RE: The Kings Lover (With Lovebite) -
018Luxio - 09-24-2016
Ben holds the baby carefully against his chest, them waiting for a few minutes before the doctor finally got Thomas up, Ben taking the baby over to lay him down after wrapping him up in a blanket.
RE: The Kings Lover (With Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 09-24-2016
Thomas let the doctor help him up to his feet, barely paying attention to her or what she did to him as he watched Benjamin with the baby. He turned onto his side with the help of the woman as she placed a pillow behind her so he would be proped up on his own. A hand resting on his belly, he turned his head slightly to look at the doctor,"What's going to happen?"He asked her and she stood up straight," We're going to monitor you and the baby through the last few hours of your labor."She told him and he nodded slightly, looking towards Ben,"What about the baby?"He asked more specifically and she didn't know how to reply without having him break down again.
RE: The Kings Lover (With Lovebite) -
018Luxio - 09-24-2016
Ben glances up at him as he speaks. "I'll take care of him." Ben watches him for a minute or two before turning to the doctor, her nodding slowly at his words.
RE: The Kings Lover (With Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 09-24-2016
Thomas met Ben's eyes and nodded slightly, he trusted him with their stillborn son enough to look away from him as he looked to the doctor now. "Should I be feeling something?"He asked her and she shook her head,"It's okay if you don't."She said and he nodded, pushing an arm beneath the pillow under his head and sighing as he rubbed a hand over his middle. He curled up into himself, closing his eyes for a moment and tensing up with the build of new contractions.
RE: The Kings Lover (With Lovebite) -
018Luxio - 09-24-2016
Ben keeps an eye on the stillborn infant along with Bella and Taylor who were still sleeping. He had no idea how they managed to sleep through all of this but he was thankful they did.
RE: The Kings Lover (With Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 09-24-2016
It didn't take long for Thomas to be consumed in agony again, curled up and tensing as he reached to grip the handle of the hospital bed. He groaned out into a pillow and squeezing his eyes shut, almost rolling off of the bed from the pain, the doctor held him still carefully. "Sir?"She looked up towards Benjamin,"Could you come hold him for me?"She asked quickly.
RE: The Kings Lover (With Lovebite) -
018Luxio - 09-24-2016
Ben looks over the kids once more before coming over to the bed and taking Thomas' hand. "It's alright Tommy, just breathe." Ben squeezes his hand.
RE: The Kings Lover (With Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 09-24-2016
"What if something happens to this one"Ben? I've been trying and failing and I'm scared."He gripped his partners hand tightly, shutting his eyes tight and grunting softly as he turned over slightly. Arching his back and moaning out at the pain, curling his toes and tilting his head back with his nails dug into Ben's arm. This time Bella woke up with a start when she heard her father crying out, looking a bit scared as she sat up to look at them with wide eyes.
RE: The Kings Lover (With Lovebite) -
018Luxio - 09-24-2016
"Nothing is going to happen and your both going to be fine." Ben turns to look at Bella then. "It's okay sweetheart, Papa's fine"
RE: The Kings Lover (With Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 09-24-2016
"You don't know that."He pouted slightly and teared up as he curled forwards with another sound of pain, spreading his legs,"Fuck... They're coming-"He tilted his head back again and arched his back, panting heavily and bearing down, not noticing that the doctor had taken the second child out of the room with her. Until she returned empty handed, he was still in too much pain to notice.
Bella covered her ears and eyes as she turned into the couch, careful of her younger sister who still laid sleeping on the couch beside her.
RE: The Kings Lover (With Lovebite) -
018Luxio - 09-24-2016
When the contraction ends Ben lightly squeezes Thomas' hand before letting go and going over to the couch and kneeling down beside Bella. "What is it sweetie?"
RE: The Kings Lover (With Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 09-25-2016
Bella shook her head,"Papa hurting."She said, whimpering softly and then going to hug Ben,"When will Papa stop hurting?"She asked and looked up at the man with big teary eyes, Thomas was to caught up in his own aches and pains to try and comfort his daughter himself.
RE: The Kings Lover (With Lovebite) -
018Luxio - 09-25-2016
"Soon baby." He lightly kisses her hair before running his hand along her back. "Try and keep your mind on something else okay?"
RE: The Kings Lover (With Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 09-25-2016
She rubbed her face on his chest and sniffed softly,"O-Okay."She looked down slightly and pulled away as she rubbed her eyes with her hands, then looked to her little sister folding her legs quietly.
"Ben."Thomas called his lover, reaching for him with a shaking hand as his other gripped onto the bed railing tightly as he moaned into the crook of his arm. The doctor came back finally with a single knock on the door, pushing it open and heading over to her patient,"How's it going?"She asked and looked from the more mobile man to the one sweating bullets in the bed who shook his head,"Shitty."
RE: The Kings Lover (With Lovebite) -
018Luxio - 09-25-2016
Ben moves over to the bed and takes Thomas' hand before softly kissing his forehead and looking at the doctor. "So what now?"
RE: The Kings Lover (With Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 09-25-2016
"I'm thinking of doing a c-section this time. The pain may be because of how the baby is positioned."She said and Thomas looked to her through watery eyes with a quick nod,"Okay. I just... I want them to come out healthy and alive."He said, then looked towards Ben,"Right?"He asked him, his hair matted in some places because of the sweat dripping from his body almost.
RE: The Kings Lover (With Lovebite) -
018Luxio - 09-25-2016
Ben nods before he grabs a washcloth from the bowl of water beside the bed and moves to wipe Thomas' face as he smooths his hair back.
RE: The Kings Lover (With Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 09-25-2016
Thomas forced himself to smile a bit as he nodded and gripped the others hand, then looked towards the doctor,"We can do that."He agreed, if it would give their last baby a chance at life more so than the one they had lost earlier, he would do it. Leaning into Ben and exhaling as he rocked his body slowly with the next strong contraction,"Nngh..."He moaned into his lovers shoulder and the doctor went off to get the surgery room prepared.
RE: The Kings Lover (With Lovebite) -
018Luxio - 09-25-2016
Ben lightly kisses Thomas' forehead. "Are you sure about this?"
RE: The Kings Lover (With Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 09-25-2016
Thomas snorted softly as he shook his head,"No. But I have to do it anyway, don't I?"He asked softly, his voice was whorse from all of his crying out from earlier, though knowing that wasn't all the crying out he would be doing,"I don't think I'll be able to have them on my own, Ben. This is the safest way."He said and gripped onto his hand, his eyes closing again as he groaned softly.