RE: Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8) -
Lovebite - 05-05-2017
((Whichever you think, haha.))
Reese watched as the woman helped his son down to the floor again and struggled with the doctor's question as he tried to breath through a current one,"I-I haven't really been able to count them.... But I just felt one, just now." His free hand nudging the child's chin as he stood at the side of his bed. "Go sit down, bud."he told him, then looked to the woman,"Could he have a pencil and paper to keep himself occupied?"he asked her and then watched as the stirrups were put up, he went to unbutton his pants and take a sheet to put over his groin as he pushed down his pants and put his legs up.
RE: Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8) -
bhdire8 - 05-05-2017
((Gosh this is so hot... pity Philippe didnt get to witness that ;))
The doctor waved the nurse away, obviously not liking having.Oliver around. "Get the kid somewhere else. In the waiting area. He could very well be disturbing, i.couldnt see him if he runs around." He said with a slightly annoyed voice, then snapped on his gloves. "Deep breath." He instructed simply, then pushed into Reese without much warning, going straight into him. "That's not even 2cm. You arent ready." He said quickly turning and snapping off the gloves, already writing on the board.
RE: Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8) -
Lovebite - 05-05-2017
Reese had yet to say anything as his son was taken away, hopefully to a daycare maybe, or even Philippe had just stood outside when he asked him to leave. He cried out when he was pushed into by the older man's fingers and bit down on his lower lip with a deep blush on his face, being to distracted with Oliver he hadn't taken the breath. Though soon enough it was again over and he looked down, though couldn't see pass his stomach as he laid his head back again,"What does that mean? Do I stay still? My water broke an hour ago."
RE: Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8) -
bhdire8 - 05-05-2017
"Judging by the amount on that pants, I dont think it.would be too much of a problem. Come back again when you properly record your contractions, hit the car when they close down to 5 minutes apart. We have a busy day, you need to vacate from.this room quick." The doctor said quickly, handing the board back to the nurse whom was just entering back into after takint Oliver away. "Release him. Which is the next room?"
Philippe was sueprised to see Oliver getting led out. "Hey Ollie?! Nurse, I am his father." He provided quickly. Oliver squealed. "Papa! The doctor not let me be with daddy..." he said with tears in his large round eyes, the event of the evening being too.confusing for him. Just as Philippe was trying to.figure out what's wrong, the doctor came out and went away before he could ask anything. He sighed, not sure what he should do with Ollie in his arms.
RE: Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8) -
Lovebite - 05-11-2017
Reese was speechless, not sure what was happening as both the doctor and the nurse left him so he could drag his pants back onto his lower body. He heard Oliver outside and almost knew that Philippe would be there waiting for him, though he was still angry with him. His trip outside was embarrassing to say the least, his pants were still moist and chaffed his inner thigh as he shuffled carefully to the door, opening it up. "They're discharging me... They said it's too early to be here."he frowned, obviously upset at the judgement, he leaned against the door frame for a moment then took a breath as he moved, not looking Philippe in the eyes.
RE: Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8) -
bhdire8 - 05-11-2017
Reese's steps had been difficult and awkward, like he couldnt move his legs too close to each other. His drenched pants werent doing any good at all. He looked like he just wetted himself. Philippe put Oliver down gently and removed his trenchcoat to put around Reese's shoulder right before he could get too far away, at least giving him some decency. Philippe then juat picked Oliver back up in his arms again as they went behind Reese following his slow steps.
RE: Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8) -
Lovebite - 05-12-2017
Philippe's judgement was right, he could barely move and yet it seemed the hospital didn't want to do anything about it. For a moment he thought about just delivering how he did Oliver, but then he remembered how agonising it was so he took it back. He flinched slightly when the heavy coat was put over him, he stopped for a moment and sighed as he cradled his belly for a moment then grasped at the flaps of the coat. He was silent as he moved forward again, getting into the car with some trouble but adjusting himself so he was comfortable on the long ride home.
RE: Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8) -
bhdire8 - 05-12-2017
Philippe didnt realise how closely he was observing Reesee, and found himself quite relieved when Reese didnt just throw the jacket back to him. He kept an eye on him during the way, keeping small conveesations with Oliver as he wiped away the big tears strwaming down the little boy's face. "Dont cry buddy, daddy and papa are here. Nothing's wrong, we are goin back home now."
It was hard seeing Reese struggle to the car, and the grunt when he touched the seat didnt go unnoriced while Philippe fastened Oliver's seatbelts. He hurried over to the driver's seat and fnally, squeezed Reese's hand and muttered. "Off we go."
RE: Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8) -
Lovebite - 05-14-2017
He took his hand from Philippe's grip and turned away as he pressed himself against the door, still holding what he could of his fat belly. It was noticeable that he jiggled every time there was a pothole, he tried to ignore the embarrassing fact that even his shirt couldn't conceal it. As he looked out the passenger's window silently, it had started drizzling like it had in the morning and he sighed at the sight. Things hadn't gone according to plan, not even once today.
RE: Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8) -
bhdire8 - 05-14-2017
Philippr was annoyed getting pushed away again. At firat he managed to just focus on the road, especually with the rainfall, but then he started stealing glances from Reese. He saw the jiggle, it drew attention especially when it was coupled with a low moan that sounded like Reese wanted to choke back. The ride back home was every bit as quiet as before. Even Philippe and Oliver's rapport stopped as the toddler fell asleep. It had been after his bedtime and even without a proper dinner, the child was exhausted by the fiasco.
In a quiet voice, Philippe tried. "So you are angry with me. I am angry with you. I am angry with you at first because I thought you cheated. Then because you hid it from me. You are angry because I suspected you. So, what now."
RE: Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8) -
Lovebite - 05-14-2017
Reese took to glancing at Oliver in the rearview mirror outside his window and holding his stomach in the places where it jiggled. When Philippe spoke, he frowned and looked to the other man,"How could you think that? Who would I be with besides you? Why would I do that to us?"he grit his teeth and looked away,"Fuck you."he then went silent again, that being all he really had to say on the matter at the moment.
RE: Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8) -
bhdire8 - 05-15-2017
"I had been away for so long... . Not to mention, how you have shrunk the size of your belly... right, yea maybe I do lack confidence in our relationship, though can you imagine how much it hurt when that horrible idea crossed my mind?" Come to think of it, his doubt could be caused from more of his own insecurity than a genuine belief that Reese would have found someone else. "Talk about how a surprise turned into a scare....." he muttered finally and tried to slow down a little so the car would be less bumpy sensing the uneasiness of Reese in holding his belly.
RE: Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8) -
Lovebite - 07-18-2017
"That's not my fault that you don't have the confidence to believe in people, even people you've said 'I love you' to."he frowned out of the window,"And to think I thought you were different."he added quietly as he stared out of the window, he didn't want to talk at the moment, he just wanted to focus on their baby and the fact that it was coming soon. Reese breathed uneasily in and out as he tilted his head back, stroking his belly slowly and curling his fingers around the door handle more tightly with a soft groan.
RE: Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8) -
bhdire8 - 07-19-2017
The disappointment soaking through Reese's words actually hurt more than Philippe could imagine. It was a big blow to him and for a moment he thought he heard his heart breaking into pieces. It was lucky it was a redlight as Philippe needed to squeeze his eyes shut for awhile to keep his emotions in check. For the rest of the drive, he could no longer face Reese. He squeezed his fists so tight he left deep indents on his palm.
He didn't know if they still stood a chance, by now, he wanted nothing more than just to wipe away the last few hours. Perhaps it had been all wrong. Things just deteriorated so fast he didn't know how to make of it. With the engine cut off, he went to Reese's side to open his door for him, but couldn't see him getting out. All he heards was another groan.
RE: Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8) -
Lovebite - 07-19-2017
The pregnant male was worried, it was at least a week before his due date, though it really seemed that this baby was coming despite what he wanted. In the emergency room they didn't say anything about anything being wrong, despite them rushing him back out of the hospital after a quick check. With what happened earlier, the sudden breakage of his waters and the argument, everything seemed to be going downhill, why wouldn't there be something wrong with the baby. They've had bad luck all day so far.
Worrying so much, he had worked up a few tears himself and barely wiped them away when Philippe came around to open his door. He pressed his lips together silently for a long moment, then looked up at the other man after another contraction,"Take Ollie up first, I'll be okay for a few minutes." He needed a few moments to himself anyway, to work this all out in his head, he needed to see what their next step would be.
RE: Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8) -
bhdire8 - 07-19-2017
Phlippe hesitated and eventually, knelt down in front of Reese. The car had obscured his vision before, but now that he had knelt down, he could see clearly Reese's fat tears still on his cheeks. He sighed and customarily wiped it away with his thumb, so tenderly he could be dealing with a fragile piece of glass. He nodded and silently moved to the backseat to get Oliver, who was sleeping soundly. The slight snore, the light rise and fall of his little tummy, and the warm body in his arms settled Philippe somewhat. He put him quickly in his room before returning to the garage to get Reese.
On his way out, he could see Reese had decorated a nursery. A brand new one with all the supplies ready. He quickly darted his eyes away. This could be a very happy announcement from Reese. This should have been a nice and warm reunion filled with tears of joy and not that of pain and worry. He didn't want to admit it, but he had messed up, big times.
RE: Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8) -
Lovebite - 07-19-2017
Reese barely looked to Philippe, though he didn't pull away when he wiped his tears, he shut his eyes and looked forward out of the car windshield for a long moment. He wanted to forgive him, but without even an apology that would be hard to do so, despite how sorry he felt. There was more to it that he needed from him to even begin to put this behind them.
His eyes shut tightly again and he breathed in and out slow and steadily as he rubbed his low belly, glancing up at the quick footsteps that came towards the car again. He looked at him and bit down on his lip for a moment before giving him his hand to help him out of the passengers seat.
RE: Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8) -
bhdire8 - 07-19-2017
Philippe held Reese's stare with courage, and he waa quite relieved when at least Reese would allow for his help. He took it put it around his shoulder while scooping in behind his back and his knees, then lifted him out of the car with a light grunt. Reese had been much heavier now. He took the stairs and got into their home. "Could you please open yhe door?" He asked in front of their bedroom, breaking th3 awkward silence between them. Part of him was still too proud to admit hsi fault, but another part of him was dying with the rejection he experienced from Reese. He placed him on the bed and hesitated. He steeled himself and gathered his courage. Ruffling his hair, he bent down to kiss Reese on his forehead and muttered. "I love you... and I am sorry." He fled the room quick then, not dare to hear the response from his love.
RE: Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8) -
Lovebite - 07-19-2017
Reese held onto the other as he was carried up the flight of stairs to their apartment and did open the door for him before he was soon then laid down on the bed. His eyes drifting closed when he was, a sigh escaping him as he looked up at him as he stood over him, turning away slightly when he kissed his head. "If you did why would you say all that? I love you too... Or I think I do, but I don't know now..."he pressed his lips together when he said he was sorry and frowned as he looked away from him when he left.
RE: Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8) -
bhdire8 - 07-19-2017
What Reese said was what he dreaded th3 most, yet his cowardy escape wadnt quick enough for that to reach his ear. His hands were trembling.uncontrollably as the last words of reese replayed again and again in his mind. He didnt know if he still loved Philippe rushed down th4 stairs and into the living room, switched off all lights and heats and wrapped himseld with the blanket that Reese loved to use on the couch. He squeezed his eyes shut while burying his nose into yhr familiar scent snd laughed hysterically. The love of his life just declared his death sent3nce.