RE: The Super-Soldier Project (Closed with cashewmanz) -
EnamelEyes - 04-10-2015
Andrea shook her head, "I went to military training if that counts. comparison to your summer camp, your summer camp sounds way more fun." She said as she playfully nudged Brandon.
RE: The Super-Soldier Project (Closed with cashewmanz) -
cashewmanz - 04-10-2015
"It was a lot of fun." Brandon smiled at her touch. "You've been training for the military your whole life?"
RE: The Super-Soldier Project (Closed with cashewmanz) -
EnamelEyes - 04-11-2015
"Yeah, ever since I could walk, my dad's been training me for it." Andrea said with a nonchalant air, though sheknew she jjust wanted to have a normal life.
RE: The Super-Soldier Project (Closed with cashewmanz) -
cashewmanz - 04-11-2015
"Well he did a good job, for what's it worth," Brandon said admirably. "Do you think these kids will like being soldiers?"
RE: The Super-Soldier Project (Closed with cashewmanz) -
EnamelEyes - 04-11-2015
Andrea smiled and mouthed a thank you to him before shrugging at Brandon's question, "Not sure, but they'll have super strength and they'rebigger than normal babies.... So tthey're just the perfect soldiers but not sure about what they really want to be." She said in a soft, unsure tone.
RE: The Super-Soldier Project (Closed with cashewmanz) -
cashewmanz - 04-11-2015
"I just want them to be happy, you know?" He glanced down at his belly as a foot protruded from the side. "Ugh, don't remind me how big they are...
RE: The Super-Soldier Project (Closed with cashewmanz) -
EnamelEyes - 04-11-2015
"Well, so long as they're healthy." Andrea added in as she poked the bit skin where the foot protruded from.
RE: The Super-Soldier Project (Closed with cashewmanz) -
cashewmanz - 04-11-2015
"Oof. step at a time..." Brandon replied.
RE: The Super-Soldier Project (Closed with cashewmanz) -
EnamelEyes - 04-12-2015
Andrea smiled, "Yeah..." Was all she said as she continued to rub his belly.
RE: The Super-Soldier Project (Closed with cashewmanz) -
cashewmanz - 04-12-2015
(Skip ahead?)
RE: The Super-Soldier Project (Closed with cashewmanz) -
EnamelEyes - 04-12-2015
**Sure, when though? **
RE: The Super-Soldier Project (Closed with cashewmanz) -
cashewmanz - 04-12-2015
**Not really sure. Do you want to do another late pregnancy scene or should we go to the birth?**
RE: The Super-Soldier Project (Closed with cashewmanz) -
EnamelEyes - 04-12-2015
**How bout you get to decide? Up to you to choose what's next.**
RE: The Super-Soldier Project (Closed with cashewmanz) -
cashewmanz - 04-12-2015
**we could do really late pregnancy an des needing to be induced, then labor?**
RE: The Super-Soldier Project (Closed with cashewmanz) -
EnamelEyes - 04-13-2015
**Sure, sounds good to me. :)**
RE: The Super-Soldier Project (Closed with cashewmanz) -
cashewmanz - 04-13-2015
Several weeks had passed, and now Brandon was just a few days from his due date. He was miserable. He'd been confined to bed rest in the clinic for two weeks, and was so massive he could barely situate himself in the bed they'd given him. It was more comfortable than he'd expected, he had to admit, but he missed being able to roam outside, however slowly he'd managed it before.
RE: The Super-Soldier Project (Closed with cashewmanz) -
EnamelEyes - 04-14-2015
Andrea decided to visit Brandon that day, with a smile and a few treats, she entered his room and kissed the top of his head.
"Hey there big daddy, how's your day been?" She asked as she rubbed his belly, where one of the babies kicked.
RE: The Super-Soldier Project (Closed with cashewmanz) -
cashewmanz - 04-14-2015
"Boring...I wish I could give birth already so that these kids would come!" Brandon complained, but smiled at her touch.
RE: The Super-Soldier Project (Closed with cashewmanz) -
EnamelEyes - 04-15-2015
"Aaw, don't worry, just wait a bit longer." Andrea crooned as she kept touching his stomach.
RE: The Super-Soldier Project (Closed with cashewmanz) -
cashewmanz - 04-15-2015
"Anything we can do to speed it up?" Brandon asked hopefully.