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C Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Printable Version

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RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-08-2018

Zander says “I’m guessing from that raised eyebrow you’re thinking about when I mentioned someone going into labor, well sometimes some people come here to help bring them into labor because exercise’s like this does help with that.” “Last time unfortunately the last person to do that was a fox and there kit was too insistent on coming out I had to deliver it for him.” “I’m actually not just a yoga instructor I’m also a registered midwife.” “This actually is the my fifth time being pregnant so if you need any advice I’ll be able to give it to you.” “It was nice meeting you both now if you’ll excuse me I have to go take a shower.”

Zander left and Parker turns to Jackson “Wow he seems like a cool kinda guy and he seems to have a lot of pregnancy experience.” “So do you want to go home or do you wanna go take a shower in the locker room?”

(Alright I’m going to bed now I’ll see you tomorrow.)

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-08-2018

(Alright goodnight^^)

Jackson nodded, wanting more information about someone going into labor in the class. That’s crazy! “Wow that’s crazy!” He commented. He listened to the raccoon speak, surprised at how many times he had been pregnant. “We’ll be sure to come to you if we have any questions. Thank you!” He flashed a smile, and waved goodbye to the raccoon.

“He does seem cool! Yeah let’s jusf shower here. I gotta get out of these clothes,” he said, tugging at the shirt a little bit. He took Parker’s hand and they walked to the locker room to go shower up.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-08-2018

When they get in the locker room Parker takes off his shirt showing off his belly for the world to see. He sniffs his pits and cringes “Man my pits are sweaty I’m gonna head into the shower you can join me if you’d like Jackson.” “Maybe when we get out off the shower you can brush my mane with those magic fingers of yours.”

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-08-2018

Jackson headed into the locker room. It smelled damp and he turned his nose a little. He too tore off his shirt, eager to shower and smell fresh. “Yeah let’s go shower,” he said through a laugh when Parker sniffed himself. He walks towards a shower and started removing his clothes to get in. “Sure! I love brushing your mane,” he said.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-08-2018

Parker got out off the shower now smelling fresh and clean “Oh man I needed that shower I love the hot water makes me feel relaxed.” “I also enjoyed that I got to have a look of your cute butt while you showered.” “I was also promised a mane brushing as well.”

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-08-2018

Jackson rubbed himself down with the towel to dry off, as his fur was just soaking wet with water. Now he smelled good and he felt soo much better. “I know! The hot water feels so good,” he said happily. He giggled a little bit and brought the towel to the lion’s mane. “Sure, just let me dry you a little bit. It’s still kind of soaking..” he rubbed the towel against Parker’s mane to dry his hair.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-08-2018

Parker smiles “Sorry you know I like to dry off naturally whenever I come out of the shower, but I’ll make an exception this one time so I can feel those magic fingers of yours.”

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-08-2018

“I can’t brush when your mane is basically a rain cloud,” he jokes, motioning to the endless stream of water drops dripping from it. He dries it up as best as he could.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-08-2018

Parker says “Here I’ll try to dry it off like you do sometimes.” Parker shakes his head like a dog drying itself off getting water droplets around the area.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-08-2018

“Hey! You’re getting that on me!” He laughed, jumping away. “Alright I think you’re dry enough..” he stepped forward to brush out his fur.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-08-2018

Parker laughs “Sorry couldn’t resist and now you know how I feel when you do that to me after you come out of the shower sometimes.” “Man I love those fingers of yours they go through my mane perfectly.”

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-08-2018

“You have so much hair!” Jackson said as he gladly brushed it. “I bet I can put it into so many braids,” he chuckled lightly. Playfully, he nipped his lion’s ear.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-08-2018

(Sorry was eating dinner)

Parker says “Oh no I’m not getting braids my mane needs to project masculinity for my mate that’s how i attracted you anyway.” He blushed when his ear was nipped “I didn’t know you were into nibbling.”

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-08-2018

“I was mostly kidding anyways,” he laughed. “I promise not to put your hair in braids.” He kept gently pawing the thick mane. “Hm you like it when I nip your ear?”

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-08-2018

Parker says while blushing “You have to know by now that I’m a little kinky and I’m into a couple of things nibbling is one of them so long as it is not full on biting then I’m out nobody bites me and leaves possible scars.” “So before we start to attract an audience here since some of the pregnant guys from the class are still in the locker room how about we go home where there’s no possible audience?”

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-09-2018

“Don’t worry I won’t leave any scars,” Jackson smiled a little. “I just like to hold it in my mouth a little..” he said playfully as he lightly tugged on his ear. He nuzzled into his damp fur. “Yeah I think so too, let’s get home..” he smiled, and they got dressed and went to walk out of the locker room.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-09-2018

(Wanna do another time skip to a month later?)

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-09-2018

Yeah let’s do that)

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-09-2018

Fast forward a month later Parker is now three months pregnant and Jackson is going in is fifth month they currently were in yoga class and everything was going pretty normal until Zander the class instructor’s water broke in the middle of class. Parker went over to him “Zander are you alright you’re water just broke?”

Zander with a little pain “Yeah I think I was feeling contractions all morning, but I just thought they were Braxton-Hicks contractions.” “Get my phone out of my back pocket and call my husband.” “Class is canceled for today, but don’t worry the classes will resume when the hospital deems it well.”

Parker grabs Zander’s phone and handed it to him “Who should I call?”

Zander says “In my phone he’s listed as Hot Ass Lance.” “Jackson could you call the paramedics on your phone.”

Parker calls Zander’s husband hoping for an answer.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-09-2018

In one month, Jackson got so much bigger, but he didn’t mind at all. He loved having a big pregnant belly. He sti felt pretty good, with the occasional sore back or his feet might hurt. At the moment he joined Parker for another yoga class. At this point he mastered a lot of the poses without losing his balance. He was in the middle of skins a pose when Zander’s water broke.

Worriedly, he approached him, comfortingly setting a hand against his shoulder. “Don’t worry, we’ll get help and you’ll be at the hospital soon,” he assured him gently. He pulled out his own phone to call the paramedics.

“They said they’ll be here very soon,” he replies.