RE: Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 11-15-2016
The other alpha couldn't hold himself back either and pounced onto the other man as he shifted midair in a fit of snarling and snapping. With all the commotion, James jr took the opportunity to get the jump on the human, shoving himself into the large man. He was slow though and top heavy as he fell into him, he cried out when the gun in his hand went off, pircing a bullet through the young man's arm. As he collapsed to the ground, the hunter looked shocked for a moment after he pulled the trigger.
RE: Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite) -
018Luxio - 11-15-2016
James manages to sidestep the alpha before turning his attention to his son. He moves quickly, grabbing the boy before practically dragging him a short ways through the trees before tossing him into the truck. They were pulling away from where James had parked and had disappeared by either the alpha or hunter could catch them.
RE: Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 11-15-2016
James jr was whimpering as he arched his back in the seat, panting and gripping onto his arm while he bled, though the bullet only really grazed him through his jacket. He hadn't been shot before and was almost in shock at the fact, as well as him groaning because of his belly killing him. Though he said nothing to his father yet as they fled, he tilted his head back and pressed his other hand against his middle while it tightened.
RE: Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite) -
018Luxio - 11-15-2016
James doesn't bother to focus his attention on James Jr. just yet, not until they were far from where the meeting had took place. Everything the alpha had said was whirling around in James' mind as his hands momentarily tightened on the steering wheel.
RE: Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 11-15-2016
The teenager suffered for a few moments as he pressed his face against the cool window, he had begun sweating lightly as he pressed his hand against his stomach. With the other gripping the bleeding gash in his arm, he groaned and pitched his hips forwards as he cramped up again. Though it didn't stop and he curled forwards, grasping onto his middle and pushing his face into the dashboard,"Ngh..."
RE: Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite) -
018Luxio - 11-15-2016
James eventually turns his attention to the boy, tearing off a piece of a blanket to tie around his arm to stop the bleeding before his hand runs down James Jr's back.
RE: Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 11-15-2016
The teenager sat back after the pain passed over him like a hot wave, panting heavily with his good hand cradling his low belly that sat in his lap. He whimpered softly and grit his teeth as James tied the makeshift bandage around his arm,"My stomach hurts."He muttered and pressed his face against the cool window, turning his head and looking at his father slightly,"Do you... Do you think it's time?"
RE: Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite) -
018Luxio - 11-16-2016
"I know it is." There was no point beating around the bush. James finished tying off James Jr's wound before he places his hand on his sons leg before squeezing it lightly. "I'm gonna keep driving, just deal with it best you can." He pulled back out onto the road as the pup slowly nodded.
RE: Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 11-16-2016
James jr felt sick to his stomach with those words, as he nodded simply and took a deep breath, he could do this, the teenager gripped the handle of the door. He pressed his back against the passenger seat cushion, closing his eyes with a hand resting on the lower curve of his middle. If he pressed into the tense flesh, he could almost feel the form of the baby readying itself to emerge, he moved that hand to grip his fathers free hand. He said nothing else, just focusing on the feeling of the gravel road beneath the truck and his heart beat, as well as his childs which was much faster. With the stress of the situation dwindling, the pain wasn't as bad, it did make him fidget more than usual though it went away just as soon as it came. The pup was handling it for now, silent and steady.
RE: Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite) -
018Luxio - 11-16-2016
James continues to drive, occasionally glancing over at the pup. He didn't protest when James Jr. took his hand, not that he would have. As he drove his thoughts drifted back to what the alpha had said, if it were true, did he need to expect to get home and find one or more newborns?
RE: Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 11-16-2016
The teenager whimpered with the most recent contraction, huffing and pushing his head back to brace against the seat as he gripped his father's hand tightly. "Dad... Dad, something's... I-I..."He swallowed nervously, looking to the other slightly as he grit his teeth, his knuckles white as he gripped the handle attached to the ceiling. His face twisted up, brows pinching together and mouth hanging open as he tried to keep breathing, shaking his head and shifting his hips forwards. He pressed his face into his arm and couldn't control himself as his nails dug into his fathers hand, he was abnormally silent during the contraction. His eyes were closed and his face brightened to a red color as he sat through it.
RE: Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite) -
018Luxio - 11-16-2016
James says nothing, simply slowing down and waiting until the contraction passed before he squeezes James Jr's hand. "Just keep breathing, you've got this."
RE: Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 11-16-2016
"I don't."James jr shook his head,"I can't do this... If it hurts so bad already... How could Pop do this so many times?"He was panting now, losing his composure almost as he sat back more, he looked down at his middle. His lower lip quivered and he looked to his Dad slightly,"Could we hurry?"
RE: Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite) -
018Luxio - 11-16-2016
"Because he knew what would come at the end, when you get to hold it, you'll know why." James squeezes his hand again. "We'll be there soon."
RE: Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 11-16-2016
The pup didn't respond, he only gripped onto his father and the handle of the door tightly as he looked at him then away with a small nod. "Okay."He sat back, pressing his face into his arm and taking his hand back now as he pressed it against his middle, breathing slowly in and out. The teenager shifted so his knees were against the dashboard and he was curled up against the door in a way that looked slightly uncomfortable yet it worked with him to handle the pain.
RE: Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite) -
018Luxio - 11-16-2016
James would glance over at him every now and then, though he kept driving. He wasn't speeding, it wouldn't do them any good to get caught, but he was going as fast as he could to be considered legal.
RE: Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 11-17-2016
Only about thirty minutes went by with James jr writhing in his seat as he clutched his belly and dug his nails into his palm. When the boy finally began tugging off his sweatshirt, his tee shirt had large pit stains and his face glistened with sweat. The teenager didn't look to his dad as he took off his second layer of shirt so he sat in his white undershirt that stretched over his watermelon shaped middle. He had pushed himself to the edge of the seat as he cradled his middle for a moment, a grimace on his face, trying not to over react. Though it felt something was bracing itself right in his ass and he didn't know where to move to be more comfortable. He twisted around for another few minutes with his face pressed against the leather of the dashboard.
RE: Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite) -
018Luxio - 11-17-2016
James continues driving. Eventually he reaches over to run his hand over his sons back. "We can stop, all you have to do is tell me."
RE: Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite) -
Lovebite - 11-17-2016
James jr nodded only slightly, as he ran his hands over his tight middle, he breathed through his nose and mouth silently and kept his eyes closed. It was only about an hour, the pup had only shifted in his seat or breathed out heavily, until he felt a slow shift with the last contraction. He whined as he sat back, tilting his head to press against the headrest with his hands balled into fists, biting into his knuckle and panting for only a few seconds. Before he was whimpering again, his legs shifted and back twinged with a cramp as he arched against the seat, a wet spot grew on his pants. The teenage boy wolf looked surprised at that and braced his palm against the door as he tried looking down,"What's that? Something happened."He slowly caught his breath.
RE: Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite) -
018Luxio - 11-17-2016
James pulls over, continuing to run his hand along James Jr's back. "Your water just broke, you should start to dilate faster now."