Closed Moved to new thread ( A new Dawn)
Ronaio smiles as the male takes his hand, he starts to lead the male toward the woods. "What would you like to see first? I know the woods well and there is little that would dare challenge me." He takes no notice of Hayden's clothes too interested in the boys form.

Kit nods "there is the park not too far from here there is a few bushes close together that make a dome. Will you be able to visit here anyway? I enjoy talking to you very much." He gets closer to the window and watches the man outside.
Jared gasped and his brown eyes widened when he felt someone grab him from behind. He was just about to start kicking and biting when he heard Lyze's voice, and he at once calmed down. He watched Lyze search the trees and looked around for himself. Were there really other creature out here? He thought they were all just urban legends. "Sorry, I didn't mean to give you a heart attack," the boy apologized. Jared stared at Lyze, taking in those features the man hid from him yesterday. The silver of the Talon's eyes stood out much more in the dim of the forest. Jared watched the pupils dilate and contract almost constantly, no doubt giving the man eyesight with hawk-like precision. Lyze could probably see for miles on a clear day.

"Oh hey, how's your forehea--" Just as the boy reached for the bandage, he noticed the large black wings rustling behind Lyze. "No way!" Jared gasped. He jumped to his feet and ran around behind the man, carefully grabbing one of the feathery appendages and moving it in his hands. "You have wings!"

- - - - -

Gregorio grinned at the sight of the boy. Shiro was on his own two feet, at least. "Good evening, sweet pet," he purred. Those boots clunked across the floor with each deliberate step. Gregorio reached the bed holding the bowl of oatmeal in one hand, and then used his free hand to grab Shiro's jaw and tilt his face upward. His eyes didn't seem nearly as glazed. Good. The kid would be suitable for breeding soon enough. The thought alone made his pale pink tongue lick over his grey-blue lips. His red eyes danced as his imagination took flight. "I brought you food. Nothing special, mind you. Can't have you walking around with an empty stomach." Gregorio chuckled at the double meaning behind his words.
The second Jared's fingers brushed over his wings he felt shiver run through his body,quite a positive one to like those that made your knees weak, such a kind touch was strange to him especially in a place like that.
"Y-yah, that was one of the things I was going to show you today but I guess you got to find that out sooner then I wanted." His eyes darted over his shoulder to fix on his face finding his cheeks heat up immensely and he retracted them back allowing them to fold against his shirt like a bird's to there sides but he didn't bother to hide them more then that.
"I was afraid it might of freaked you out but I can see it did quite the opposite of what I was expecting."
The second he finished speaking he felt his eyes narrow automatically at Gregorio's harsh tone as it was a built-in response to for him to become defensive when he felt threatened. He twisted his head from his grasp hearing a couple joints in his neck pop from the odd angle he'd slept in.
" Not hungry." He lied feeling the twisting emptiness that was always in place in his stomach grow worse as he stood one hand feebly clutching at the bed's post to steady himself as his head spun.
He only blinked once before feeling something hard hit his knees and he found himself looking up at Gregorio instead of being about eye level with him before. Even in his complaints against hunger he found his eyes wandering to the steaming bowl with a type of lust only those deprived of food would give to a inanimate object.
"M-Maybe just a little hungry...Master." He empathizes on the last word.
He smirked his mind once again challenging what what Ronaio had said to him as they headed into the woods,
" No one huh?, I'm sure there's gotta be someone out there willing to challenge you, for instance I don't think you look that strong I could take you on." He managed a laugh at the end signally he was joking about what he'd said but he couldn't help but wonder just how powerful this man he'd just met had been.
"Here?..I guess I could. It could makes things easier. But now I must be going daylight isn't my best of friends when it finds me. One last thing before I go to show you my true intentions and to prove the care a stranger has for you Kit." It took him only moments to reach the bars of the boys window pushing a hand though easily slide it up around the side of Kit's small face.
" You truly are a love at first sight..."It murmured before pressing his lips against the ones he so savored for only moments to proclaim his feelings before drawing away from the boy,
" Tomorrow then, I'll know how you feel." He said mostly to himself before disappearing from sight and from view of the barred home as the sun rose to close this interesting chapter of his day.
~Help me I'm human~
Ronaio smirks "looks are quite deciding aren't they?" He chuckles at his privet joke, as he leads the boy further into the woods but keeping the town in veiw for Hayden's sake. He would rather not blow his cover this early. Though It suprised the elvayain how much he enjoys the human's nature already.

Kit's eyes widen in suprise and desire, as the handsome male kisses him. Kit blushes and watches Ryder hurry away. Is this how the trapped princes felt when their prince had to leave for fear of the witch? Well unlike those princess he has no plan to wait to be rescued maybe he can get out on his own. Kit sits on his bed and yawns, there is no point in trying to escape while your tierd.
"Oh man, nothing freaks me out. I mean, almost nothing. Beetles and cockroaches kinda give me the heebie jeebies. Wings aren't something that will scare me, though. They're too cool!" Jared got down on his knees, still behind Lyze, and started running his fingers up under the feathers. "So did they grow these on you in the lab? Did it hurt? Can you fly with them? Do you molt? How do you keep them clean?"

A loud flapping sound interrupred Jared's onslaught of questions. Another Talon decended from the cluster of branches above them. He landed on his feet, still flapping his own black wings a few times to kick up leaves and dirt in a display of arrogance. The other Talons knew him as Rizrof. He had dark and silver eyes just like Lyze, along with the black feathered wings, but he had pale blonde hair spilling down his back. Rizrof folded his arms over his chest and grinned at the pair. "Hey, Lyze, what'cha got there? You keepin' one of those lab boys all to yourself?"

- - - - -

Gregorio allowed Shiro to have his little moment of defiance. He didn't expect the boy to be nearly as willing and cooperative now that he was sober. The man simply stood there and watched Shiro lose his balance and stumble to the floor. "That's a good pet," he purred with a fanged grin. Gregorio crouched down as well, and then offered up a spoonful of the bland oatmeal to his pouting little prisoner. "Now open wide..."
He snapped out of his slight trance from Jared's heavenly touch and shot to his feet one hand gripping the hilt of a dagger hidden securely in his belt.
"Rizrof.." He said low with a growl to his voice trying to spread his wings out fully to keep Jared hidden from sight, he winced quite visibly as his left wing tried to extend a dark bruise colored cut ran jaggedly down it's length only half-healed since the last time he and lyze had fought making him unable to fly for the last few weeks driving him nuts.
He smirked eying him evilly.
"I may of lost our last battle but touch him and you die."

He willingly took the spoon without being defiant anymore finishing down the meal within minutes. His tongue felt numb and stung slightly afterward from the oatmeal being to hot but at least Gregorio hadn't been anymore forceful with it.
"Why are you doing this?" He began quietly pausing before speaking again,"You can't keep me here someone will come look-.." He cut off suddenly looking down as he realized what he was saying, the people he worked for could care less if he went missing as other workers did all the time and were just replaced, he had no family or friends to care either.
"It's inhumane to keep someone looked inside." He said changing what he was originally going to say.

The blush hadn't left his face even when he walked onto the cold stone of the cave and voices echo around him with his return. He clung to the plush cat he was given that still smelled of Kit as his last few moments of peace lasted before it was ripped from his hands and he felt harsh calloused hands trap him against the ground making his head spin from the harsh contact.
"Q-Quentin?...Can't we skip this for tonight please? I-" He was cut off as the larger Catonta let out a growl the man's venom yellow eyes narrowing at his words.
"You smell like the humans again, how many times have I told you not to go out of the woods, Your mine and mine alone." His voice rose with every word he spoke making Ryder's eyes flatten against his head then twist back as he felt sharp teeth sink into the side of his bared neck making him let out a sharp yowl in pain and pleasure which was quickly muffled by a hand clamped over his mouth.
"I trained you to be quiet so do it." Quentin's voice was now deathly quiet as he ran his tongue over the bleeding area eyes glaring through his thick white hair at him.
"I'm sorry!" He said turning his head to the side as many eyes flickered to life around them watching the scene with hushed interest as the 'alpha' in the pack took advantage of the 'omega' from the fourth time this weak.
He shuddered in pleasure feeling the strong hands creep under his shirt tearing open the buttons one by one. He shuddered again but this time in fear as he saw the man's pants tighten around a certain area he'd come to love and hate over his years of living here he lifted his leg rubbing against Quentin as the larger man let a groan of pleasure.
" Your getting better at this kitty." He said flashing him a sharp smile.
Ryder fixed his eyes and mind somewhere else letting himself go blank and focus on the one positive thing in the room, the small blue cat who fixed it's button gaze on him, 'I'm sorry..' he thought instead of speaking this time wishing he could be back with Kit instead of being tortured by this horrendous man.
"Ahh!" He screamed out as only seconds later he was brought back to painful reality when something hard entered him without any kind of preparation.
Quentin sunk his teeth into Ryder's neck again for making noise and for once ryder was thankful for the distraction of pain somewhere else.
This went on all night till the sun rose far past dawn before he was let go thrown from the cave like trash. It was a rule in their clan the omega's had to leave during the day and only certain ones were able to come inside at night for 'special treatment' he looked at the few other dirty faced omega's hiding among the trees before dragging himself through the woods raising a hand every so often to steady himself against one of the sturdy trees or tighten the scarf around his neck to keep his newest wound closed,
"Least he took it easy this time.." He muttered as he walked a smile on his face as the city limits came into view.

The walk was most serine and calming, the trees around them glowed healthy shades of green humming with life as birds passed in between them and the occasional dear darting out in front of the two before quickly disappearing though the undergrowth. He paused in walking when they came to a place in the woods where the trees changed to willows and thinned slightly reveling a literately glittering lake to their left. The surface shimmered with the fake gold deposits located beneath it turning the glassy water a thin shade of gold the rippled in the whispering wind.
"Amazing.." He's never seen anything like this before even when he lived on the surface for those few short years.
"I never knew the woods were this incredible."
~Help me I'm human~
Kit took the time he can to figure a way to sneak out before his father came in with his newest treatment. Kit sighs and thinks of the handsome male that visited last night during the process. Once done and sent back to his room he sees the books and starts to read. He had a basic escape plan for the night and even a protection item should any wierd people try something during the night.

Ronaio grins "this is only part of the woods. I can show you more." He grows a sweet smelling flower, a rose, and hands it to the male. "I won't force you though. I would rather have a willing freind then a forced ally."
Jared had enough curiosity to kill a cat, but luckily, he had enough human sensibilities to know danger from safety. Something about this other Talon just didn't feel right, so he hid behind Lyze as best he could. Rizrof just grinned. He could spot that shock of red hair from a mile away. He spread his own wings as well in a display of dominance. The artificial sunlight breaking through the trees made his black feathers shimmer in shades of violet and green. "Last time we fought was because you refused to share. We can only survive as a flock, Lyze. You know that. Did you really think you could keep that rabbit all for yourself? We all need to eat."

Rizrof took a step forward, eyeing Jared behind the injured Talon. "And we all need to breed."

- - - - -

Gregorio started laughing loudly when Shiro nearly insisted people would look for him. "No one will come for you, silly boy!" he teased. "I know for a fact that you have no family or friends who are going to look for you. I watched all the boys going in and out of that club for weeks before narrowing them down to you. I can keep you here as long as I want and no one will be the wiser." He ran his hand through Shiro's hair, sharp fingernails catching some of the tangles.

"The humanity in my actions is irrelevant since I stopped being a human a long time ago. Science stripped me of my humanity. Not that I suppose I had much to begin with. I've never been much of a people person. You know, giving a shit about other people's feelings and all that garbage. As for why I brought you here..." Gregorio slipped his hand beneath the black button-up Shiro wore and slid his palm over the boy's belly. "I need use of this."
" I don't need you guys, I'm perfectly fine on my own." He hated the flock with his every being but they always pulled him back with threats or the other younger members would guilt him back into staying promising they'd changed.
"And if you want to breed look somewhere else he's off limits." He had to admit the thought had crossed his mind when he thought about Jared but he quickly shook his head looking at the other Talon with narrowed eyes but found himself taking a step back as he approached.

His eyes widened as he blushed heavily, no one had been that up-front in telling him that as long as he could remember but of course he'd always refuse, kids were never on his mind as he had no way to afford them and would just have to give them up immediately but this time..,
"Guess I have no choice in the matter do I?"

He took the rose close and took in it's scent with a smile his cheeks turning the colors of the petals moments later when he realized what this sweet action could lead to and downcast his eyes shyly,
"Then I guess ya' got yourself a willing friend then." He chuckled a little tucking the rose behind his ear so he wouldn't loose it not minding the gentle prick of the thorns since they weren't that sharp and his thick hair blacked most of it anyways.

He glanced out from the alleyway to the busy road in front of Kit's window and wished the boy had more or a secluded home so he wouldn't have to hide his appearance to talk to him but with everyone bustling about it would be impossible for him to talk long without being noticed anyways.He gave a sigh and set back in the alleyway waiting for the sun to drop low and the flow of people to stop.
~Help me I'm human~
Rizrof chuckled. "You know those precious little mice hardly ever leave the lab, much less venture far enough outside the city limits for us to get our hands on one. Give him up, Lyze. It's for the good of the flock."

Jared swallowed nervously. He wished now he'd listened to his parents and steered clear of the woods. He knew nothing about the creatures that lived out here, but they knew all about him. It made his skin crawl knowing he and the other boys were so coveted by these winged beasts. Lyze seemed nice enough, but would he suddenly turn on Jared? Even though it was a risk, Jared took off in a run. He thought, hoped, he could make it out of the woods and back to the road.

Rizrof's eyes widened excitedly and he flapped his wings. "Run, run, little mouse!" he laughed. The Talon took flight after the boy, catching up easily, and snatched Jared up by the back of his shirt.

- - - - -

"No, you don't," Gregorio replied bluntly. "Noctra are the master race and I'll personally see to it that our numbers rival that of humans, Cantontas, Auqious, or anything else out with its name on this underground mess of a city." Gregorio firmly believed the Noctra project was the superior method of mutation. He could see better in the dark than any other creature, making him the perfect predator and night soldier when the enemy was sleeping and couldn't see their hands in front of their own faces. His skin and hair camouflaged him perfectly in the shadows. His hearing was outstanding as well, able to hear whispers up to a mile away.

He grabbed Shiro's face again, turning the boy this way and that while inspecting his eyes and complexion. "You are sober now, right? Get all the drugs and alcohol out of your system? The hell I'm putting a brood in you if you're just gonna fuck them up because you're still high."
"I'm not high you dick! It was just second hand exposure thanks to the atmosphere of that damned club!" He found his voice had risen a little as he spoke attempting to defend himself against Gregorio's harsh words.
He began to wonder if the noctra felt anything towards him or if he just wanted children out of him. He knew his answer would be the later one one but he bit his lip as his gaze met his hoping he'd see something else in there ruby depths.

"Jared!" His fear for the boy over his his feeling of pain as adrenaline coursed through his veins and he forced his wings open taking off after them and appearing later before Rizrof his black nails curved into sharp blades as he dove underneath him slicing at the back of his wings before cutting through the back of Jared's shirt and catching the falling man.
"Sorry!" He said to him retracting his claws hoping he didn't cut him as he held him close the sky taking Lyze's attention as he pushed his flying speed to the limit trying to get back to the city for Jared's sake so he'd have a chance to get away.
"I never wanted you to see this side of our race, I understand if you never want to come back." He said to him glancing once over his shoulder to see if Rizrof had followed or if the other talon had backed off as they neared the city.
~Help me I'm human~
"You were high," Gregorio insisted bluntly again. "I could see it and smell it one you. I could have taken you to a fucking dirt hole in the ground and you'd have thought it was the queen's palace." When Shiro gazed up at him, there was no sign of affection in the Noctra's eyes. Nothing akin to love, sympathy, or even kindness. His scarlet stare was apathetic and calculating. "But, since you claim to be sober, then I guess I won't waste anymore time."

With those final words, Gregorio pushed Shiro onto the bed, yanked the clothes from his body, and crouched over him like a predator would over its prey. "Just think," he purred while shedding his own clothing. "You'll be the prized matriarch of an entire generation. Big step up from some dive bar slut."

- - - - -

Rizrof snarled and shouted as Lyze's sharp claws sliced through his skin and feathers. Jared yelped when he started falling through the air, his shirt half gone. He yelped again when a few of Lyze's claws didn't retract in time and left cuts on his sides. "I-It's okay," he tried insisting. "That guy seems like a total jerk, b-but... you've been really nice so far. I think I'd regret it if I didn't see you again."

Jared smiled up at the man, but it quickly turned to an expression of shock when Rizrof came swooping down on top of them. Rizrof's razor claws were out and he swiped at Lyze's already wounded brow. Jared shouted as he fell through the air again, but was quickly silenced when his head cracked against the side of a building. Rizrof caught the kid by the arm, his sharp claws leaving deep wounds in the soft flesh. Blood seeped down over the boy's face from his hairline and he didn't move. "Do what's best for the flock!" the enemy Talon shouted.
The pain blinded him as he fell through the sky lucky enough to miss the building Jared had hit but not enough to miss the street which he landed harshly on tumbling across the now cracked pavement before coming to a rest on his back his sides now heaving heavily as he caught his breath the pain hitting him full force as he pulled himself from the ground looking up at Rizrof with a look of terror as he saw the state Jared was in unable to tell where his red hair started or where the blood ended and it made him shiver.
"P-Please stop this Rizrof! He's to young to be pulled into this mess! And if he doesn't get those injures treated soon he'll die out here, I-I'll do anything just please let me take him to get cared for.." He pleased and tried to stand but found himself on his knees as the once not noticeable pain in his left wing escalated from his short flight knowing something must be torn or worse he let them fall limply back against him bowing his head in defeat as he blinked blood away from his eyes jaw clenched and fist tightened in rage he knew he wouldn't unleash.

"Ahh!" The outburst was sudden as he hit the bed immediately crossing his legs to cover his more intimate parts from his assaulter his hands pushing at either of Gregorio's shoulders sending a shock though him as he made contact with his actual skin.
"I don't want to!" he protested like a teen being told to complete their chores.
"It's going to hurt." Was his best try at saying something to stop him, he's caught a peak of the growth the Noctra kept hidden away and had to admit he was no virgin but he'd never taken anything quite like him before.
~Help me I'm human~
Ronaio smiles "I'm glad your a willing freind. I have a place that I know glows nearly as bright as your city lights, even in compleat darkness." He grins so exited to have his freind that he doesn't notice some of his costume is starting to come off.

Kit watches as the last fake rays of light show that it's night time. Carefully kit sets up a pully system letting him pull the bars off his window. He then grabs the small pocket knife and a few other things just incase. Kit then jumps out the window and looks around for Ryder.
He gave Ronaio a curious look seeing his features shift a bit from the Noctra like ones he'd come use to seeing.
"Alright." He said smiling once more pretending like he saw nothing different.
He crossed the street still skid-dish in the fading light. His eyes narrowed into slits as he gazed out over the street once more before finding himself by Kit's window again,
"Kit?.." He called inside softly hoping he wouldn't get a negative reaction from him about how he'd left last night.
~Help me I'm human~
Rizrof scoffed. "You're so pathetic. Begging doesn't look good on you, Lyze." The only valid point Lyze made was about the kid's injuries. A head wound like that wouldn't heal on its own and the flock wouldn't be able to use him if he was dead. Rizrof could tell Lyze was grounded. No way that wing would be good for flying for a few weeks. At the very least, if Lyze did try running off with Jared, he wouldn't make it very far.

"Fine," the Talon grunted. He tossed the human boy, letting Jared drop from two stories up in the air. The redhead landed on Lyze, but he didn't move or make a single sound. "When you get him patched up, you bring him back to the nest, got it? It's for the good of the flock, Lyze, and you know it." With a loud snap of his wings, Rizrof took off back towards the woods.

- - - - -

"It's not about what you want, runt," hissed Gregorio. He pinned Shiro's arms onto the bed and loomed over him. This boy was absolutely perfect. Shiro had all the right shapes, curves, supple skin, and ideal coloring. Any Noctras that came out of his belly would flourish under the cover of night. "Yeah, it is," the man replied. There was no lying about that.

Planting a biting kiss on Shiro's shoulder, Gregorio thrust himself inside the boy, not bothering in the least to prepare him. The man's arousal was hard and weeping with pre. He refused to keep waiting simply our of courtesy.
Ronaio grins and takes the human to a place much closer to the elf city. Here there are a lot of glowing mushrooms. The fungai grow in multiple colors on the verius trees around them. He smiles as the darkness helps the fungal growths glow brighter.

Kit sees Ryder and grins" Ryder! Down here I found my way out." He waves and grins. Happy to see the handsome male. Maybe he could finally see more of the place.
He looked around in wonder the place reminded him about the movie 'Avatar' with all the different colors and types of growth he'd never seen before. He looked over at Ronaio and smirked a little,
"With what knowledge I do have of the forest races I can tell by now your not a Noctra, they like sticking to colder dark places and tend to have much harsher personalities then what you've shown me." He said the smirk on his face turning into a amused smile as he hoped he'd just figured something out.
"Kit?..You got out" He said surprised crossing over to him but keeping a few feet away.
he'd hoped keeping his distance would hide who he really was. He lifted a hand to pull at the baggy black beanie he wore to cover his cat like blue ears that most times blended in with his light blue colored hair, he glanced down to mark sure his tail was tucked away as well.
"Your not mad at me are you?..about last night?.."
He was winded for a few moments after Jared hit him but soon stood taking the boy in his arms ignoring the new pain in his leg he hadn't noticed before as he carried the man securely.
"If only I'd pushed you away last night I knew something like this would happen if I tried to meet with you in secret again." Glad the streets weren't crowded like normal he hid his wings before anyone could see them but few did give them curious looks as it wasn't everyday you saw to bloody men walking down the streets.
'Where the hell is there a clinic in this town..' he thought worriedly before turning a corner and coming face to face with a large white building the read in bold black lettering 'Avery's General Care' It looked like a building that would hold the mentally insane but the people passing in and out seemed sane enough so he stumbled forward calling out as loud as he could when he saw what he hoped was a doctor pass through the front doors.
"Help please! This man's injured badly!" That got attention quickly as the doctor's eyes settled on who he was holding and he gasped quickly calling out for a stretcher to help him.
He cried out his voice bouncing off the bare walls of the room. Tears formed immediately in the corners of his eyes as he let out a low moan of pain that quickly turned to pleasure as Gregorio found his sweet spot.
"Y-Your a devil." He said trembling as he gazed up at him.
~Help me I'm human~
Ronaio sighs "I'm that bad at hiding it huh? Well hopefully you can understand why I chose to be in a costume." He starts to take it all off. "My real name is Ronaio. I'm a Elvaya." He looks at the human hopeing this doesn't scare him away.

Kit grins "no I'm not mad. I'm happy. I got out just to see you." He tries to get closer to Ryder but stops when Ryder keeps his distance. "Did I do something wrong?"
"What happened to him?" the doctor asked. The man looked at Lyze and noticed his wounds as well. "And what happened to you?" He cut off the rest of Jared's shirt and saw the deep wounds down his sides where Lyze's claws snagged his flesh. "Did you two get attacked by an animal?" The woods were relatively close by, so the doctor thought it was plausible. A nurse ran up with a portable scanner, which the doctor held against the side of the boy's neck. "Jared Withers. Age 19. Blood type is A-positive. He's a resident of the lab. We need to call and notify them that he's here. Somebody get pressure on his head wound and the rest of you prep him for a blood transfusion."

The doctor moved to Lyze's side, pulled a tiny flashlight from his pocket, and flashed it in the Talon's eye while watching to see if his pupil reacted properly. "You're walking with a limp. We need to get you into x-ray to look for broken bones. Can you tell me your name?"

- - - - -

Gregorio laughed; his mouth opened wide and his sharp teeth gleamed in the light. "Flattery will get you nowhere, my pet." He tightened his grip on Shiro's arms enough to leave bruises on his pale skin. The Noctra started picking up speed and using more power, driving himself deeper and harder into the boy beneath him. His muscles rippled with each thrust. He started grunting and grinned lustfully. "You feel good."

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Rainbow O A new dawn (Old The Carrier Rp redone) Ikki 2 765 06-15-2018, 03:47 AM
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