Best Friends (closed with dave_Ross)

It had been a long day all around. Dylan worked selling life insurance, this meant that he saw new couples and families everyday. He longed to have a child in his life much like many of these couples but he was missing a key component: someone with whom he can make said baby. He didn't want a relationship in life right now but he knew he could never raise the baby alone.
Dylan sighed as he collapsed on his couch and flipped on the TV. He remained there for sometime before he heard a knock on his apartment door. He got up to answer it and found it to be his neighbor Ty, one of his good friends.
Quickly ushering him inside he turned and asked, "What's up man? Haven't heard from you in a while."

"Yeah, i've been so busy at work" he said sighing "I have barely any time to do any social stuff at the moment." Ty worked in the HR department of company uptown. The long hours at his job meant that he had limited opportunities to catch up with friends. "whats new with you?"

"Not much trying to hang in there ya know." They both moved into the living room and Dylan plopped down on the couch. He looked to Ty for a second then asked, "Hey Ty. You ever wanna have a kid?"

Ty stopped a little surprised at the question "yeah, of course. I want a kid of my own" he said sitting down on the couch "but I guess I need to find a boyfriend first."

Dylan turned to him. "Well what about a friend... instead of a boyfriend that is? You know like if someone was able to help you out... maybe you could help them out too?" Dylan got up from the couch and began pacing. He turned back to Ty, "You catch my drift?"

"Huh" Ty answered confused and then it began to fall into place. ""

Dylan resumed pacing. "Well you know I'm strait but I feel most comfortable around you. I trust you the most with this. I can't raise a kid on my own and neither can you." Dylan stopped pacing again and looked Ty dead in the eyes. "You're my best friend and I'd not rather do it with anyone else."

"Okay. But won't it be weird, I can't imagine you be into anal sex" Ty said hesitantly. "But otherwise okay."

"I don't want to wierd you out or anything but for the sake of me actually having a baby I'd be willing to have sex. Like i friends with benefits but the benefit is that we both get to have a baby. Nothing romantic behind it just business." Dylan we pacing like crazy starting to get nervous. "Listen you don't have to do this okay. I just really want a kid and I think you might benefit from one too..." Dylan stops and looks at Ty for an answer.

"yes, I want to have a baby with you. I'll do it" Ty nodded before hugging his best friend tightly.

Dylan sighed a breath of relief and returned the hug. "Thank god man. You're really a true friend." Dylan broke the hug and stepped back patting Ty on the shoulder. He looked to the ground then back at Ty, his face turning a little red. "So umm.. how do you wanna go about doing this. We have medicine we can take so ut should be effective almost immediately after the first time but umm. I guess do you wanna come over this weekend so we can... ya know?" He was getting really abashed and nervous.

"umm..yeah well do it this weekend, it'll give us time to prep" Ty said "Bring alcohol..i'm gonna need it"

He paused and kissed Dylan, not out of romance but out of curiousity.

"Sorry, but i wanted to see how it would feel to kiss you."

Dylan backed way up. "Sorry no I just can't. No romance. Just business." Dylan was getting flustered. "I umm... Don't take this tge wrong way but I would have reacted like that with anyone. When you come over promise me you'll go straight to sex. I... I can't just do all this foreplay stuff." Dylan moved back to the couch. "I'll see you Saturday man."

"okay" Ty said nodding. Feeling a little saddened that the father of his future children would never love him. "See you saturday."

(Shall we skip to saturday?)

(Yeah we can skip to Saturday, and you're getting pregnant too right? Like both of us are?)

Come Saturday evening there was a knock and Dylan's door. He got up to answer it and Ty was standing in his doorway. Dylan had him come inside and led him to the bedroom. "You ready for this?"

(Yeah of course)

"I'm readish as I'll ever be" he slurred drunkenyly. "Fuck me till I pregnant" Ty said swaying on his feet, he tripped on the doorframe and fell into his arms.

"sorry..don't want to be too romantic do i" he said swaying towards the bedroom.

"Hmm hadn't thought of that." Dylan half carried Ty into his room and tossed him on the bed before leaving the room. He came back with a large bottle of rum, two glasses, and a bottle of pills. Opening the rum he gave a glass and a pill to Ty. "Now here's the pill that should knock us up right away. It speeds up the first five weeks of pregnancy so in theory Monday evening we should be five weeks pregnant if this works, but from there it proceeds normally." Dylan threw back his pill and washed it down with rum after muttering cheers. He then grabbed the bottle and took a few gulps from it.

Ty followed Dylans lead and swallowed two pills and washed it down with some rum.

" vodkaa" Ty slurred grimacing at the taste of Rum. "how long till it takes effect?"

"Yeah one sec." Dylan gets up and goes into the kitchen. He hands Ty the bottle of vodka while he sits down and takes a swig of the dark rum. "Should take about 30 minutes. Gives us plenty of time to get plastered." He takes another swig of the rum.

"And then we fuck each other?" Ty asked before taking another swig of vodka.

"Do you wants to go first?"

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