O Will the Alpha look after me? [Open for Subs/Carrier's.]

It was risky, sure, but Dominic knew how last night's events had taken a toll on the Omega. He was testing the waters as much as he was risking his plan.

He got home and allowed himself inside the living room, stopping for a moment when he noticed the Omega being there. Dominic eyed him for a moment longer, then, "I'm glad you were able to entertain yourself."

Dominic left the living room then, only to come back after a couple minutes with more comfortable and domestic clothing.

"How are you feeling after last night?" Came his straightforward question as he sat opposite Nik. His darkened, curious eyes were set upon the pregnant boy.

Nik stared into the alphas eyes “Confused” he said quietly. He was unsure of how to voice himself, he had never been allowed that luxury before. Dominic’s eyes drew him in like a hypnosis, his own green eyes locked on the other man’s like under a spell.

He couldn’t explain what was happening, how he felt so much more connected to this alpha than his husband despite the fact he had been with his husband for over a year and had barely a conversation with Dominic.

Dominic was becoming more and more aware of the connection deepening between them only by sharing the same room, after everything that unfolded last night. This could easily be their downfall, would change Nik's life as much as it change Dominic's.

He nodded, eyeing Nik's face to try to understand him better. "A connection between an Omega and a Beta isn't always... strong. It's barely even there," Dominic said, aware that Nik's useless husband hadn't made the boy feel as good as the Alpha had.

"Maybe you're confused because you've never been with an Alpha," He reached for Nik's hand and pulled him closer. "Sit on my lap," He commanded, now resting his hands at either side of Nik's waist. "We can work through it."

(Hi, sorry I’ve been really busy the last few weeks, hopefully it will settle for a while now)

Nik bit his lip “I know of many beta omega relationships that are very happy…mine is different” he said softly “I am only there as display and to be the carrier of the offspring” he said quietly “I’ve never been touched or catered to like last night” he said softly, afraid to speak too much.

Nik felt a small shiver go up his back as the alpha used his voice authoritatively asking him to sit on his lap. He sat, though a little awkward due to his rounded stomach, feeling his heart thump loudly in his chest. “What can we work through?” He asked quietly feeling turned on just by being in the alpha’s presence.

Dominic felt a strange sense of rage filling his chest at this new information provided by Nikolai. It didn't settle well with him knowing Nik's position now. "As if your husband isn't already an asshole... I can't fucking believe this."

He never planned to sleep with his enemy's spouse, but last night was... unprecedented. Something that definitely wasn't in his plans. But here they were and the alpha wasn't one to back out, ever. "I mean, you shouldn't go back to someone who only uses you and cares so little about you," He muttered, letting his arm slid around his back, lying a hand on his pregnant belly. "Do you want me to touch you like I did last night?" He asked, lowering his head enough so that his forehead was against Nik's temple, his cool breath fanning over the omega's inviting lips.

(That's fine! I hope you can get more free time)

Nik bit his lip at the rage that crossed the alpha’s face, he felt a warmth inside him that the alpha was mad for him, and perhaps that his husband was not treating him the way he should be. He knew that was true as many other couples had shared their tales of love and his were nothing like that. Until now, with the alpha.

He breathed heavily at the alpha’s words “But where would I go? It is all I have ever known” he said quietly. He bit his lip as the alpha touched his rounded stomach and had a brief flash of a moment in his head about this child being the alpha’s instead of his husbands, how he would care for them and protect them. He licked his lips lightly as the alpha leaned his head against his, “Please, please touch me like that again” he said quietly his own emerald green eyes shimmering in anticipation.

Nik's submission and obvious want were doing things to the alpha. Dominic could feel the arousal growing to new lengths inside him, fell his cock begin to swell in his pants as Nik's scent filled his nostrils.

His hand began to lift the omega's shirt off, but his movement came to a halt when a loud knock on the door startled them both. "Shit," Dominic moved away from Nik like his touch had just burned him, and the alpha was back on his feet in the blink of an eye.

He was now aware one of his men had arrived to his home. "Nik, I can't do this right now," His larger hand gripped the omega's to make him stand up, in a rush, but still trying to be caring enough. His expression was stoic, though.

"Here's my room. Stay there and don't make a sound. Don't even think of stepping out," He sentenced in a firm yet demanding tone, nudging Nik inside his bedroom and shutting the door right away.

Nik could feel the alpha’s arousal under him and it started to make his own member harden. The touch of the alpha, for the brief second made his body shiver in anticipation. He gasped as he was pushed off and pulled to standing after the knock.

The cold, stoic expression on Dominic’s face made his arousal die down. He worried he had done something wrong and couldn’t help the hurt that flashed across his face. He nodded at the alpha and went into the room silently. He bit his lip looking around the room before his curiosity got the best of him and he, so slowly it was silent, opened the door just half an inch to see and hear what was happening.

(I’m not sure if you were going to play the person or you wanted me to come up with something so just ignore this part if you had an idea you wanted to do)

The man, Peter, entered when addressed and went to the alpha kneeling down as a sign of respect. “He has responded alpha” he said in a deep voice that echoed around the room “He has said he will give you whatever you wish as long as the child remains safe” he said “Should we keep the omega until he births the child and then kill the omega as a display of our power?” He asked standing back up.

Nik covered his mouth to hide the small gasp at the suggestion. He put one hand on his rounded stomach trying to calm the restless child as he looked at Dominic through the tiny hole to see what he wanted. Was he going to kill him after this? He really thought they had a connection despite all that had happened.

Dominic's eyes fell upon the other man, silently pondering his options but also what response he'll give and how it'll sound.

The initial plan was to mess a bit with the King and get what they wanted, but now things had taken a severe turn and there was more at risk now that he'd gotten involved with Nik.

And truth was, it wouldn't be right for his clan to know what was developing between him and the King's pregnant spouse.

"Deal. But we'll make sure he doesn't have another heir with this omega," Dominic stated, lifting his chin a bit higher with a somewhat wicked grin on his lips. "We'll kill him right before the King's eyes when we make the trade with him, after the child is born," Dominic said in a determined tone.

"We will let the King know it won't bring him anything good to mess with us again," He shrugged, then reached for the bottle of whiskey on the coffee table and poured himself a glass as he watched his loyal confidant, Peter, walk away.

He stayed still in his living room alone, pondering his options now a lot more focused. He wasn't going to let anything happen to Nik, but right now he had to look what was best for the clan and their plans.

"Nik," He called out after a bit, unaware the omega had been eavesdropping all this time. He sighed, making his way to the bedroom with the glass of whiskey in his hand. "Love, I'm here."

(Oh no, you did wonderful.)

Peter grinned wickedly, he enjoyed the sadistic nature of the alpha. He nodded at the suggestions “I’ll let the men know and organise the trade with the king” he said before leaving.

Nik felt his stomach drop at the suggestions given and the immediate approval of the alpha. He even looked cold and calculated when discussing it.

Nik silently closed the door as the other man had turned to walk away. He felt panic in his stomach and chest, his child would be given away as a piece of meat in a trade and he would die. Would they let him even hold his child before they took them? He wondered how they would kill him.

The worst thought, however, was that the alpha had tricked him. He had made him feel special despite kidnapping and imprisoning him. He felt sick that he had felt something for a man like that. He went to the bed in the room and laid facing away from the door pretending that he had fallen asleep, one hand wrapped around his stomach.

When the alpha called him love he felt a little sick, sure that it was part of the ploy to use and abuse him prior to having him killed so he continued pretending to be asleep.

Dominic stared at Nikolai's back for a bit, receiving no response on his side. "You must be tired," He whispered, mostly to himself. He flicked the light to his bedroom off, and stepped outside.

He was soon met with one of the maids there and asked for them to have dinner ready before Nikolai woke up.

Dominic spent the rest of the evening in a small room where he kept away some information on paper. He went over everything he had on the King and the reason why he was doing this.

He wasn't going to back out of his plan, he was still going to take vengeance, except that now his terms were different and he was going to stick to Nikolai and protect him at all costs.

His attention darted away from the papers in his hands after a while, when one of the maids came calling out to him. Dominic had asked her to let him know when Nikolai awoke.

"I think he's already up, he's in your room and dinner is already served for both of you," She informed, took a quick bow and left.

Nik ended up falling asleep due to his own exhaustion from the pregnancy and stress, and also the comfort of the bed was phenomenal.

A few hours passed and he woke up rubbing at his eyes and sighing looking around the room. Perhaps something in the room could give him some information to help his case as he was convinced Dominic had been lying to him over the people in his ward.

He sighed and sat on the edge of the bed holding his aching back as he chewed on his lip. Maybe he should just enjoy the time he had left? Perhaps having someone doting on him was better than bringing it up and being left alone until the end.

He leant forwards putting his head in his hands and took a few deep breaths trying to calm himself as he heard noises outside the door.

Dominic made his way over to his room, where Nik had been at, and opened the door. His eyes fell upon the Omega and he couldn't help the small grin to form on his own lips. Nikolai's presence was affecting his life in more ways than he could say. "You're finally up," He said, not going any further inside the room.

"I thought we could have dinner together. Would you join me?" He asked, reaching a hand out for the Omega to take. "Maybe you'd like today's menu," He said, a bit hopeful. The constant thought that Nikolai was abused by his husband made the alpha feel protective over him. He wanted what was best for Nik.

Nik looked over at the alpha feeling his insides squirm at the look on the alpha’s face. He hated how he was unsure of what the alpha wanted from him, was he merely a toy to him? An object to play with until he got what he wanted? Or did he genuinely care for him.

Nik looked at the outstretched hand wearily, unsure if he should trust the man in front of him but reaching out and placing his hand in the other man’s gently “I’m sure anything you feed me will be adequate” he said softly and smiled slightly at the other man, his other hand resting on his rounded stomach.

"Just adequate?" He wondered aloud, mostly just to tease the omega a bit and quite possible help him ease off. Because from the moment Dominic walked in, he sensed something was off with the boy. He didn't want to butt in, but maybe the omega would share his worries with him later, or that's what he hoped for.

The alpha pulled the chair for Nikolai and then sat next to him. The food smelled delicious and he already felt too hungry. "By the way, I wanted to apologize for today's interruption," He said, drinking from his glass of cool water. "We'll have more time later," He let the sentence linger, as his thoughts wandered a bit. Maybe at any given moment Nikolai would start questioning what was going to happen to the two of them, regarding what they had together.

Nik allowed a smile to grace his face at the comment before following the alpha and sitting at the chair, thanking him for holding the chair for him. He was so very hungry but also not hungry at all, he wished to know what the alpha would tell him and couldn’t help but ask “What was so important that you needed to discuss?” He asked lifting his gaze to meet Dom’s, curious if he would tell him the truth or fabricate a lie.

He pushed the food around his plate waiting for the alpha to answer him, choosing to stay silent until he did.

(How far along is Nik at the moment?)

Dominic felt in a trance just looking at Nikolai's sweet smile directed at himself. There were so many things he liked about the omega, and it all happened in such a short time. Deep down, he knew it had to do with a bond that was developing too fast and too soon between them. But right now he was ignoring that.

"Something about... work," He automatically tried to play it off, but he was hit with the realization that maybe Nikolai needed to know. "Actually, it's about your husband and his plan to get you back. But we're discussing our options. I want to keep you safe, no matter what," He told Nik.

He took a deep breath, a more serious question popping up in his mind. "Do you want to go back to him?" Dominic questioned, frowning to himself, before directing his darkened gaze back to Nikolai. "If you want your life back, I will do what you ask of me. But if you do not wish to go back to his arms, a place where you're not loved, you just have to tell me that and I will change my plans."

(Nik is 8 months pregnant. I want him to give birth before the "trade", like in a few days. What do you say?)

Nik felt his cheeks redden under the alpha’s look at him, it seemed so full of adoration and so sweet it made his own stomach do little flips. He couldn’t truly understand how he could create such a connection with a man he had known for such a short time, and truly knew so very little about.

Nik tried to hide the disappointment when he stated it was just work, thinking for a moment that perhaps it was just a ruse before Dom had continued and it had made Nik’s heart flutter and feel so loved that he was being chosen over a feud that had spanned so long. That his safety and wants and needs were of the utmost importance to Dom.

Nik felt his heart beating rapidly, he knew his husband did not care for him, and he had never felt more loved than with Dom in the past few days, however, he knew the power his husband held and if Nik chose the alpha over his husband he would be considered a traitor and part of the threat, no longer tied to the king and therefore disposable which made this place much easier to attack.

Despite that he had only just sat down he stood and moved to the alpha, kneeling down in front of him awkwardly due to how large his stomach was. He took the alpha’s hands in his own gently and rubbed the back of them “I would love to remain with you, but do you truly understand the risks this would pose on your people? On you?” He asked gently “My husband will have no qualms destroying everything if I am considered a traitor, until now I am still his husband, he does not know about us or our connection but if he was to find out….I worry that he will destroy everything” he said, his eyebrows knitted together in worry.

(Sounds good to me!)

Dom followed Nik's every move with attentive eyes, watching the omega kneel down before him. Growing attached to the omega certainly meant assuming risks, but the alpha was willing to go through whatever if it meant keeping Nik safe and for the omega to be his truly. "Nikolai, I don't want you to worry about a thing," His hands tugged at the omega's, having him stand up and pulling him onto his lap. Dom's arms were immediately embracing him.

"I'm more than okay with the risks this will bring my way, but I want you to be as sure as I am," He offered, while his hand roamed the omega's belly, lifting his shirt up and touching his bare stomach. "I can take care of you and your child. I can keep both of you safe, we can even leave this place together... The three of us," Dominic nuzzled the side of Nik's neck, breathing his scent in, placing soft, wet kisses along his skin. "I don't want to be away from you, it'll break my heart to let you go back to his arms," He let out a low groan, before tilting Nik's chin up and pressing his mouth against the omega's in a deep, passionate kiss.

Nik smiled at the hand offered and stood. He hadn’t often enjoyed his name but hearing the alpha say his full name made his heart beat a little quicker. The embrace warmed him and he laid his hand on top of the alpha’s as he touched his rounded stomach.

Nik smiled widely as he was nuzzled, it felt so loving to him, so gentle and sweet. “I am sure” he whispered. He had never expected this, never expected to feel so immediately and immensely attached to another person like he was with Dom.

Nik felt his heart flutter at the soft kisses on his neck and shoulder “I never want to leave your arms” he said quietly before gasping at the kiss that followed. He kissed back fervently tangling his fingers in the alpha’s hair. He wanted to sit facing Dom on his lap but knew if he moved his large stomach would get in the way.

He pulled back for a breath and kissed down the alphas neck nipping and sucking as he went. He got off the alpha, a little awkwardly, and knelt before him again gently reaching out and sliding the alphas pants down enough that his penis came free. He looked up at the alpha from under his lashes and leaned forward taking the whole length in one go. He had been taught to give the most pleasure to his husband and he knew he did it well.

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