C Hidden Love w/whoknows

The due date was nearing still so much Jess wanted to do such as a maternity shoot, also needed to finish the nursery. She(yes, Jess is now declared female) was excited and nervous with everything. Jess picked out some nice maternity clothing for the maternity shoot.

Devin, of course, joined him and was able to help pick out some of the outfits Jess could wear. She looked really good and Devin couldn’t wait to be able to hang the photos up on a wall.

They took so many pictures. So hard to decide what to pick!! Jess looked so beautiful in her sun dress’s a few in the water and some silhouettes with Jess and Devin together!!!

Now that the due date has come and gone Jess was eager for her baby to come. It was suggested she go on leave, but, she is very stubborn as she love to teach.

When looking at the photos, he could’ve sworn he fell in love with Jess even more. He looked gorgeous in the photos and made sure she knew it. He bought all of the photos they had taken and even asked for photo frames to be added.

Devin wasn’t happy that Jess had decided to continue teaching but she was a stubborn person. He knew he couldn’t control what she wanted to do, so after advising her it was a bad idea, he left it. Now he was sat in her lesson, watching as she waddled around. Honestly, it was kinda attractive.

The due date came and passed, Jess was still teaching was against Dr's orders but she promised not to over do it. She sat most of the class and did her lecture rubbing belly. A few students had questions but it didn't stop her from waddling over to them. She would answer and point to where the answer would come from as she had the other hand holding back side. Class had finished for the day and she started to feel a little pain as she walked to her office.

To be honest Devin found it quite hot that he was the reason that Jess had to waddle everywhere. The sight of her holding her back, and panting every time she wanted to hand out some work. The constant toilet breaks. Jess had changed from a good teacher to a heavily pregnant mother.

Despite his warnings, Jess had decided she wanted to teach up until the birth. Devin made sure to keep an eye on her at all times.

While in her office Jess fet a little more pain. She kept going about her business and was hoping it would subside even though it had been past her due date. She did breath a little, the pain waa still tolerable.

Devin had decided to give Jess a little visit after his last class. He waited around until the halls were clear and then walked to Jess’ office and knocked on the door. He could see through the window that she was standing and holding her belly while deeply breathing, obviously in pain.

Jess eases on the couch in her office lays back feels more intense pain and also feels something wet gushing out. Grabbing her phone she calls Devin..

Devin answers the phone, “hey, I’m outside your office, I was just about to come in”, he said, then opened the door. He hung the phone up and rushed over, “are you okay?”, he asked, rubbing his hand in firm circles over the bump.

“It’s time!” Jess said before another contraction. Jess breaths slowly as another one hits “phew…phew…phew…” Jess also points down at the wet spot.

Devins eyebrows raised, in shock, as he stared down at the wet patch. “Uh, what do we do?”, he exclaimed, looking between the wet patch and Jess’ face.

“I am in too much pain to move!!” Another contraction comes along. A nurse that teaches a class hears Jess moan. Comes running. “Ohhhh uhhhh mmm!”

The nurse pulled out her phone and cursed, “the connection is down, Devin, I would never normally say this but can you carry Jess to your car and take her to the hospital”, she begged, “I would never normally ask this from anyone”.

Devin nodded, lifting Jess up from the couch and rushing out if the school. He had to stand her back up once he reached the car so he could get his keys from his pocket, “can you get in yourself?”, he asked.

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