RE: Our family (Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 08-16-2013
Emilia smiled wide " I knew it would happen eventually that's great baby..."
RE: Our family (Closed) -
DragonKnight - 08-16-2013
Jack smiled. "In a few months we'll be adding a few more members to the family." He stated.
RE: Our family (Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 08-16-2013
Emilia smiled " is it gonna be a shorter pregnancy this time? How many our we having?"
RE: Our family (Closed) -
DragonKnight - 08-16-2013
"Same amount of time. And I'm having quadruplets. I think I'll need to model some more clothes." He said kissing her.
RE: Our family (Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 08-16-2013
Ariel kissed back smiling " you defiinantly have to model show off that belly...I made a ton of new clothes in these past month "
RE: Our family (Closed) -
DragonKnight - 08-16-2013
Jack smiled. "And I'll gladly wear them. I love you." He said kissing her.
(Wanna skip a few months?)
RE: Our family (Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 08-16-2013
( yeah)
The next couple months were great Ariel brought home tons of clothes for Jack she was making a Lot of money off her fashion line
Jacks job was getting stressful everyone talked about him being pregnant and the boss gave him more and more work one day he was leaving for work so stressed about getting his work done Ariel woke up looking at him worried " Jackie take the day of the stress isn't good for you plus I wanna talk to you...sit down.." Ariel pouted
RE: Our family (Closed) -
DragonKnight - 08-16-2013
Jack nodded. "Alright." He said before calling to his boss. The boss wasn't very happy that he wasn't coming in. Jack hung up the phone, tired and stressed. He looked to Ariel. "What did you want to talk about?" He asked.
RE: Our family (Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 08-16-2013
Ariel sighed " honey I'm making good money right now why don't you quit your job we have enough money in the bank to live comfortable for a long time..." Ariel states
RE: Our family (Closed) -
DragonKnight - 08-16-2013
Jack thought for a moment and nodded. "Okay. I'll do it. For you." He said before calling his boss and telling him he quit.
RE: Our family (Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 08-16-2013
His boss screamed at him telling Jack he would never work again and he was worthless his hormones got the best of him making him upset
RE: Our family (Closed) -
DragonKnight - 08-16-2013
Jack grimaced at the bosses harsh words. "Yeah well, at least I can support a family!" He yelled before slamming the phone.
RE: Our family (Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 08-16-2013
Ariel took Jakes hand " it's okay he's a jerk just lay back"
RE: Our family (Closed) -
DragonKnight - 08-17-2013
Jack breathed in, trying to calm down. He laid back and rubbed his belly.
RE: Our family (Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 08-17-2013
Ariel snuggled with him running her hand through his black hair " your so handsome..." She whispered going down and kissing and rubbing his belly
RE: Our family (Closed) -
DragonKnight - 08-17-2013
Jack smiled. "Your so beautiful. Your making me feel better already." He stated as he moaned.
RE: Our family (Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 08-17-2013
Ariel smiled " your so sweet Jackie..." She kept kissing his belly and rubbing his lower belly
RE: Our family (Closed) -
DragonKnight - 08-17-2013
Jack moaned again. "Ellie. I want to be in you." He said moving his hands to her hips.
RE: Our family (Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 08-17-2013
Ellie smiled " go head Jackie I want you too..."
RE: Our family (Closed) -
DragonKnight - 08-17-2013
Jack smiled. He pushed Ariel to the bed and pulled down her shorts. He pulled down his underwear and entered her, making slow love to her.