RE: Big boss (closed with mpregisamazing ) -
Dots - 12-11-2015
"Yeah Alex just wait now honey. you should rest as you can now because we don't know about how long for labor 4 babies" Sam said and hugged his lover. He rubbed Alex's belly softly and felt the babies kicking inside it. "Hey papa and mama can't wait to meet you dears" Sam smiled.
RE: Big boss (closed with mpregisamazing ) -
mpregisamazing - 12-13-2015
Alex smiled as he listened to his lover talk to their unborn children. He groaned slightly as they kicked too hard. "Be gentle little ones, Mama can only handle so much."
RE: Big boss (closed with mpregisamazing ) -
Dots - 12-13-2015
."Haha Yeah calm down dears you can come soon but be gentle don't hurt you mama so much" Sam said while rubbing the belly. Sam help Alex to lie down on the bed and they waiting for the babies now.
RE: Big boss (closed with mpregisamazing ) -
mpregisamazing - 12-15-2015
Alex was getting worried because it was long, but his water still hadn't broken. "Should we go to the hospital?"
RE: Big boss (closed with mpregisamazing ) -
Dots - 12-15-2015
"I don't know honey but if you want we'll go to the hospital" Sam say sand kiss Alex ti calm him down. "But I think we should wait more"
RE: Big boss (closed with mpregisamazing ) -
mpregisamazing - 12-15-2015
Alex nodded and placed his head on Sam's chest. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths. "I just want them out."
RE: Big boss (closed with mpregisamazing ) -
Dots - 12-15-2015
"It's okay honey they'll come out soon and I'll be with you to help anything you want" Sam said and hugged Alex closer to calm him down. "It's okay my love our babies will come soon" Sam said again and kiss Alex's forehead.
RE: Big boss (closed with mpregisamazing ) -
mpregisamazing - 12-17-2015
Alex curled into Sam and took deep breaths. Hours passed and finally Alex's water broke. He looked up at Sam, with an expression that was a mixture of fear and excitement. "M-my water just broke."
RE: Big boss (closed with mpregisamazing ) -
Dots - 12-17-2015
"Yeah I know it honey it's time now just control your breathe and push when you feel the contraction" Sam said softly to make Alex feel better. He leaned to kiss Alex while rubbing his belly. "You wanna change the position now?"
RE: Big boss (closed with mpregisamazing ) -
mpregisamazing - 12-17-2015
Alex nodded a little bit. "Yeah, I do. Can you help me get on all fours?" He asked Sam as he started to sit up.
RE: Big boss (closed with mpregisamazing ) -
Dots - 12-17-2015
"Yeah why not? there are my babies too. I'm here honey and I'll help you everything just tell me." Sam said and helped Alex to sit up. he felt Alex's belly was rock now and the babies are moving down.
RE: Big boss (closed with mpregisamazing ) -
mpregisamazing - 12-19-2015
Alex groaned a little as he felt one of the babies slide down. He bared down and started to push on the next contraction.
RE: Big boss (closed with mpregisamazing ) -
Dots - 12-19-2015
Sanm is massaging Alex's belly and he know that Alex start to push now. "It's good honey just do it slowly and control your breath"
RE: Big boss (closed with mpregisamazing ) -
mpregisamazing - 12-19-2015
Alex nodded and closed his eyes. He took deep breathes and remained calm. He pushed slowly, but steadily. He was pushing for at least ten minutes and nothing was happening.
RE: Big boss (closed with mpregisamazing ) -
Dots - 12-19-2015
Sam holding Alex and he feel hie belly is hard now. he know that it's hard and take a long time. "It's okay honey you did it great. you can rest when the contraction is gone"
RE: Big boss (closed with mpregisamazing ) -
mpregisamazing - 12-19-2015
Alex nodded and when the contraction was over he practically collapsed onto the bed panting. "I am worried. Isn't this too long? I've been in labor for at least twenty hours."
RE: Big boss (closed with mpregisamazing ) -
Dots - 12-19-2015
"Yeah It's too long but that's because you're carry 4 babies. you want to change position now?" Sam said and helped Alex to hold his body. He kiss Alex softly to help him to control his breath.
RE: Big boss (closed with mpregisamazing ) -
mpregisamazing - 12-19-2015
Alex kissed back and smiled softly. "I don't know what I'd do without you." He said as Sam helped him change positions. "I think I can feel the head." He said before pushing a bit more.
RE: Big boss (closed with mpregisamazing ) -
Dots - 12-19-2015
"Hey Alex I'm here honey and I'll not go anywhere" Sam help Alex to lay down on the bed and spread his legs. Sam look at Alex's ass. "Hey Honey I don't see anything now I think you must push more"
RE: Big boss (closed with mpregisamazing ) -
mpregisamazing - 12-19-2015
Alex pushed as hard as he could, making guttural groans as he pushed. "Do you see anything?" He asked, as he caught his breath.