RE: Illegitimate Heir (closed) -
Eskal - 08-24-2014
"Oh no, I don't think so. I'm just...Happy that I'm here, but I'm worried for my child. I miss Henry and I worry that I won't be a decent father."
RE: Illegitimate Heir (closed) -
TheDyingDay - 08-24-2014
Sikette sighed in relief, "Don't worry you'll be a wonderful parent." she said softly.
RE: Illegitimate Heir (closed) -
Eskal - 08-24-2014
"I hope so," Lucas sighed. "I just hope I can get things sorted before they get here."
RE: Illegitimate Heir (closed) -
TheDyingDay - 08-24-2014
"You'll make it." she said smiling
RE: Illegitimate Heir (closed) -
Eskal - 08-24-2014
Lucas nodded and started cooking the fish. "Thanks, Silette."
RE: Illegitimate Heir (closed) -
TheDyingDay - 08-24-2014
"It's no problem." she said grinning.
RE: Illegitimate Heir (closed) -
Eskal - 08-24-2014
Lucas smiled and finished cooking the fish and vegetabled, sprinkling them with the herbs Silette had gathered.
RE: Illegitimate Heir (closed) -
TheDyingDay - 08-24-2014
Silette set the table and added a fruit filled with berries and fruits, she smiled. "Perfect."
RE: Illegitimate Heir (closed) -
Eskal - 08-24-2014
Lucas nodded. "It smells great. I hope it tastes good."
RE: Illegitimate Heir (closed) -
TheDyingDay - 08-24-2014
"Don't worry, it will."
RE: Illegitimate Heir (closed) -
Eskal - 08-24-2014
Lucas sat down, gave thanks for the meal, and began to enjoy it.
RE: Illegitimate Heir (closed) -
TheDyingDay - 08-24-2014
Silette did not eat though, she was writing something on the book of spells, she was frowning as she wrote.
RE: Illegitimate Heir (closed) -
Eskal - 08-24-2014
"Something wrong?" Lucas asked.
RE: Illegitimate Heir (closed) -
TheDyingDay - 08-24-2014
Silette shook her head, "Just...needed to fix a spell or two."
RE: Illegitimate Heir (closed) -
Eskal - 08-24-2014
Lucas nodded and went back to his meal. Once he finished he set to preserving the rest of Silette's catch with some simple spells.
RE: Illegitimate Heir (closed) -
TheDyingDay - 08-24-2014
Silette watched Lucas, curious.
RE: Illegitimate Heir (closed) -
Eskal - 08-24-2014
"They're basically freezing spells and a few shield spells," Lucas explained. "A few cooks in the kitchen used to do this after our hunting trips. A lot of the nobles employ mages with those skills to preserve their food. That's why even in the rough years of harvest the nobles and royals were well fed."
RE: Illegitimate Heir (closed) -
TheDyingDay - 08-24-2014
"I'm afraid I was never taught that back in my youth." she said sighing.
RE: Illegitimate Heir (closed) -
Eskal - 08-24-2014
"I could teach you," Lucas offered.
RE: Illegitimate Heir (closed) -
TheDyingDay - 08-25-2014
She nodded, "I'd like that very much." she said smiling softly.