Foreign Contaminant (Closed RP with AcelynnXia) (Possible NSFW)
The year is 2114, an explorer ship named the Eye for Curiosity is cruising through deep space with it's crew of humans in tow. And leading the crew is their captain, Nathaniel "Nate" Pregali, descendant of Sam Pregali, founder of Pregali Industries. Nate is more often than not, accompanied by his wife and the ship's navigator, Lynn.

The ship has it's own onboard artificial intelligence program named Celeste who oversees certain key functions of the ship and monitors the well being of it's crew members. The ship also has entertainment systems as well as food and clothing synthesizers, all state-of-the-art and all designed to entertain the crew and help provide for their needs.

Currently, an unknown substance is being under analysis in the ship's laboratory after having been extracted from a strange, green-colored asteroid. Nate is at the bridge along with Lynn and a few others as he asks his wife, "Lynn, what do you think of that substance that we found inside that asteroid?"
"I'm not sure...It looks familiar. I do recall one of the crew members speaking of something similiar to this." Lynn replied, her fingers tapping against the steel rail of the bridge "At the same time, it looks very strange. We shouldn't mess with it or be near it until results are out." She suggested to her husband while her eyes focus on the asteroid
"Well, we don't know. It could be something entirely different." Sam said before he receives a notification from the ship's AI.

"Captain Pregali, incoming call from Dr. Bridgette Hathaway." Since Bridgette is the chief scientist and she's in charge of analyzing the mystery substance, Nate knows that a call from her would be important.

"Thank you, Celeste. Patch it through." Sam replied as he turns to face the communications terminal. Then, the terminal projects a holographic image of the chief scientist.

"Captain, this is Dr. Hathaway. My initial analysis indicates that the substance is not radioactive nor does it contain any harmful chemicals. However, I'm amazed to discover that even though it looks and feels like a rock, the substance is actually biological in nature. Although, I can't determine whether it's alive or dead, perhaps it's in a state of suspended animation." Bridgette stated.

"Excellent work, Doctor. Seal the organism in an airtight container until further study." Nate replied.

"Captain, are you sure about that?" Bridgette asked.

"If it can survive in the vacuum of space, then I'm sure it can survive inside an airtight container, right?"

"A reasonable assumption, Captain. Dr. Hathaway out." Bridgette said before ending the transmission. Nate then turns towards his wife and says, "Did you hear that, Lynn? An organism of extraterrestrial origin! Isn't that exciting?"
Lynn smiled at her husband and nodded "I do agree that it's exciting. Do you think it can be a danger to us if it ever escape from the airtight container?" She asked with concern as she looked at Nate
Nate looks back at Lynn and replies, "Don't worry, the reason why the container is airtight is because nothing can get in and nothing can get out, remember? There's no way that thing's getting out of there."

He then stretches out his arms and gives out a big yawn as he says, "Well, I think I should go to my quarters and get some shut eye. You're welcome to join me if you want."

Before leaving the bridge, Nate gives his wife a kiss on the forehead and says, "Love you."
"I love you too..." Lynn sighed after her husband left. She heads down to the labatory where Dr. Hathaway was working. She knocks on the door, notifying the doctor of her presence.

"I'm sorry if I interrupted you...I just want to see this organism my husband had informed me of." She said with a hint of concern in her voice. Something just didn't feel right.
The electronic door whooshes open as Dr. Hathaway looks to see who's there. After seeing Lynn, she says, "Oh, Mrs. Pregali! Of course you can see the organism, please come in. It's right over here."

She leads Lynn through the lab and points towards an indiscriminate steel box with a small glass window that allows one to look inside that sits on a counter that stands right next to the wall opposite the lab door. As Lynn looks through the box's window, she sees the alien organism. It looks like a jagged, dark green rock, solid, still, and unmoving.

"As you can see," Dr. Hathaway says, "The container that the organism is being kept in is made up of thick, heavily reinforced steel and is completely vacuum sealed. Powerful magnets keep the lid of the container tightly shut and the window is made of 5-inch thick safety glass. Trust me, nothing's getting out of there, and that's if the organism even tries to escape. Ever since it was found, it has shown absolutely no sign of activity, we know that it's biological in nature only because we found it to have a cellular structure. For all we know, this thing could be dead. So you don't have to worry about a thing Mrs. Pregali, we have everything under control here."
Lynn smiled and nods "Thank you for the reassurance. From what I see, it is secure. The organism is unknown, I'm just worried about the strength it has. We don't know for sure until it does something...Be careful and be safe Dr. Hathaway. I don't want any harm done on this ship, you all are like a family to me. Please don't be angered if I worry too much over this." She spoke softly, her eyes gazing at the organism. She shudders and shakes her head.

"It's getting late, I will speak to you soon. Have a nice night." Lynn left the laboratory and heads to Nate's quarters and quietly joined him in bed.
Sometime later, when Nate and Lynn are sound asleep and the lab is left completely unattended, cracks begin appearing on the organism until it shatters and leaves a dark green slime creature in it's place. The slime quickly drills a hole through the window of the container, oozes out through the hole, and then slithers out of the lab and through the ceiling of the corridors of the ship until it reaches the door to the captain's quarters where Nate and Lynn are sleeping. It then squeezes under the door to the room and slithers towards the bed and stops close to both Nate and Lynn's feet.

The creature then scrapes a bit of skin from them for their DNA and mixes the genetic codes contained in the skin it scraped. When it finishes mixing the DNA, the slime splits into two and climbs up their legs. When they reach their hips, the slimes appear to get smaller as they dissolve into their skin. Once they're completely absorbed, the slimes get to work on altering the bodies of their new hosts to better suit their purposes.
Several hours later, Lynn was awaken by a nauseous feeling building up. She toss the blanket aside and rush to the bathroom, emptying her stomach. She rest her hand on her belly, feeling a slight bulge. Her eyes widen then shook her head. It couldn't be... She got up to rinse her mouth and lays back down beside her husband.

"Nate..." She shook him slightly trying to wake him up.
Nate groans as he feels someone shaking him, but then he feels a sudden rush of nausea and he quickly gets up and runs straight for the bathroom. After emptying his stomach, he returns to the bathroom and sees his wife with a bulge in her stomach and a worried look on her face. He then looks down and feels shock at there being a similar bulge in his own stomach.

"What is going on?..." Nate mumbled before he heard ringing from his room's communicator. Then suddenly, he saw a holographic projection of Dr. Hathaway, she looks more panicked than she was before as she shouted, "Captain! The organism is gone!!!"

Shocked at the news, Nate suddenly puts a hand on his stomach and starts to think that maybe the two events are connected.

"Dr. Hathaway, Lynn and I are going to the lab. Meet us there." Nate orders.

"Right away, Captain." The doctor replies before ending the communication.
"I had a feeling this was going to happen" Lynn says anxiously and puts on her clothes. "Let's go, I don't want to have this thing inside of me" she holds onto Nate's hand and drags him to the laboratory.

"Dr. Hathaway! Dr. Hathaway! We're here!" Lynn calls out
"Ah, excellent timing! We have just learned that what we assumed was the organism's outer shell was actually some type of egg since it left pieces of said egg in the container. And we've discovered a hole in the container's window that the organism somehow managed to drill through, and given the dimensions of the hole, we assume that the only way that it could get through the hole would be if it was amorphous in it's physical structure. But now we have bigger concerns since the organism could be anywhere in this blasted ship by now!" Dr. Hathaway explains.

"Uh, Dr. Hathaway. We may have an idea as to where the organism went." Nate replies as he lifts his shirt to reveal his bulge and Lynn follows suit. Dr. Hathaway bends down to get a better look at their bloated stomachs.

"Oh my!" Dr. Hathaway exclaims as her eyes widen, "It must have split itself in two and dissolved itself into your bodily systems. We need to conduct tests, I need to know what the organism is doing inside your bodies!"
"And find a way to get this thing out of us!" Lynn said frantically then takes in a few breaths "Sorry, Dr. Hathaway...Just please help us, as soon as possible. I don't know how that...that...that thing is going to get out of my husband." She sighed and glanced at her husband's belly.

"Of course! Just lay down on these examination tables and I'll put the both of you under a full body scan. Don't worry, the procedure is completely non-invasive, but I'm gonna have to ask you two to strip down to your underwear." Dr. Hathaway says.

Nate feels embarrassment as he strips down to his boxers while Lynn gets down to her bra and panties. They then lay down on two nearby tables, they shudder as the cold metal touches their skin. The doctor then activates two scanners before they simultaneously look up and down Nate's and Lynn's bodies. After seeing the results of the scans on a computer screen, Dr. Hathaway remarks.

"How very odd, I'm getting signs of the organism's cellular structure in both of your chests, buttocks, and genitals, but the highest concentrations are in the area around your stomachs. And in your case Captain, I've found a new organ inside you that looks exactly like a woman's uterus and it appears that this new organ has a kind of canal that leads straight to your anus. Well I have to say Captain, it seems safe to assume that since the organism hasn't found a way out of you, it had basically made a way out. It seems to be altering the structures of both of your bodies in order to suit its needs, whatever those needs may be. At this point, I can't determine how extreme these changes will be, nor how long these changes will last."
Lynn's eyes widen and she sat her, hitting her head on the top of the scanner. She sigh and rubs her head. "We should of let that organism go when we had a chance. We can't let the others know about this, especially what is going on with Nate. The others will become scared about the organism."

"Is there any way to get it out of us? When will we know when it's time?" Lynn began to question the doctor, her fingers fidgeting nervously. "This is definitely just a dream."
"I'm sorry to say, but this is no dream, Lynn. I can't get the thing out of either of you since it's basically all over the place, I think it's using your bodies in order to reproduce itself somehow," Dr. Hathaway explains, "And I can't tell at this point when it'll come out, so you two will most likely be in it for the long haul. Also, I can keep this discreet for now just so long as it's okay with the captain."

Nate's mind reels at what the doctor is telling them, he and his wife are now pregnant with a plethora of alien organisms that will alter their bodies however they please. But for the sake of his wife and himself, he needs to be strong, so he says to Dr. Hathaway, "Dr. Hathaway, please keep this situation discreet from the rest of the crew. At least until the symptoms become obvious to everyone."

Dr. Hathaway replies, "Of course, sir. Now I suggest that you two drink plenty of fluids and avoid doing anything too strenuous, I'll also give you some pills that will stop the nausea. And if you two notice anything else, please tell me right away."
Lynn groan and cover her eyes with her arm "I will get through this without going insane." She said to herself and turns her head to Nate. "Nate...How are you feeling?" She ask with concern
Nate turns his head towards Lynn and replies, "I feel strange to say the least. But for your sake and for the sake of my crew, I'm willing to make it through this."

He then gets up off the table and redresses himself. After he gets fully dressed, Nate says to her, "So, are you feeling hungry? Because I sure am."
Lynn shook her head "N..No. I'm not hungry at all. I'll go cook dinner for you since the crew won't find this suspicious on me." She gets up and get dressed, making a bee line to the kitchen

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