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RE: Young Gods [Closed w/ SazzyP260] - chrome - 03-25-2020

Desmond ate about as as much of the dinner as he could, it was better to eat smaller meals throughout the day than it was for him to eat a large meal in a single sitting, feeling way too full with food and active twins. At the news of Ocean quitting his part time job, Desmond sat up a bit more straighter in the chair, eyebrows up in surprise. "You quit?" He wasn't upset at this news, quite the opposite really considering how hard Ocean had been pushing himself, but it surprised him that his lover finally announced that he didn't need it anymore. "Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy you're going to be home more, but I guess I just don't know why you took it in the first place? Between your job at the club and my work online we make enough to get by and save a bit. Plus if you get Head Bouncer?" He trailed off, his overly sensitive nose catching the smell of desert just as the waitress was walking it over. Desmond grinned at Ocean as his stomach rumbled despite just having eaten. "Is that carrot cake?"

RE: Young Gods [Closed w/ SazzyP260] - Sam260 - 03-25-2020

He looked around the fancy little restaurant and bit his lip a little. Had he just stayed at the club, he would have never been able to afford any of this. "I wanted to do something really special for you, Desmond. This night is hardly over, believe me. The fancy restaurant is just the beginning." He smiled as the waitress came over "Yes. That is definitely carrot cake. I figured you would be inclined to eat it... It is your favorite, after all." He reached over to squeeze Desmond's hand lightly "It's the whole cake, too. Though I figured you'd only take a slice now, and then we can nibble on it at home whenever we felt like." He'd definitely gone out of his way to get this cake made. The restaurant did not make these types of homey cakes, so he had to pay a bit extra, and buy the ingredients, but he would do anything to make Desmond happy, so it wasn't that much of a burden at all.

RE: Young Gods [Closed w/ SazzyP260] - chrome - 03-25-2020

This kind of night had to have cost Ocean more than a pretty penny and Desmond felt touched at Ocean having done this for him. They'd been struggling for a bit, sure, but things were starting to calm down and be somewhat normal now that they had both graduated and had more time on their hands. "Oh we can definitely take the rest home," Desmond agreed with a laugh. "At least that's one thing the double trouble squad and I can agree on." The waitress set the cake in the center of the table and gave them both smaller sized plates to cut the cake onto with small fancy cake forks-- at least that's what Desmond was going to call them because he'd certainly never seen a fork quite like it before. Not that he spent any particular amount of time in a place like this. "Something tells me this carrot cake isn't exactly on the menu here," Desmond added, fiery eyes looking between the cake and Ocean with a grin.

RE: Young Gods [Closed w/ SazzyP260] - Sam260 - 03-25-2020

"Well, I'm glad you three can agree on that. Went through a lot of trouble for this here cake." He nodded some when Desmond commented on the validity of it being on the menu "I had to custom order it, basically. Buy the ingredients, give them a recipe, it was rough." He shrugged but smiled, it hadn't been that rough, really "I'd do anything for ya though, Dez... So it was no real burden or big feat." He got up so he could cut them their cake slices, putting them on the little plates "There we are." He sat back down and scooped up a small piece of cake on that small fork, the utensil held awkwardly in his large fingers "To our life of love." He held his fork out to Desmond, clinking them together before taking a bite of the moist, absolutely bomb cake.

RE: Young Gods [Closed w/ SazzyP260] - chrome - 03-25-2020

Desmond clinked their forks together before taking a bite himself, making a satisfied noise in his mouth when the flavors hit him. "Holy crap..." he spoke when he finally swallowed it down. "That has got to be the most amazing and delicious carrot cake I have ever eaten in my life." He smiled with a laugh as he looked into Ocean's blue eyes. "I can't believe you had to custom order it but it's amazing." Reaching over to take Ocean's hand in his, he brought the other boy's knuckle's up to kiss lightly. "Thank you, really. I hated seeing you work so hard, you know, especially for me. But I want you to know that I appreciate everything you do and I'm so happy that you're here for me...and for all of us."

RE: Young Gods [Closed w/ SazzyP260] - Sam260 - 03-25-2020

He chuckled at his boyfriend's reaction, pleased that he could provoke a reaction like that. He'd figured that the cake from the University Diner would be the only cake Desmond liked, but he was glad that this had done the trick, too. "Well, this restaurant doesn't exactly make comfort food cakes like that, so it made sense." The restaurant did make some pretty amazing cakes, that were actively on the menu, but this carrot cake was to die for and they both knew it. He could sense people staring at them, as well, but he didn't care - he wasn't giving up this cake.

He shrugged a shoulder and smiled "You deserve this. You've worked hard, too, raising them babies and stuff. You deserved a night out, relaxation and spoiling aplenty." He smiled and gave Desmond's hand a squeeze before bringing it over and returning those knuckle kisses on Desmond's knuckles. They finished the last of their cake, the entire cake was placed in a box, and Ocean stood up, smiling as he looked at his boyfriend "You ready for our next adventure, babe?"

RE: Young Gods [Closed w/ SazzyP260] - chrome - 03-25-2020

Standing from his seat at the table, admittedly with a bit of help from his boyfriend, Desmond looked at him with surprise. Apparently Ocean was full of them tonight. "There's more?" He asked with a tone of surprise, not that he minded of course. "I'll admit when you first mentioned taking a night out tonight I didn't think it would be this much." Already with the dinner and everything Desmond had never felt more spoiled or paid attention to in his life. It was a nice feeling, one he planned on savoring before the twins got here and demanded all their parents' attention. Holding Ocean's hand in his own, he started walking next to Ocean as they left the restaurant. With everything having been planned out already by Ocean and the manager, it had all been paid for already and they walked out with a polite goodbye from the staff.

RE: Young Gods [Closed w/ SazzyP260] - Sam260 - 03-25-2020

"Of course there is more.  You think a fancy dinner was going to satisfied my need to spoil you?" He laughed and wrapped his arm around Desmond, holding him close and kissing his head.  "You're definitely in for a treat tonight.  Something you would have never expected." He didn't want Desmond walking too far, so he was rather happy with his choice in restaurant, it was right by the park he wanted to do this in "Alright." He walked Desmond over to a bench and sat down beside him.  It was a rather cute little park, though it had a water fountain center -during the summer, kids often played in that water, but tonight it was just spouting happily and in a multitude of colors.

Ocean took a deep and steadying breath as he released Desmond, staring into the water spouts as if they held the key to what he wanted to say next - well, they kind of did - "I never thought that I could be any happier than I am, right now, in this moment.  Six months ago, I was lost, I was shy, and I avoided a lot of people.  My skills in social interaction were bare minimum, but then I saw you.  I saw you and I watched the way you so easily manipulated lunch from that asshole, the last good meal... I wanted to be like you.  I wanted to learn from you, maybe gain some sort of confidence I never had." He took a breath and continued focusing on those water spouts.  They were slowly manipulating and changing form as they spouted out "You gave me way more than confidence, when I came up and spoke to you that day.  You gave me a renewed hope that I didn't have to be this weakling I saw myself as.  You gave me something that no one had ever given me before; real love, compassion, confidence, understanding, attention."

He slid off of the bench and down onto his knee in front of Desmond, in his hand was a small velvet box, inside a simple silver band with a 1k diamond in the center.  The water was dancing happily behind Ocean, Will You Marry Me? levitating in a multitude of colors "I still have a lot to learn from you, Desmond Coyote... So, will you do me the greatest honors of marrying me?  Continue teaching me all of the valuable skills that you can teach me?"

RE: Young Gods [Closed w/ SazzyP260] - chrome - 03-25-2020

There were many different ways Desmond imagined the night ending, but he had to admit that Ocean getting down on one knee with a box contained a beautiful ring, proposing to him in front of a gorgeous display of his abilities was not one of them. Immediately welling up with tears he could not blame on changing hormones, Desmond couldn't stop himself from leaning forward and wrapping his arms around Ocean in the most passionate and emotional kisses he'd ever given in his life. "You are the most selfless and giving person I've ever met in my entire life," he stated when he pulled away, unable to wipe the smile off his face like he did his tears. "You infuriate me sometimes with how you can forget to take care of yourself because you're too busy taking care of other people."

Desmond took Ocean's lips in another kiss, hugging him as tightly as he could with their growing twins between them "But I also love you so much because of it and of course I'll marry you. You make me so happy, Ocean McKenzie." They stood together and Desmond held his hand out as Ocean took the ring from the box and placed it on Desmond's finger. "I can't believe this is why you took that part time job," he stated, staring down at the diamond on his finger. Desmond had never owned a diamond in his life and it felt even more special coming from Ocean in such a beautiful proposal. Desmond wasn't usually a sap for romantic things but this was good, and he was going to take the moment to bask in it.

RE: Young Gods [Closed w/ SazzyP260] - Sam260 - 03-25-2020

He wrapped his arms around Desmond after getting that ring on his finger, smiling as he looked down at him "I just wanted to give you the most special moment. This is something I want you to cherish forever, an engagement, and soon to be wedding." He smiled and kissed Desmond again. Thinking about it, he should have kept that second job, save up for a wedding, too, but he was so tired and he knew Desmond needed him around the apartment more "Are we ready to head back to the apartment? Or would you like to stay here a little while longer?" The water had gone back to its normal activity, no longer being controlled by Ocean, but it was still beautiful nonetheless.

RE: Young Gods [Closed w/ SazzyP260] - chrome - 03-25-2020

Desmond kissed Ocean again, squeezing his hands gently. "Trust me," he assured his now fiancé. "I will never forget this night." Looking out at the scenery around them Desmond would love to have stayed and enjoyed it with him, if he weren't twenty-nine weeks along with two rather active boys. "As beautiful as this is, my hips are killing me." Desmond laughed, leaning up to kiss Ocean again. "We can take this party to the couch and you can tell me more about what a secret romantic you really are, Blue. I mean all this...was just incredible." As they started walking back towards the portal home, Desmond suddenly stopped with a thought. "Oh shit..." Ocean was immediately worried but Desmond brushed him off assuring him it had nothing to do with the babies. "No, they're fine. It's just; I'm getting married to you, we're going to have twin boys like two months, and my family doesn't even know I've graduated... that's going to be a fun phone call."

RE: Young Gods [Closed w/ SazzyP260] - Sam260 - 03-25-2020

That caused Ocean's eyes to go a bit wide "Graduated?! Desmond, they don't even know you're pregnant, or in a serious relationship that just got a whole lot seriouser..." He blinked and thought about it "Yeah, seriouser, I don't care if that's barely a word..." He shook his head and inhaled deeply as they finally got to the portal. He went through and then waited for Desmond on the other side, taking his hand once again so they could walk to the apartment "Perhaps we need to think about... going to visit them. Introduce me to your parents." That was nerve-wracking in itself. He had never been introduced to anyone's parents, outside of childhood friends he had had when he was growing up. He didn't have parents of his own, well, he did but he didn't know either of his parents, so he had never had the need to introduce anyone to them; he hadn't introduced anyone to Monsoon, his mentor, either.

RE: Young Gods [Closed w/ SazzyP260] - chrome - 03-25-2020

Grimacing slightly at the idea of finally letting his family in, Desmond and Ocean walked back towards their apartment hand in hand after stepping from the portal. "Well I was gonna tell them when I graduated but then I figured I'd probably have to tell them about the babies and everything and I just didn't feel up to it so I put it aside and forgot about it." Looking up and seeing their apartment in the distance, Desmond took a moment to look at the ring on his finger again, almost unable to process that all that just really happened and he might just wake up at some point. "I mean I text my mom sometimes and my brother checks in from time to time but that's about it." The idea of going to visit his parents wasn't a horrible one but because they lived in Chicago visiting them would mean a long trip, which Desmond did not think he was up to doing right now. "I mean we could invite them to the apartment?" Desmond offered instead. "I don't think the twins would appreciate a trip to Chicago."

RE: Young Gods [Closed w/ SazzyP260] - Sam260 - 03-25-2020

Even though they lived in what was considered 'Michigan', they were so far removed from reality, that taking a trip anywhere would mean days of traveling, not just the mere hours that a regular map would suggest. Ocean understood the concern. It was like that with the University versus The Underground. Walking to and from took several hours, even though you could see the two entities and they looked relatively close. The city leaders did it for protection, the university students were the future and protecting them was important. Protecting the mutants themselves was important. Some X-Mutant's lived in the real world, but those who couldn't, those who didn't look like a normal, every day person, they had to live in the Underground or risk certain problems, such as death.

Ocean finally nodded his head "We could invite them here. I don't mind that..." He stated quietly, going over to the window now that they were in the apartment. He leaned against it and sighed, staring out over the city "I've never been out of the city anyway. I fear that leaving would be bad, honestly. I'm not normal looking, not like you or your folks. My hair, my eyes, the slightly blue tint to my skin... I would be spotted within seconds and we would both be in a lot of trouble. Not to mention, you're pregnant. If any person saw that, we would be in so much shit, and I'm not sure I could protect you out there, not without other's like us to help along the effort..." He was good, but he was not great. He couldn't protect Desmond in what was considered "the wild".

RE: Young Gods [Closed w/ SazzyP260] - chrome - 03-25-2020

Desmond moved closer to Ocean, wrapping his arms around his lover while he buried his face in his shoulder for a moment, giving him a comforting hug. Pulling back a little to look into Ocean's eyes, Desmond smiled gently at him, bringing a hand to brush away a few strands of deep blue hair. "I don't care if we live in The Underground for the rest of our lives. I have everything I could ever want here. I love you, blue tint and all.If either or even both of our twins are anything like you I'll love them just as much, if not more." He kissed Ocean's lips lightly, running his hands up and down his shoulders trying to cheer him back up into the mood they'd been in before arriving to their apartment. Pointing to the ring on his finger, Desmond grinned. "You're stuck with me now, Blue."

RE: Young Gods [Closed w/ SazzyP260] - Sam260 - 03-25-2020

He laughed and smiled down at Desmond "You sure do know how to turn me back around." He lowered to kiss Desmond, arms slipping around him. He sighed and settled on the edge of the window-sill, bringing Desmond in between his spread legs "I wouldn't want to be stuck with anyone but you, Desmond Coyote. You may make act like a fool, but I'm a fool in love and I cannot deny that it's the best feeling in the world." He rested their foreheads together, hands rubbing Desmond's sore hips and back soothingly "Better call your mom while it's still relatively early, and you're not fucked outta your mind... because I plan on doing the second one soon, and the first one will only just pose as a distraction or be quickly forgotten about."

RE: Young Gods [Closed w/ SazzyP260] - chrome - 03-25-2020

Desmond couldn't help but chuckle at that, shaking his head lightly at Ocean's promise to fuck him out of his mind. He knew from experience that Ocean made good on those promises and he couldn't help but groan in pleasure, both from the thought of getting fucked by Ocean and the feeling of Ocean's fingers digging at the soreness in his hips. Part of him didn't want to go and call his mom but the other part, the stronger part, looked forward to getting it over with and ending the day off right. "Fine," he agreed, backing down and away with a kiss. "But you better be ready to take my mind off it when I'm done." He poked Ocean in the chest with a chuckle before going back to the table where he'd set his cell phone.

RE: Young Gods [Closed w/ SazzyP260] - Sam260 - 03-25-2020

After Desmond got off of the phone with his mother, Ocean wrapped him up and easily headed him into the bedroom "Oh, I plan on making you forget that phone call, for a very long time." He smirked and leaned down to kiss over Desmond's neck and shoulder, kicking the door shut behind them as he led Desmond over to the bed.

[Two Weeks Later | Thirty-One Weeks Pregnant:]

Ocean yawned and stretched languidly on the bed before rolling over and wrapping his arms around the body sleeping with him, one hand settling on that engorged bump and the other lifting to run through Desmond's teal colored hair "Good morning, beautiful and trouble makers." Ocean rumbled against Desmond's ear "You ready for today?" Today, of all days, was the day that Desmond's parents were finally coming to visit. Given that Desmond had called at such short notice, Desmond's parents needed to make time for travel arrangements and to put in time-off requests with their jobs, thus why it had taken so long to get here, to this point.

RE: Young Gods [Closed w/ SazzyP260] - chrome - 03-26-2020

Desmond leaned back against Ocean from where he'd been laying on his side, the only position that had been comfortable in a while, moving his hand to rest next to Ocean's, his stomach large enough by now for both of them to fit. "Urg, not really," he groaned, burying his face into the pillow as he did so. His parents were coming over today, rushing as best they could to book travel to visit them once Desmond finally gave them a quick run down as to what had happened in the last thirty or so weeks. He'd certainly gotten an earful on the phone and he was sure to get an earful again when they arrived by his overly protective and affectionate mother. No..he was certainly not ready for that today. Not that they could change it now, they were coming whether Desmond was ready or not. His dad's multiple text messages about being excited to meet his grandsons and future son-in-law wasn't exactly giving him any hope on relying on his father to save him from his mother this time.

The struggle it took now to push himself up into just a simple sitting position would have been embarrassing if Desmond hadn't been dealing with it for quite a while at this point. The excitement about being pregnant and having cute little baby boys was slowly fading as he became more tired of feeling so heavy along with the knowledge that they were only going to get bigger. "The trouble makers have been up for a while now... I was hoping if I just laid there they would go back to sleep, but no such luck."

RE: Young Gods [Closed w/ SazzyP260] - Sam260 - 03-26-2020

Ocean helped Desmond up into a seated position as best he could, and then he found his way to sit up and move behind Desmond himself, arms around that expanded midsection, legs on either side of Desmond's legs and his chin on his fiancé's shoulder. He felt bad, truly, about the miserable conditions Desmond had been in for the past few weeks now, and he wished he could have changed it, but they were here now and there wasn't much he could have actually done when he'd gotten pregnant in the first place. Well, he could have pulled out, but he didn't and they were here now.

A hand ran over that large stomach soothing and he kissed Desmond's shoulder "I feel like the worst person in the world. I've caused you all of this pain and I can't even help you alleviate it-" he had tried, countless times, to use his water manipulating skills to help take some of the stress and strain from Desmond, but even that seemed to do nothing against the formidable foe that was pregnancy "-which I hate." He finally came back to finishing his sentence, the pause a bit long as he cursed himself. He sighed and stroked Desmond's stomach "Do you want breakfast...?"