RE: Birth and Midwives Center (Open) - malebirther - 09-22-2013
"My name is sean. this is my first" he managed to say between contractions. the massaging felt nice on his back. he was relaxed and started taking nice strong, deep breaths
RE: Birth and Midwives Center (Open) - malebirther - 09-22-2013
sean said yes to all the questions. "i dont mind if you help me into a medical gown" he said taking deep breaths. "the contractions are making is hard to do anything by myself"
RE: Birth and Midwives Center (Open) -
popop - 09-22-2013
Name: Mason
Role: Pregnant
Due Date : 3 weeks ago
Number of babies: 10
Birth via: anal
Birth place: birth center
Mason waddled into the birthing center both hands supporting his giant globe. he was out of breath and popping out of his clothes. he looked for somewhere to rest feeling his legs could no longer support him.
RE: Birth and Midwives Center (Open) -
popop - 09-23-2013
Mason thanked the lady for the wheel chair. he slowly began to make his way down, trying to maneuver his body to bend. he was panting once he was finally able to sit down. he spread his legs as far as he could without hurting his already throbbing pelvis. he looked up at her. "i'm mason."
RE: Birth and Midwives Center (Open) -
popop - 09-23-2013
"no, no i'm three weeks over due. yes it is really hard that's why i was hoping i could get induced." mason rubbed his giant orb. he looked very young, barely shy of 19.
RE: Birth and Midwives Center (Open) -
popop - 09-23-2013
Mason felt a little embarrassed now. He wondered what this nurse of his age thought of him. "No, I'm not offended. I'm use to it." he bit his lip. "Would you mind helping me change. I'm sorry, I'm just really tired." "No I don't want you to call anyone, thanks though and that's fine."
RE: Birth and Midwives Center (Open) -
popop - 09-23-2013
he was already out of breath again from changing his clothes. he tried to do his best not to lean on her but couldn't help it at some points. he thanked her and tried not to act embarrassed. he didn't like attractive girls to see him in this state, but right now he really wanted these ten babies out. who had now begun to squirm in his already stuffed belly. he grimaced and laid down on his back feeling all the weight crush him. he nodded at her question
RE: Birth and Midwives Center (Open) -
popop - 09-24-2013
He watched as she found the heart beats and he watched her smile. he looked distracted by the discomfort of his body and also scared of the babies. he took the ultrasound photo and awkwardly held it. "Yeah, ok" he spread his legs for her
RE: Birth and Midwives Center (Open) -
popop - 09-24-2013
Mason thought about the options he had. "I think I'd like to wait to see if things happen on their own." He was grateful for her help. He hadn't had help through out his whole pregnancy and thought he might have enjoyed if better if he did. He nodded, he did feel really uncomfortable. "That would be really nice, thank you"
RE: Birth and Midwives Center (Open) -
popop - 09-24-2013
He moaned softly as she massaged his back he nodded. "yes, thank you." when she blushed he would get embarrassed. he didn't really know what to do at this point. "uh, i don't know"
RE: Birth and Midwives Center (Open) -
popop - 09-24-2013
He was grateful for the wheel chair. He had been walking or riding the bus ever since his car had broke down. "I'll just stay in my gown." he said shyly
RE: Birth and Midwives Center (Open) -
popop - 09-24-2013
He let out a soft moan when he had to get up. His hand immediately went to his aching lower back. He lowered himself in with the help of Jane and was so happy that the water was beginning to help already. He felt great in the water. He held Jane's hand and smiles. "Thanks, I appreciate your help." He didn't think he would ever get to thank her as much as she deserved. "How long do you think?"
RE: Birth and Midwives Center (Open) -
popop - 09-28-2013
he nodded and bit his lip, worriedly. "what will it feel like?"
RE: Birth and Midwives Center (Open) -
popop - 09-28-2013
he nodded and began to feel nervous. "what you made you want to become a midwife?"
RE: Birth and Midwives Center (Open) -
popop - 09-30-2013
Oh thats really beautiful. I hate to ruin the moment but i have to use the restroom so bad. He said shyly the babies had begun to rest on his bladder
RE: Birth and Midwives Center (Open) -
popop - 10-02-2013
You dont have to call me sir he laughed. I think i can do it
RE: Birth and Midwives Center (Open) - Animefan22 - 04-19-2017
(Is this still open i was wondering if i can join (
RE: Birth and Midwives Center (Open) - Animefan22 - 04-27-2017
(Man I was hoping this was open because I really wanted to join (
RE: Birth and Midwives Center (Open) - Animefan22 - 06-09-2017
Name Mark
Role pregnant
Due date 2 weeks ago
Number of babies 4 big babies
Birth via anal
Birth place birth center
Mark waddle into the birth center he is 20 years old after a one night stand at a party he got pregnant with 4 big babies he sits down on the chair *anyone here I'm in labor I need help please
RE: Birth and Midwives Center (Open) -
mpregbellynow - 06-14-2017
Name: bill
Role:pregnant man
For the pregnant:?
Due Date : in a month
Number of babies: 4
Birth via: anal
Birth place: Birth Center