MCU MPREG (closed with PregnantTyler)
Set: A few years before Infinity War, Bucky is back in New York following his treatments in Wakanda, he return from having lunch with a friend he met, Capt. America is not around since his busy with Avengers and SHIELD, so his always out by himself.

His in Midtown for a walk when he heard a teenage voice, and a few gunshot he dash to the source of the screams and gun fire; a bank robbery and Spider-Man is corned in badly injured bleeding from his tight his blue pants are now bloody red.

He jumped in fort of the injured teen using his metal arm to stop the bullets, he looks conscious but in pain "hey kid you ok?!" before punching the gunmen, no answer "hey if your still alive you better say something!" yelling him. Only time his former HYDRA training ever come to good used.
(Peter Parker has been aged up to 18 years old and a senior in high school, in order to not break the pregnant minors rule.)

Peter made the reckless mistake of attempting to take down several armed men at once. While he managed to web the guns out of a few hands, one tricky shooter managed to shoot his leg several times. He had crumpled to the floor in agony. His vision was getting a little hazy, but he could just barely make out the blur of someone trying to save him.

"I-I'm....fine...." He answered "Just a scratch." Trying to sound confident but not quite. He then passed out in front of Bucky
Bucky to take down most of robbers he made sure there not dead just unconscious but heavily injured, he didn't hurt himself that much expect a knife that sliced through his left cheekbone, he checked on Spider-Man "hey kid talk!"

Spider-Man gave a reply that his fine trying to act confident but Bucky knows his not but the kid passed up Bucky quickly checked for a pulse he removed his masked, Bucky was shock what he saw, Spider-Man is really just a kid, a teenager no older than 18, he knew the kid for a few years but he never knew the he was this young, quickly placing his human arm on his neck feeling for any pulse.

He found one but is irregular and weak "shit hang on kid, don't try to die!" he used his metal arm and a piece of the mask's cloth to apply pressure in the bullet wound, pressing down hard Spider-Man groan from the pain "shhh I know it hurts, but your bleeding heavily" placing Spider-Man's head close to his chest "hang in there" gently carrying him bridal style.
The pressure in his leg caused Spidey to wake up and see Bucky carrying him. The coast must be clear. "Thanks man-wait..." He felt his own face, his mask was removed! "Shit!" He pulled his mask back down. Thank goodness nobody noticed to reveal his identity. "Um, did you get 'em?" He asked Bucky.
Bucky notice Spider-Man woke up scream from the pain he hold him closer to his body "hold still you going to bleed to death if you made matter worse" the kid quickly put his masked back on, Bucky used a cloth from his belt to stop the bleeding instead "relax kid is just us, half of New York won't know your just a skinny high school student" he stroke his head "yeah I got them, consider yourself lucky, your would at a funeral if I hadn't shown up"

Suddenly Peter's breathing becomes weak and labored Bucky panics "hang on kid! You will be okay! Relax!"

He quickly takes Peter to the nearest hospital, was rushed to the ER, to undergo knee surgery and have a blood transfusion, Bucky restlessly waited outside hoping the kid survives "kid please be ok, or Iron Man would kill us both!" praying that his actions were quick enough
Thankfully, nobody at the hospital would remove Peter's mask nor would they would attempt to check his identity in any way thanks to a deal from Stark Enterprises. Peter was out for a long time, but miraculously managed to survive and while he would be out of commission from crimefighting for a few weeks, he would recover.
Bucky is relief that Spider-Man made it through the surgery and is now in recovery, he tracked his hospital room, he waited for the last nurse to leave before going inside, the kid looks like his asleep his mask is still on expect for his mouth with an oxygen mask over it, he quietly sit next to his bed he had an IV line and a heart monitor hooked up to him, he grab his hand massing it with his human hand "glad you made it through kid"

Bucky just watches Peter sleeping deeply trying not to disturb him
Peter would wake up from his sleep after a little while. He was relieved to see that his mask was on. Since only Bucky was around he decided he was save to trust Bucky and remove his mask for now. "Thank you, dude. I would have been a goner if not for you." He looked out the window and saw that it was night time "Oh long was I out?"
Bucky notice Peter waking up "hey you shouldn't be moving so much" as he takes his mask off there some bruises in his face as well "geez you looked awful" stroking his hair "I'm glad your safe and alive, I have enough dead bodies in my hands already" Bucky looked at his watch "you been out for almost the whole afternoon, is late get some sleep"

His glad Spider-Man trusted him with his masked off cause he needed it "can I at least know your name?" Spider-Man didn't answer he wasn't going just tell his name to him, Bucky figured he won't trust him with his identity "okay I understand you can't trust me so easily, but if I need to inform your parents they must be worried"
Peter awkwardly remained silent when asked his name. He just was not comfortable sharing it yet. "You can reach my Aunt May." He says and he gives Bucky the number to her cell. Lord knows she is NOT going to take the news well, she's been even more worried arter learning that her nephew was Spider Man.
Bucky takes the his aunt's number "okay let me get this straight, you aunt is knows and is "fine" about you running playing superhero?!" Peter turns away with his face red, Bucky can tell his nervous enough and stop "ok Spider-Man I will call your aunt and explained what happened"

Bucky dials the number, a female voice replied after 3 rings "hi Aunt May?...ok May Parker, I'm a friend of Stark's I was in Midtown when I saw your nephew Spider-Man got gunned down" Bucky put the voice away from ear when she start screaming at the phone "Ma'am calmed down his out of danger don't worry his in Midtown Hospital" she quickly hanged up, Bucky looked at Spider-Man "I can tell she got worried, she hanged up on me" grabbing his hand. Bucky hoped she doesn't call the police on him.
Peter had to cover his ears and he was not even near the phone! "Oh yeah, she's going to come in here all pissed now...I'd rest but I think I'll wake up when she pulls in" he says. He nervously explains the situation "Technically she isn't FINE with it, she sorta found out by accident after I tried on the updated suit Mr. Stark gave me."
Bucky asked in disblief "ok so you had a suit Stark gave you on and she found out about the whole Spider-Man "thing" and not fine about it but still do it" Peter nodded he was scared and nervous, Bucky stroke his head "shhhh relax ok, everything going to be okay" his heart monitor was beeping loudly "kid relax! Breathe!" Trying to calm him down holding him close "try to sleep your running a bit of a fever" stroking his cheeks "I'm not leaving I promise"
"Well I mean, I understand that she is worried but I still feel that I should use my powers for good, and mr. Stark trusts me." Peter said. He was still worried about Aunt May's incoming wrath but managed to calm down and lay down again, quickly falling asleep. His heart monitor showed his heart calming down to a lower pace.
Bucky laid his head back in the pillow, he tugged him in the blanket place a hand over his "good his relaxing, get some sleep okay kid" watching him sleep peacefully, his vitals shows stable signs which is a good thing.

Bucky sit in a corner watching sleep, he will sleep through the night from he tell, he used this chance to leave the room so he can rest, he went to get a Red Bull in a nearby vending machine and a Juice Box for Spider-Man.

He about to go back inside Peter's room when he saw a woman go inside, his not sure who she was but can't risk getting arrested either, Bucky has no choice but to just spy and ease drop for a while.

"Peter Benjamin Parker! How the fuck this happened to you!" Bucky heard a voice shouting from inside the room.
Peter woke up from his aunt's voice booming. Just when he was finally relaxed too. "Don't worry, aunt May..." he said with a groggy voice "I was stopping a robbery."
"I don't care if is a bank robbery or if some alien robot, I was right about this whole Spider-Man gig will get you hurt, look at you what if you gotten killed huh?!"

Bucky ease drop it the whole conversation feeling bad for the kid "fuck sake, his already hurt don't make feel worse, his only doing what he believe is right"

"That's it Peter your done playing Spider-Man that's final!"
Peter became panicked after hearing that "No! I can't!" He begged "Mr. Stark needs me, he said it! And I'll be just fine in a few weeks!" He was holding back tears "Please? It won't be happen anymore, I promise.."
"Stark has a team off of heroes, he doesn't need a teenager, is too dangerous Peter, your too young, I made up my mind your bringing that suit back to Stark and you will forget about ever having those powers"

Bucky can't stand hearing any off anymore "ok time to step in!" He took a white coat to look like a doctor casually went inside "Mr. Parker I'm hear for your check up...oh who's this hot lady

May blush at the comment I'm May...and yeah your cute" Bucky's cheek became red "uh..." he look at Peter and whisper "play along"
"Okay just make sure she does not see that arm." He whispered back and gestured his eyes to Bucky's metal arm, his hand still exposed. He sat up from bed for the check up. "What do you need me to do, doctor?"

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