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C Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Printable Version

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RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-20-2018

Parker was on the couch giving Jackson a belly rub because his three passengers were kicking up a storm wanting to come out even though he isn’t due for a month “Hey little ones give daddy a little break in there okay.” He continues to rub Jackson’s belly and gives it a kiss on his bellybutton.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-20-2018

Jackson rested on the couch while Parker was attempting to calm the active litter. The canine still had another month left but he already felt like he would pop any second. “Thanks babe.. that feels really good,” he said softly, watching his swollen belly as the pups rolled and kicked inside.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-20-2018

Parker asks “So I got call from my dad and my father they wanted to meet you.” “I tried to stall and say no to both of them so they don’t come, but they were insistent.” “They’ll be here in about three days.” “I’m really sorry to spring this on you, but they kinda sprong it on me in this morning”.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-21-2018

Jackson listened carefully. “Your family wants to meet me?” He lightly rubbed his belly. “Do you think they’ll like me,” he asked curiously. The canine didn’t know much about the lion’s family. He didn’t mind them coming over, he just wanted to be prepared.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-21-2018

Parker kisses Jackson’s cheek “I’ve told them all about you and they know about our eight passengers to so they won’t be surprised by it.” “”They seemed to like what I told them about you and they’re really happy that they’ll both be grandpas.”

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-21-2018

Jackson smiled, feeling better about meeting his family. “Alright.. I can’t wait to meet them,” he said and nuzzled against his lion. “We should clean up the house before they get here I think..” he said glancing around. He didn’t want to seem messy in front of them.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-21-2018

Parker enjoyed the nuzzle “Alright I’ll help you two just remember don’t overexert yourself I don’t need you going into early labor because you stressed your body too much.” “In three days they’ll be here I can tell you bit about them to prepare yourself.”

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-21-2018

Jackson nods. “Alright I won’t.. let’s just get this plAce cleaned up real fast,” he said, starting to try to get up from the couch. “I’d appreciate anything you can tell me! I want to get along with your family best I can,” I said happily.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-21-2018

Parker tells him “Well my dad the one who gave birth to me his name is James and he’s a lion pretty obvious there from me personality wise he’s pretty fun, but when he’s watching a football game don’t change the channel even when you’re pregnant he’ll still get really mad, then there’s my second dad he’s a cheetah and his name is Sam he’s pretty easy to get along with no special warnings about him just never give him oysters he’s allergic to them.” “Since we’re talking about family what can you tell me about your family?”

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-21-2018

Jackson nods and tidied up while listening to Parker talk about his family. He looks up when asked about his family. “I just had my one parent, and a bunch of siblings,” he replies. “I have my grandparents too,” he said as he put things in their proper place.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-21-2018

Parker says “Well can you tell me a little about your mom or dad whoever you’re one parent is?” “As for me I have four other siblings two other brothers and sisters.”

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-21-2018

“Yeah I have a mom, and,” he started counting on his fingers. “I have fourteen brothers and sisters,” he replies. “My dad messed around with my mom for awhile, had a couple litters, and one day he just decided to leave,” he said with a small shrug.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-21-2018

Parker scratches his head at that number “Fourteen siblings so wait that means your mom had fifteen kids I’ll have to give high praise to that.” “Your dad sounds like skesball luckily we’ll never see him again.” “We’ll be amazing father’s to our cubs they’ll be the cutest boys and girls with their big strong dads to protect them.” Parker flexes his muscles to show off his toughness.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-21-2018

Jackson nodded, a smile coming across his lips. “Yeah- but she only had a few litters, and a few adds up really fast “ he explained. Dogs were known for having larger litters. He stretched a bit, one hand pressing on his back and the other holding his heavy belly. “We’ll be the best dads!” He said happily, coming up to give him a little kiss.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-21-2018

Parker leans into the kiss “Did I ever tell you that your lips are one of my most favorite things in the world?”

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-21-2018

Jackson kisses him again and lightly stroked his soft cheek. He smiled sweetly. “Is that so?”

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-21-2018

Parker kisses him again “Yes that is true now how about we clean this place up and have a nice time with my dads in three days.”

(Time skips to three days later)

Parker was getting dressed and fit a paternity shirt down his stomach and rubbed it as he felt his cubs kick. “Calm down in there okay little ones you’ll get to meet your grandpas today and they’re going love you unconditionally just like me and your dad will.”

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-21-2018

Jackson was nervous- cleaning up the house and making food and making sure everything looked good. He tugged a sweater on, but found that it didn’t fit over his belly any more. His mouth turned into a pout, looking at how a big portion of his belly showed. He’d need to grab something else.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-21-2018

Parker goes over to see him and opens the door to see him panicking “Jackson you alright in here you look nervous?”

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-21-2018

“I don’t know what to wear and none of my clothes fit,” he said looking up at him. He wanted to make a good impression on Parker’s parents.