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Our family (Closed) - Printable Version

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RE: Our family (Closed) - (lovespregnancyRP) - 07-27-2013

Ariel nodded and groaned pushing hard she felt the head was big and cried out

RE: Our family (Closed) - DragonKnight - 07-27-2013

Jack rubbed her hips as he tried to guide the baby out. "Just a little more and the babies head will crown."

RE: Our family (Closed) - (lovespregnancyRP) - 07-27-2013

Ariel screamed as she pushed hard but to fast and she ripped she cried

RE: Our family (Closed) - DragonKnight - 07-27-2013

Jack went into the bathroom and got some towels. "Shhh, it'll be okay. Just push a little more slowly." He said as he held her.

RE: Our family (Closed) - (lovespregnancyRP) - 07-27-2013

Ariel pushed slowly and she felt the blood trickle down her leg she felt a little woozy " Jackie.." She whimpered

RE: Our family (Closed) - DragonKnight - 07-27-2013

Jack quickly cleaned up the blood. "I'm here Ariel. Just keep pushing and our child will be here. I promise." He said as he rubbed her hips.

RE: Our family (Closed) - (lovespregnancyRP) - 07-27-2013

Ariel bared down and pushed the baby's head sliding out stretching her she moaned

RE: Our family (Closed) - DragonKnight - 07-27-2013

Jack smiled as he felt the head. "Almost there, just a few more big pushes." He stated

RE: Our family (Closed) - (lovespregnancyRP) - 07-27-2013

Ariel nodded and pushed as hard as she could

RE: Our family (Closed) - DragonKnight - 07-27-2013

Jack watched as their first child was emerging from Ariel. The babies shoulders appeared and Jack immediately took the head and gently led it out. Jack smiled at Ariel. "Ellie, we have a baby girl." He said happily.

RE: Our family (Closed) - (lovespregnancyRP) - 07-27-2013

Ariel smiled wide and reached out for her " I wanna see her please " she whispered as she felt more blood run down her leg

RE: Our family (Closed) - DragonKnight - 07-27-2013

Jack complied as he handed their daughter to Ariel. Then he took a towel and started to clean up the blood.

RE: Our family (Closed) - (lovespregnancyRP) - 07-27-2013

Ariel moaned and started pushing again this baby even bigger " oh...." Ariel pushed

RE: Our family (Closed) - DragonKnight - 07-27-2013

Jack massaged Ariel's hips to help her. "Come on baby, you can do it. My Elle can do anything." He said kissing her neck

RE: Our family (Closed) - (lovespregnancyRP) - 07-27-2013

Ariel smiled slightly as Jacks comments and Ariel screamed as she pushed slowly the head so big it ripped her some

RE: Our family (Closed) - DragonKnight - 07-27-2013

Jack rubbed her hips as he took a towel and wiped away the blood. "Don't worry it'll be fine. Talk through it. Tell me, how pregnant should I be next time." He said trying to keep her mind off the pain.

RE: Our family (Closed) - (lovespregnancyRP) - 07-27-2013

Ariel smiled " Quads or five I want only child this time the twins pregnancy was-oh exhausting" Ariel barred down and pushed hard " Jackie...dizzy..blood.."

RE: Our family (Closed) - DragonKnight - 07-27-2013

Jack nodded. He put pressure on where the blood was coming from. "I'll get pregnant with however many children you want. Just say the word and I'm pregnant." He said helping her give birth

RE: Our family (Closed) - (lovespregnancyRP) - 07-27-2013

Ariel kept pushing and smiled slightly " your so amazing and good to me.." Ariel whispered and screamed as the head slid completely out.."

RE: Our family (Closed) - DragonKnight - 07-27-2013

Jack held their second child and offered the baby to Ariel for her to hold. "A baby boy." He said smiling.