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O Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - Printable Version

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RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - Roselockheart - 04-25-2020

Groaning softly having a strong contractions feeling the huge head entering his canal

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - justpush - 04-25-2020

Richard put an anal plug in Jackson's hole and told him not to push.

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - Roselockheart - 04-25-2020

Jackson looks up"oh fuck it's hurts

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - justpush - 04-25-2020

- Relax, we're about to start.
During this time Eric injected Jackson with an anesthetic and pulled up his shirts to make his entire abdomen visible. He covered his crotch. Richard spilled yellow liquid on his belly and grabbed a scalpel.

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - Roselockheart - 04-25-2020

Jackson looks up "I I'm sorry he started to close his eyes

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - justpush - 04-25-2020

- - Jackson, don't close your eyes, please. No one's gonna put you to sleep, silly. - He shook his arm.

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - Roselockheart - 04-25-2020

I'm sleepy love

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - justpush - 04-25-2020

- Hold on a little longer - he said nervous.
Eric connected Jackson to the oxygen, and Richard cut his stomach.

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - Roselockheart - 04-25-2020

Jackson crys softly as he couldn't see Richard "I feel useless I couldn't push our baby out

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - justpush - 04-25-2020

- That's not true. You're a hero. You've had three children naturally. There are small complications with that, but it's not your fault. He cut another layer of tissue and could see the lover's organs.

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - Roselockheart - 04-25-2020

He started to yawn "dear I'm very tired

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - justpush - 04-25-2020

Richard told Jackson to give the right drugs, and Eric gave them to him. He started to sift through the organs when he touched the baby.

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - Roselockheart - 04-25-2020

He looks at Eric "is it a boy or girl

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - justpush - 04-25-2020

- I don't know. We'll find out in a minute. - Eric stabbed Jackson in the head.
At that time, Richard managed to take out the baby and cut off the umbilical cord. But the baby didn't cry.

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - Roselockheart - 04-25-2020

He looks up "is it out yet as he couldn't hear crying

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - justpush - 04-25-2020

Eric, worried, didn't answer anything. Richard put the baby on a special table and checked his breath.
- Eric, give me the baby rescutter, quick!

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - Roselockheart - 04-25-2020

Jackson started to cry softly

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - justpush - 04-25-2020

- Jackson, I'm not gonna let him die, you hear me? - he started doing first aid.

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - Roselockheart - 04-25-2020

He nods his head

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - justpush - 04-25-2020

Richard took five inhalations and then thirty chest compressions. Fortunately, the breath is back. He cleaned the baby's throat from the discharge and the baby started to cry.