realized it was the knife his assailants had left be hind. He grasped it between his fingers and looked back as the alpha began to transform. Brink would have been beautiful even then if not for the hell-bent fire in his eyes.

"for our little one"

Cameron gritted his teeth and tried to pull himself to standing. The shift sent another surge of pain down his back but he continued. He had to get away. He had to save the child even if it was from its own father. He shuffled forward using the wall of the building for support, knife still in hand. Maybe, just maybe, Brink would keep control long enough for him to find safety.
"Pl...please Brink...this isn't you..."

Brink snarled, struggling for Authority, for control over two sides of conflict. It was as if he were a double sided coin, and like such he fought for his true side to take root, his sweet as sugar, protective but ginger, and above all his loving but giving of suitable space exterior. He stepped forward, his canine side halfway near control, but yet as the wolf within took complete form his humanistic one forced him to react, shouting out to his beloved, even though the voice that held no form of warmth in it, his voice was familiar, yet gruff, husked, and grainy. "Cameron .. take the knife and plunge it into me, anywhere, just .. do .. it! .. you have to trust me, alright! the wolf, it has control .. it will kill you and our Little one. Please .."

Through it all, he would transform but he would have to face a tedious trial, one which would probably claim his life but all was worth it if Cameron had an opportunity to exist, as well as their little innocent offspring. He would endure through all, even hell itself to return back to his beloved, all and more. So much more.

Suddenly, Brink lunged forward, overpowered by the Predator taking possession of his very being, his true innocence of human ebbd away and shoved backward into darkness itself. He charged toward Cameron, eyes flashing with an infernal, hungering glare, the same of which could possibly erode steel itself. "Brink no longer exists .. he is gone .. just like you will be and my burden known as offspring, human, bah! no pure human-born deserves my bloodline! you hear me! NONE!" He raised a massive claw like hand and began to slash at Cameron, voice risen to a boisterous crescendo of snarling grumbles, trying to aim for his vital parts of body.

He was rather off-kilter and jagged of movements so not many were directly of target.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(01-21-2024, 05:34 AM)SilentFeather Wrote:  Brink snarled, struggling for Authority, for control over two sides of conflict. It was as if he were a double sided coin, and like such he fought for his true side to take root, his sweet as sugar, protective but ginger, and above all his loving but giving of suitable space exterior. He stepped forward, his canine side halfway near control, but yet as the wolf within took complete form his humanistic one forced him to react, shouting out to his beloved, even though the voice that held no form of warmth in it, his voice was familiar, yet gruff, husked, and grainy. "Cameron .. take the knife and plunge it into me, anywhere, just .. do .. it! .. you have to trust me, alright! the wolf, it has control .. it will kill you and our Little one. Please .."

Through it all, he would transform but he would have to face a tedious trial, one which would probably claim his life but all was worth it if Cameron had an opportunity to exist, as well as their little innocent offspring. He would endure through all, even hell itself to return back to his beloved, all and more. So much more.

Suddenly, Brink lunged forward, overpowered by the Predator taking possession of his very being, his true innocence of human ebbd away and shoved backward into darkness itself. He charged toward Cameron, eyes flashing with an infernal, hungering glare, the same of which could possibly erode steel itself. "Brink no longer exists .. he is gone .. just like you will be and my burden known as offspring, human, bah! no pure human-born deserves my bloodline! you hear me! NONE!" He raised a massive claw like hand and began to slash at Cameron, voice risen to a boisterous crescendo of snarling grumbles, trying to aim for his vital parts of body.

He was rather off-kilter and jagged of movements so not many were directly of target.

Cameron tried to dodge the monster's claws but it was no use. A jagged talon sliced across his bare back and the supernatural strength of it sent him toppling forward, head over heels. He landed with a sickening crunch and his right leg splayed out beneath him in an unnatural angle. His shrill cry was drowned out by the gutteral growls of the beast that stalked towards him. but it wasn't the blood that flowed down his back, or the break in his leg that frightened him most. It was the lurch of the child within him. The feeling of the babe dropping, and the undeniable pressure that came with it. With the drop came another wave of agony as his body worked to move the baby deeper into his pelvis. His tremendously taut orb pressed and pulled with the force of the contraction, sending the injured man doubling over. He panted and groaned, overcome by his body's response. Sweat and blood and tears covered his body. He shook and shivered. There was nothing he could do. His panting became faster and more guteral as the contraction crested. "GRrrraaaahhh!"

Brink snapped to reality, his true of self did, for a mereness of moment once more, grabbing the weapon and plunging it's blade into his chest, piercing his heart. The wolf within jerked, it's spirit responding with a howl-shriek, and the true-Brink used that moment to shove the incapacitated wolf into the Void, regaining control of his once body, winning the battle. "C-Cameron? .. a-are you a-alright? It is me .. t-the real me .. I have to get you out of here .. I .." He stammered, body hesitating with a pause as he was forced into a hunched over of position, coughing in a slight fit, followed by ragged gasps and shuddering breaths. But through it all he tried to remain alert, he had to, for his Cameron, for their unborn, of which seemed to be close to arrival with how close the contractions were flaring through his beloved's womb. He reached out, a blood-stained, clawed-hand meeting the side of his jutting jittering of mass, determined to get to safety before anything else would occur. "D-Do not worry Cameron, just focus on breathing, deep breaths .. deep deep breaths." He murmured encouragement in formation of ginger natured-whispers, doing of such while proceeding forth with a wrapping of his arms around his pain-burdened of Mate, slipping a arm around his backside and the other at the area behind his knees, lifting him into both with a grunt-pained of exertional groaning, and worked past the strain on his own body abandoning all his torments of physical form. "I got you babe, I always will. I was not in control before but now I am, I swear I wont let anyone hurt you, not even my bastard of a wolf side."

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(01-22-2024, 02:09 AM)SilentFeather Wrote:  Brink snapped to reality, his true of self did, for a mereness of moment once more, grabbing the weapon and plunging it's blade into his chest, piercing his heart. The wolf within jerked, it's spirit responding with a howl-shriek, and the true-Brink used that moment to shove the incapacitated wolf into the Void, regaining control of his once body, winning the battle. "C-Cameron? .. a-are you a-alright? It is me .. t-the real me .. I have to get you out of here .. I .." He stammered, body hesitating with a pause as he was forced into a hunched over of position, coughing in a slight fit, followed by ragged gasps and shuddering breaths. But through it all he tried to remain alert, he had to, for his Cameron, for their unborn, of which seemed to be close to arrival with how close the contractions were flaring through his beloved's womb. He reached out, a blood-stained, clawed-hand meeting the side of his jutting jittering of mass, determined to get to safety before anything else would occur. "D-Do not worry Cameron, just focus on breathing, deep breaths .. deep deep breaths." He murmured encouragement in formation of ginger natured-whispers, doing of such while proceeding forth with a wrapping of his arms around his pain-burdened of Mate, slipping a arm around his backside and the other at the area behind his knees, lifting him into both with a grunt-pained of exertional groaning, and worked past the strain on his own body abandoning all his torments of physical form. "I got you babe, I always will. I was not in control before but now I am, I swear I wont let anyone hurt you, not even my bastard of a wolf side."

"Naaahhh...huh...huh...AHHHH!!!!!" Usually his lover's arms where a comfort, but his body screamed as Brink lifted him from the ground. The gash on his back pulsed and his leg sent searing pain through him with every jostle. And still the contration continued. His panting grew faster and more eratic as pain mixed with pain. Somehow Brink's assuring words found his ears. His Brink. "Nuhhh...huuuhhh...huh..." He clung to his alpha's jacket--white knuckled and frantic. "Bri...Brin..you...y...ahhhh...huuhnnnuuuh!!!"

"Shh Cam, conserve your energy, speaking will only tire you, it is better to remain quiet and breathe. Can you do that, babe? follow my breathing, in .. then out .. in .. then out." Brink's own body shouted out in agony, pure, pure, raw, mind-boggling torment. But yet he shoved that to the side, completely ignorant of his own discomfort as he focused more on his Beloved Cameron's, his voice wished to shudder, to quake, but yet he kept it measured, a force of Nature that he never knew was possible from himself. With each step he put forth his all, forcing his legs to cooperate, to move in sync with the action-stimuli that his mind conjured such neurons to react by. As he disassociated from the judgments of pains taunting, he clenched his teeth, muffling the outbursts that would cause him to give in, and became more of his true self, his inner warrior, a state of being he often was unsure of, but now, but here, while the outbursts from Cameron's blood-stain tainted lips he was further compelled, fueled to protect, honor and serve his purpose, perserve his true prowess and worth.

And that was beside his vulnerable Cameron, as if an out of body experience, his adrenaline rushed, pulsing through his every vein, causing his heart to gain speed, and just like that he held his Vulerable close against his own warmth, strands of fur brushing against his face and tickling ever so teasingly of their on accord as he limbered yet steeled his bones, bunching up muscles yet conserving his bursts of strength before he dug the front of his dominant foot in the light snow clad Concrete pushing off on such a bodypart that would add suitable momentum, summoning his inner wolf of Harmonic, gentle nature before sprinting off and onward, bolting through the night as if he were the Winds themselves, the world of Concrete became of a flash .. a distance, and then .. a true blur .. and not long after a sprawling of Utopia, or rather if closer-view, a heavily vegatation and tree-house decorated yet long-abandoned of forested area, vibrant with the soft symphonies of nature.

Being the Origins of such were the creatures of present and Echoes of those long-passing or near to, such was the Enigma of this Sacred landscape. Many of epic, middle-heighted, engorged and even lurking Nocturnals, and slumbering inhabitants alike who relied and co-existed in such a harmonic Thread of balance.

Above the moon hung high, at it's Zenith even, with signs of flecked scarlet in it's undertones of ghostly paleness. He slowed to a walking state of pace, rushed breathing still present but of a feather softer of intensity, each step his convers adorned footing took was soft, measured even, soles of such sneakers making quiet footfalls of impact within light yet plush surfaces of Earthen ground, clumps of moss providing necessary cushioning from the effects of being alerted of by his Pack and it's ravenous, sexually explicit lewdness of assholes, jerks and drooling Omega wanna-bes, and upon pondering of such idiots his eyes rolled, upper lip lifting upward in displeasure. The Scarlet Moon, it did something to him, it did and .. before pondering further, he was halted by the presence of a familiar outburst, or rather .. a howl ..

"Shit .." Brink cursed, keeping the such obsenity to a whisper soft minimum beneath his next exhale, breath billowing past his cracked, irritated, paling lips. He stilled his footsteps, taking concealment behind a thick trunk tree, a Willow. In the distance, about a length-wiseness of 9 mere feet away a young male, one of about 26 was prowling, quietly sniffing the air, a muzzled of snout risen with it's tip pointed to sky above. "Alpha? .. Alpha, are you around here? I want to know if you are alright? something about your "Scent" smells a bit off .. a bit .. sweeter?"

If his Cameron was rowdy of noise than he needed some way to calm him, and that would have meant placing kisses to his lips and touches upon his restless form, and although it brung forth a heatwave of scorching to both his cheeks and rather .. in a rather endowed location between his own very loins he bit back another mutter of curse, trying to rid his mind of lewd stirring thought-pieces festering in his fractured mind. "Shhh .. just breathe .." He leaned in, lips to his ear, murmuring soft purrs of further encouragement and praise. "You are doing exceptionally, babe .. we are being stalked by a member of my Pack .. so we must be quiet, very, very, veeery quiet. You can grip my hand or wrist as tight as you can, even bite me if you wish, but take all your silent frustrations out on me if you are able to cope with this "Transitioning" better." He held his Mate close, his arms keeping him near, yet mindful of his wounds, the very ones he caused. Or rather, his "Wolf". The very same of which overtook him, the one of once had complete control.

Shamefully, he shut his eyes as his brooding emotions combated, festering him, tormenting him. Close to shattering like glass, instead of a sob bursting from his silently heaving chest he resorted to clenching his already closed lids, tightly as bitter tears formed beneath. "I wont let those bastards find you, I will not allow them to take what is both precious to me. You or our precious one. This I promise, just hold on Cameron, I will get us out of this Hellish situation, and we will be a family. All three of us. Like we promised the first time we Mated. You remember that, right babe? right?" He kept his vocal below detection, lips still where they were, lightly pressed against his "Intertwined's" ear, still whispering, determined to assist his Cameron through the rough seas of uncertain twinges and pangs. He feared his lover was fading, he could pick up his heart-beats, they were irreguar very very much so. "Just hold on .. I believe you can, and I believe in you."

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Finally the grip on his abdomen released. He sagged deeper against his mate's chest, linging to the most miniscule sense of relief. His eyes fluttered. He soaked in Brink's the raw, primal sent, letting it envelop him and for a short moment they were back time--before this terrible night, before the baby--back then carnal pleasure was the only thing that spurred them one. Nights of needing and using. Days spent in each other's arms enjoying each other completely.

He felt the wind on his cheeks and realized they were moving quickly, but he could not tell to where. His mind was a fog of memories and bloodloss. His body was failing too. His breathing was ragged and peppered with gaps when air refused to enter his lungs. A sheen of sweat covered him entirely.
He could not make out the word of the muffled voice but Brink's body tensed around him. They weren't alone. The words "Pack, Precious, and Quiet," swam in his head as his lover's lips brushed his ears. His addled brain dragged him back in thought to when those sweet, hungry lips first found their way to his. The relief was only shortly lived.

"Mmm...."he moaned, pressing his face deeper into Brink's chest as abdomen tensed once more, and with a strength he hadn't yet felt. He shifted his hips as he mewled into his lover's embrace. His fingers gripped like vices and he bit into the fabric of Brink's shirt in hopes of muffling each agonized grunt. He tried to breath through it silently. Unvoiced panting sent him clawing into Brink's arms. Silent screams faded into Brink's chest. Cameron's face was red with strain as he stared up longing into Brink's eyes, pleading with him to help him, to do anything to pull him from this misery. Suddenly, within him, the baby shifted, sending a spasm through his back, and deep talons of pain into his groin. All semblance of control melted away as he writhed. There was nothing he could do to keep the frenzied cry silent.
"NUHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" He shook as his body continued to ready him for birth. "GRAHHH...huh...huh....NAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"
There was a movement in the distance and a new terror filled him, knowing just how dangerous Brink's pack could be, and their distaste or rather utter disgust of their Alpha's choice of mate, but he could no stop himself. It was all too much. "I'm so....sorr--eeehhhhhh! Huh...uhh.....nuuhhh...UHHHHHH...."

The Pack mate stilled, vocalized a snarl and charged toward the direction of the sound. Brink was brought to a new wavelength of reality, his own eyes moistening with tearful sorrow and although he tried to hold them in or even to simply shrug them off as he normally did with intense negative emotion, now he was wide-open, exposed to the onslaught of emotional torment, and in response he softly whimpered, his vocaliazation mournful, sadness clawing and eviscerating his fleshed heart as he courageously returned a just as longing gaze down into his Cameron's familiar hues, also brung aback to the first time they met. How the younger man stole his heart, and how he captivated him with just a simple greeting. Alphas were possessive about their "Beloved's" and honestly, through it all, through everything, Cameron never left his mind. And to be eve more of truthful .. he did not mind that, not one damn bit.

As the sound of growling pierced the silence around them, he took mere peeking to the side of the tree trunk, posture becoming of more of a crouching status, his strands of fur arose, standing upon pure end, and as his Pack mate rounded the corner Brink snarled, shielding his own larger body above Cameron's own slightly smaller, lanky, limber of one. "Stand down Pack mate. My mate is "laboring". I demand that you help me take him to our place of Dwelling."

"B-But Alpha .. he is a human .. a filthy, worthless human .. h-he does not deserve to carry, let alone live to birth such an- an abomination!" The Submissive pack-mate had took a stand, but did not know that this would be his final one.

"What did you say? what the hell did you fucking say?! you dare speak of my Beloved, you dare to spit venom of a dear one of my Pack? a member of MY lands?! You will swallow your tongue after I slice it from your damn mouth! you will never speak again after I am done with you FLEA BITTEN WRETCH!" He roared with such intensity that it caused the submissive lesser of wolf standing before him to back away, ears atop his head flattening, and as such the lesser had submitted, and out of further fear and respect had lowered himself to his backside, landing upon it with an audible but mild thud that had momentarily knocked the very wind from his lungs but submitted of immediate fashion, revealing his shirt-clad abdomen to Brink, the Alpha, the one who was now baring his pointed teeth to the lesser wolf, still snarling, still glaring from where he kneeled. Just with anger alone he was able to subdue with percise accuracy.

"NOW! ASSIST ME WITH MY BELOVED BEFORE I RIP YOUR DAMN JUGULAR OUT!" He retorted in a tone he seldom used unless under extreme lividity, pressure and nervousness.

The lesser arose, swiftly of such with a stuttering response, respectively bowing his snouted face and massive head before he gently proceeded with assisting but thinking seondly Brink had snapped at the lesser-wolf, teeth narrowly missing the main vein of one of his wrists.

"Alpha!" The lesser-wolf had yelped, whimpering with terror as he shrunk backward a mereness of movement, body crouched and hands retreated into lap.

"Do NOT touch my Cameron .. EVER!" He was frenzied as well, rage making him inconsolable, he could not think straight, he needed something to ground him. "O-ONLY I TOUCH HIM! ONLY I TOUCH HIM YOU BASTARD! ONLY I TOUCH HIM! YOU HEAR ME! YOU LEECH!"

The lesser-wolf cowered once more, lowering his body once more, but on his stomach this time, eyes lowered toward ground as a submissive pup would respectfully do when under scrutiny of their Divine Alpha. "Alpha .. I was not intending to touch what is rightfully yours to own, I just want to assist .. I promise, I swear. Let me help you take Cameron to our Hide-away, the others of the area might be on your trail, you know .. now that blood has stained the Sacred Forest and tainted the air. All is not stilled, all is not tranquil .. and .." He took a risk, reaching out with much hesitation, placing it upon the top of the protruding belly-button engorged of swell, sensing the half wolf-half human of progency within squirming, kicking and thrashing up a complete flurry of storm. "Sensing by this .. there is not one within your Mated, there is .." With light pressures, fingertips of the searching hand gingerly but firmly press across the expanse of abdominal area, finding the head of another offspring, one was sadly .. wedged or in other term of words, difficulty of Breech position. "Another one beside the first pup."

"What does that mean?" Brink asked, fear creeping into the very threads of his heart.

"Well .. it means that instead of one pup, your Mate Cameron, is about to birth twins, my Alpha .." The submissive lesser-wolf had swallowed, truthfully responding. "And both are quite, well .. endowed in size, as so to speak. So we need to move to the Hide-out. I have a small Office where we can check, deliver and let your Mated rest, safely. Sound like a logical plan?"

"I .. well .. I .." Brink stammered, his mind becoming a blank, turning to a channel of static like an off-cable television. He became numb, conflicted, his ears tuning off for a mereness of second. He needed to be grounded once again, needed to be stable. All he needed was a familiar outburst.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Cameron gripped his belly as Brink placed him on the ground and stood tall against the lesser minion. It seemed too easy of a submission. The wolf's bravado seemed to completely crumble in the face of his Alpha, yet he continued to speak. Cameron's eyes darted to his mate as the underling revealed Cameron's close kept secret. 2 pups.

Cameron knew Brink had always been wary about seeding a human. So much could go wrong. The heat and the pregnancy were always difficult but he had sworn to Brink he could do it. He could fullfill the obligations of the Alpha's position and his love in all ways. In the pack's way. The chance of multiples and more was greater with wolves and with each child the shifter's labor and delivery intesified. His heart sang when he had learned of the second baby so many months ago but he feared what Brink would do. Would anger or love come out on top? Or worse, would he have made cameron end the pregnancy all together. So Cameron had kept it secret, not telling a soul, and forcing himself to only speak of one, even in his own mind.

"Brink...uhhh...uhhh..." His Alpha didn't seem to hear him...or anything at the moment.

It was the distraction the pack needed. Eight snarling, clawed, men came in from between the trees. Two wrenched Cameron from the ground while the other four circled the alpha and his now laughing underling.
"WE CAN'T LET THIS GO ON, BRINK!" the largest of them bellowed. "YOU'VE BROKEN THE OUR CODE AND WE CAN'T ALLOW IT TO CONTINUE!" The wolves rose to their true terrifying form. "We tried to do this the easy way. Scare your boy, end the pregnancy, but now we have no choice. BRINK MARCO, YOU ARE STRIPPED OF YOUR TITLE. YOU WILL SUBMIT!"

Cameron struggled against his captors but could to nothing but moan as he was dragged away. The exertion sapped his strength and his eyes closed. When he awoke he was strung up alone in the dark.

"S-Sever? .. what the hell? .. I will submit .. I-I shall .. but allow me to depart with my Beloved Cameron." Brink spoke low, almost to a point of shuddering of voice, it's flow ebbing and flowing of emotional intensity, yes, he could battle with the clawed of Brothers who had juristiction above him but when he saw his Cameron being grabbed and yanked away his face contorted, becoming one of rage, pure raw, unleashed of rage.

"Let him go .. I told you I would submit. Just release him, he is innocent, his womb carries children of the Clawed, MY children!" He stepped forth, trying to bolt toward Cameron but found himself chained-bound, one around his neck and the other two were smaller and were enclosed ever so tightly around his wrists, burning into his flesh with searing intensity, eroding his flesh to rawness and developed rather nasty burns beneath the cuffs of gleaming silver.

"An eye for an eye Brink Marco, you are pitiful, how in the Hades below did you become so so .. weak." The Higher-ranking Alpha had approached from the darkness, revealing himself entirely, a tall, rather strapping, handsome physiqued enigma of a man, a such man who both allured and repulsed him. But repulse outshined all desire, and before Brink could question further he was yanked by the strands of his hair.

"UGHHNN! .. J-JUST LET CAMERON FREE! DO WHAT YOU WISH WITH ME! JUST ALLOW ME TO HELP HIM BIRTH OUR CHILDREN BEFORE I SUBMIT, PLEASE .. FOR GOD SAKE ABOVE, PLEASE!" His voice became more of strained, of begging nature, scarlet red hues filled with misery, before glancing at the door of his torture room.

"Hmm? .. and just what will you do for me in exchange for him, your dishonorable mistakings for children and even for your own freedom?" The Alpha questioned, raising a brow with noticeable curiosity.

"I .. will be reborn as .. human." Brink blurted outward, not thinking secondly of the dire consequences of his choices.

"Hmm? .. you are aware of the "Price" of such an "Exchanging of Rebirthing", your old soul must be "Shattered" which means that you will untimately die .."

"Yes .. I will endure all .. you do anything for those you love, and I love him. I love Cameron. Unconditionally, I do." Brink answered, the words natural, smooth, and of purity of truth. "So whatever you have to do just .. do it and end my existence so I can be reborn and return for my children's birthing and be beside my Beloved. DO IT! GO ON! DO IT YOU PANSY!"

"Very well then .. so be it .." The Alpha smiled, a wickedness to his tone. "Consider this a favor, a rather .. satisfying one that I .." He stepped a mere closer toward Brink, loosening the bones of his knuckles that sounded with a loud, bone-chilling series of cracking.

"Lord above .. lead me through the darkness .. lead me through the darkn and back to my C-Cameron .. my Belov-." Brink muttered beneath his next breath, being cut off by a rapid series of strikes, two fists making impact with his head first, then his mind swimming at first as he descended toward the ground with a bone-crushing smash, knocking all available of air from his very lungs with a strained grunting.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Cameron hung in the middle of the empty room. He arms were chained together tightly above his head and latched onto a thick sturdy hook. His ankles were clad in iron and bolted to the floor. His bloodstained clothing had been peeled from his body, leaving his battered body naked. A collar and lead had been locked around his neck. He sagged forward helplessly. The weight of his own body was too much for him stand. His legs buckled under the stress. Only his restraints kept him upright. Barely conscious, labored moans dribbled from his lips with every tighening and release of his belly. They came faster and stayed longer, leaving little time for rest and overwhelming the dying man's senses. He was going to die, he concluded. His body was failing him. He couldn't move, he couldn't fight, and he could hear his mate's cries in the distance. Maybe, just maybe, the children would not.

Gravity urged the first child lower, forcing his tethered legs apart, and stretching his innermost passage. Cameron swayed his hips and grunted for the first time to try to bring the child down. He bore down again, pressing his chin to the collar, focussing ever last ounce of his strength to save his unborn pups
"Grrraaaaaahhhh!!!" He grunted hard. He face twisted and redded with effort and pain. "GRRUUUUNNNNNNAAAAHHH!!!!!"
Blood dripped from his backside and down his legs. Another spike of pain drove deep into his hips and spreading lower to his anus and groin. In the torment he felt his cock begin to swell, pressing itself against the underside of his belly. His swollen, sensitive shaft ached with every strain.
He grunted long and hard but it was not enough to end the torment.

"You think you'll be through this so quickly, human?" growled a voice from the doorway. The silouette was familiar. He moved in, licking his jagged teeth, and took hold of the tether attached to Cameron's collar. He yanked hard, forcing them eye to eye. He was the man from the alley. The one who had stared this enire hellish night. "If Brink's wolf would have finished you on the street we wouldn't be here. I really thought he would. Your wounded scent is rather intoxicating." The Wolf's slick tongue slid across Cameron's neck and down his arm to the gash he made. He grinned at the taste of the human's blood and sweat. "But now, Brink's no longer with us, and I get to deal with you."

"N...no..." Cameron mouthed in disbelief. Brink couldn't be dead he just couldn't.
"Yesss..." The wolf hissed into Cameron's ear. "Our foolish alpha made his choice. His mistake. You. And your abominations of pregeny."
Cameron choked. "Then kill me."
"Oh I will. And them." He dug his claws hard into Cameron's gravid belly. "But not before I've had my fill. You've been a thorn in my side too long, Human. I might as well see what the fuss is about."

With a sneer his unzipped his jeans and slid out his massive, throbbing cock. "Maybe if you please me Human, I'll put you out of your misery instead of letting your welps do it for you."

Cameron couldn't even fight as the Wolf lined himself up behind gripped his shoulders, and unrelentingly thrust inside of him. The enormous appendage burried deep, ripping and stretching his birthing cavern in ways the contractions had not yet done. His eyes fluttered. He was fadind.
"NO!" The Wolf growled. "You'll feel all of this, human. This is what it is to play with wolves."
"GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Cameron let out a blood-curdling shriek as wolf wrapped his clawed hand around Cameron's cock and squeezed.

Brink arose to his knees, only to falter with a new strike was brought and delivered to his ribcage's left side, causing a strangled cry to escape his lips. With a gurgling, a wheeze, then a strained panting of breath, he crawled toward the door, only to be dragged backward after a claw gripped his hand. He heard his Beloved shriek and with a grunt-cry he arose once more, and staggering to a side, he willed himself to correct stancing, charging toward the Alpha, snarling with fanged teeth bared. "YOU BASTARD! .. I WILL NEVER FALTER .. YOUR MEN CAUSED MY CAMERON HARM SO YOUR SCREAMS WILL BE REPAYMENT .. EACH AND EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU! RAAAH!"

"YOU BRUNG THIS HELL ON YOURSELF!" Brink bolted, rose his claw, roaring a ear-shattering snarl as he sprang into the air, unleashing pure hellish fury upon the Alpha who at first blocked, flinging Brink aside.

With a grunt of response, Brink descended, hurtling like a Meteorite toward cemented surface of ground in rapid free-fall, only to swiftly react, recountering and landing upon his hands and sneaked feet in a rather primal-induced four limbed crouching position, and with a baring of his pearly white fangs he charged forward like a tank would be worth of, rampaging through and through, landing blows in punch, slashing of nails, snapping of lethal pointed teeth, body-slammng and head-butting of brutal force, using his very body as a weapon. He was focused on Cameron, he was focused on their children, his twins .. they needed him.
And so did his Beloved.

So did his Cameron. His Cameron. Had a nice ring to it.

"P-Please .. I b-beg of you .. I submit .. I .. I submit .. just have mercy .. show me no mercy .."

"No .. no mercy to spare. Not for you, not after all you have done to me .. to my innocent children .. and rather .. of my Cameron .." Brink said simply, driving his nails across the Alpha's throat, causing blood to surge from the gashes and a gurgle to leave the Alpha, coughing up a few streams of gushing blood. He finished the job, sneering with a low snarl, and within a moment he plunged his nails into the Alpha's chest, carving through tissue of flesh and gore, and with fingers wrapping around his main control center for life, or rather stated, the heart, he yanked with violent nature, tearing the organ from it's place of natural position, ceasing his function with a crushing squeeze.

"Consider me the Harbringer, ans as such allow me to escort you to your "Final resting" .. heh .. you know what they say Alpha .. a heart can never be taken once it has found it's home. My home was never within this gang, my heart knows it's path, and my path is with Cameron and our twins. And by the way .." He threw the blood deflated organ at the lifeless corpse of his Alpha, clutching his bruised and broken ribcage's side while muttering, limping and staggering from the room, but not before hacking through his throat and decapitating his head from it, severing the spinal cord with his bare hands after a few mere yanks, twists and bone-crushes. "You dropped yours, it cant be fixed once it is broken. But dont worry .. you never really need it anyways. Something that separates me from you .." He spat by the door where he Alpha's slowly breaking down, decaying of body was contained within, journeying toward where he heard the origins of screaming, heavy panting and shrieking.

He found such a location, a door, and without a second thought, nor hesitation he bolted toward the door, slamming into it with a fury that no man ever possessed of wolf or human status. "Clawed one .. stand down .. now .. I am your new Alpha." He stepped into the darkness, eyes flashing through the thick shroud of such like a beacon of scarlet, glowing inhumany as a brand upon scorching coals would.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

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