C You Belong To Me

Nolan looked down at his non-sleeping clothes. He looked at Thomas.
"Can you lend me something?"

“Sure”, Thomas said, opening his wardrobe. He pulled out a shirt and handed it to Nolan, “do you want some bottoms?”

"I can sleep without..." He replied and looked at the funny Tshirt from his neighbor. He immediately lowered his clothes to the floor, staying naked in front of Thomas.

“Okay, that’s fine”, Thomas said, watching as Nolan dropped his clothes to the floor. Thomas’ eyes widened and he immediately looked at the floor, casting his eyes down. Thomas even kept his eyes down as he attempted to change into some clean boxers.

Nolan has always liked to annoy Thomas. That's why when he stood dressed only in a Tshirt he began to accost him.
"Do you like me? What? Thomas?"

Thomas hummed slowly moving back towards the bed, “of course I like you”, he calmly said.

"Then why did you get confused?" Nolan was a master of uncomfortable questions "What? Answer"

“I’m not confused, I’m just putting on some clean clothes”, Thomas answered, “now why don’t you get into bed?”

Nolan snorted briefly under his breath and climbed onto the bed quite efficiently. He wrapped himself tightly in the bedclothes.
"I haven't slept here in a long time..." he whispered

“It has been a while”, Thomas murmured, getting into the bed. He grabbed the tv controls and passed them to Nolan, “put something on”.

Nolan put the remote on the bedside table.
"I need sleep... Hug me and sleep too."

Thomas moved closer to Nolan, wrapping an arm around his waist and leaving his hand to rest on the baby bump, “I guess I could go to sleep early for once”, he murmured.

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