RE: Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite) -
bhdire8 - 10-08-2017
Jamie didnt understand. He had just assumed Morrison shared the same love-hate relationship with their own planet. He wished dearly the earth wasnt as polluted and thilthy as it was now, but he couldnt hate it with all the memories and passion he had for his homeland, no matter where he was. He paled though when his mate asked him in such a stern way, like he wasnt even qualified to talk about his lost-mate. He bit his lips and attempted an answer. "Y-you, I just thought.... you would like to introduce.... us... our daughter to him?" He gritted his teeth and tried to relate."nevermind. It's not important. What's important is her." He said referring to their child, and also dodging the topic sensing it was sensitive.
RE: Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite) -
Lovebite - 10-08-2017
"And why the fuck would I want to do that?"he asked Jamie, moving away then, turning to face him, his brows were knit together,"He's dead, has been for years. Just think, really ask yourself, why would I ever want to fucking go back there. Like it's a nice little visit, what the fuck is wrong with you?"he grit his teeth and pressed his face into his hand,"Fuck... Jamie."he sighed and shook his head, his eyes were stinging and he knew he was on the verge of crying, walking away back into the bathroom as his hand came to his stomach. Cradling the weight,"Call me when we're landed."he pushed open the door and shut it back, locking it.
RE: Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite) -
bhdire8 - 10-09-2017
Jamie really couldn't relate. He would gladly introduce his mate and child to his father who had been dead for years. He didn't know what's the outburst for and he tried to pull himself together and not cry like a baby. He was tougher than this, and then it wasn't the first time Morrison had scolded him, he should be getting used to this. He pressed his palms into his eyes and jerked when Morrison just slammed the door, and sighed to return to his seat, getting all the things packed first, but couldn't keep the sigh and disappointment from himself as he realised how their relationship was still not "normal", like there was still so much blanks and differences between them.
RE: Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite) -
Lovebite - 10-09-2017
It wasn't as if Morrison wasn't trying, but with Jamie doing stuff like this, asking him to bring them both to his dead mates grave? It just felt sick to him, he didn't want to show off his new 'family' if you could even call it that. He hadn't even wanted to move on, he tried so damn hard to suppress his natural hormones after the years of letting go. Of loving his best friend and mate and then their child, before it all came crashing down around him. He hadn't even chosen to rebuild on his own, he had been forced to. The captain pressed his hands to his face and tried to hold back his broken sobs. His stomach heaving as he cried softly. His stupid omega body, fertile even despite his age, he grit his teeth and looked down at himself.
His chest was soft and every time he took a shower he noticed he was leaking, his stomach sagged and stretch marks popped up places he wasn't even sure you could get them. He felt sick, he loved the child inside of him so much and yet he hated her just as much at this moment.
RE: Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite) -
bhdire8 - 10-09-2017
The more Jamie came to think of it, the more disappointed he got, not only with himself, but with the lack of progress in their relatinoship. Perhaps he still didn't gain the wholehearted recognition of Morrison. It was true the captain wouldn't be the kind of mate Morrison would choose on his own, but Jamie didn't even know how to become someone he wanted. It was all very frustrating. He was trapped in this with no way out.
In the eyes of Jamie, Morrison had never been so beautiful. He therefore didn't understand his customary annoyance and grumpiness every time he finished a shower, and also how he wouldn't allow him into the toilet or shower despite how he desperately wanted to be there with him. He just always thought he might slip and trip in the bathroom when he was all alone, yet Jamie failed to convince Morrison no matter what he did, and in the end he just gave up, like in so many other things.
The final few hours of travel was silence and bore. Jamie almost preferred thetime when he was anxiously awaiting for Morrison to come back to his senses. At least at that time he could see his mate, while now he didn't even know what's happening inside the room. He sighed and stood up when they were just 10 minutes from landing. He knocked on Morrison's door. "Morrison? We are almost there...."
RE: Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite) -
Lovebite - 11-22-2017
Morrison had been standing at the sink, leaned over the running water and cupping his hands under the faucet to drink some then splash it on his face. He had been crying off and on for the duration of the trip, his back ached though he didn't want to sit back down on the toliet due to Jamie's worry about his cervix or whatever. The man sighed and looked up to the door, his hand going to his back as he waddled heavily toward to the bathroom door, sliding it open. He looked at Jamie for a moment and leaned in to wrap his arms around him into an embrace for a few moments, resting his head on the others. "I'm sorry." He said softly, exhaling quietly and nuzzling him gently,"I guess...he's still just an open wound I need to deal with, y'know? It's not healthy."
RE: Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite) -
bhdire8 - 11-22-2017
"It's ok...i guess I have been assiming too much as well.i should respect there's some part of your past that didnt necessarily felt comfortable discussing about, and it's your privacy afterall... i have no right to intrude." Jamie was taken aback by Morrison initiating the hug and even apologizing, but he couldnt deny it worked magic. He felt a lot better anf didnt feel as defeated by the incident.
The ship landed soundlessly and Jamie carefully led Morrison down. There had been paramedics standing by, and Jamie inssited on going with them. All those people looked at the omega, who had been such an autjoritative figure people still tend to consult his opnion subconsciously.
RE: Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite) -
Lovebite - 11-22-2017
"No, you're my mate and we shouldn't have any boundaries. Whether I like it or not." Morrison sighed and pulled away as they moved toward the exit of the ship, the ramp coming down to the ground and the omega took a slow deep breath to calm himself. He hadn't been on earth since the funeral,"Shit, this is so weird." He huffed as they made it topside finally after almost a days travel, looking to the strangers and greeting them,"I'm fine. Can stand on my own." He waved away the wheelchair they brought and continued forward toward the doors of the large clinic.
RE: Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite) -
bhdire8 - 11-22-2017
It's always nice hearing the mighty general declaring he was his mate, and what he said afterwards was even more exciting. Jamie was finding himsf following Morrison closely wjth a goofy smile on him, proud to be there at his side.
He kept a watchful eye and noted how Morrison had again tried to walk with his usual majestic steps that wouldnt be too nice on his back. While they were led directly to the vip passage, Jamie offered his hand when a flight of stairs appeared in front of thrm. Vip passage meant that lifts were out of the question with all of them designed to be shared in the public areas.
RE: Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite) -
Lovebite - 11-22-2017
The former captain took his medical chiefs hand and squeezed it as they headed forward up the stairs slow and steadily,"What level is our room on?" He asked, mentally preparing himself for the journey, glancing to him slightly and pressing his lips together to conceal the slight pain he was in. He could almost feel his hips grinding and his spine tugging with each lift of his leg.
RE: Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite) -
bhdire8 - 11-23-2017
Jamie nudged closer, not because he could see through teh acting of the captain, but because of the natural affinity an alpha had towards his mated omega. He took the man's arm and looked at the staff leading their way, also wanting to know.
"Room A at the end of the corridor." the medical staff answered, then proceeded to go on. He wasn't walking too fast, but wasn't going too slow either so the couple had to catch up with a decent pace. Jamie pressed close to morrison and followed. He was also curisou of the setting, he had never been toa birthing centre before even though a lot fof the equipment were familiar.
RE: Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite) -
Lovebite - 12-06-2017
Morrison allowed himself to be helped, feeling as if he may fall behind if he wasn't held steady by Jamie, his hand slipping upwards against the hand rail of the stairs. He almost wished he was brave enough to confront the masses of pregnant omegas who inhabited this place. His breath came in huffs and he groaned softly as he made it to the top of only the first flight of stairs, leaning forward and panting heavily. "Christ... No more stairs." He frowned and the hand that held the railing went to his stomach to hold it, he stood for a moment on the landing.
RE: Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite) -
bhdire8 - 12-06-2017
"Unfortunately it would be another level up. That's 3 more flights of stairs." The nurse said in a blank face and turned to start walking.again. Jamie looked up amd frowned. Ir was challenging. "W-wait! At least slow down a little....Captain is pregnant, in case you didnr notice." He said yelling.for the nurse to at least slow down so they could catch up.
Jamie exchanged a glance with Morrison, and together they braved the remaining stairs. They were going slower and slower, by the end of the 3rd flight of stairs, Morrison was panting so hard, even Jamie's face was flushes and his breathing labored .
RE: Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite) -
Lovebite - 12-07-2017
Morrison would like to think he would make it up three more flights, glancing to Jamie briefly and shaking his head,"It's fine. We'll catch up." He huffed and tilted his head back as he stroked the length of his middle,"I just need to catch my breath." He leaned against the wall briefly, his eyes slipping closed as he did, before finally they continued onward.
The Captain groaned at the end, shaking his head and pushing his sweaty hair out of his eyes, his legs trembled and he almost thought he would fall. As he braced himself against the last of the railing and dragged in deep breaths, his stomach was shaken and their daughter seemed to dislike the movement just as her parents did. "Fuck, fuck, fuck..." He shifted his weight from foot to foot, his back aching, he barely wanted to take another step, his hand gripped Jamie's forearm and he exhaled. "Get me a wheel chair, please."
RE: Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite) -
bhdire8 - 12-07-2017
Jamie was not in his best shape, and he had exhausted himself in trying to drag Morrison up in his own way. He bodded frantically seeing how tiring it had been for the larger man, and dashed forward. He didnt know where he got the energy from, but just a simple "please" from Morrison for something he despised so obviously was alarminf enough for him to act quickly.
Jamie grabbed a lone wheelchair in front of a room, and came running back to Morrison while his mate looked like he couldnt stand for much longer. He fixed it on the ground and carefully helped Morrison lower himself into it. "Careful...." the small alpha held him from the front, looking like he would be crushed when Morrison held himseld on him, slowly sitting down.
RE: Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite) -
Lovebite - 12-08-2017
Morrison was sweaty and half doubled over from the ache in his gut and back, he panted and pressed his face to his hand as he rocked from side to side slightly. His ass felt over full, everything felt over full, he moaned as he was moved toward the wheelchair and sank down into it with a hiss. His cheeks a dark color, he licked his lips between pants and sank back further, placing his feet in the holders slowly and holding his stomach with one hand as the other still somewhat gripped Jamie. "I'm so sick of this." He groaned, he thought he might explode soon if things kept going like this. Though little did they both know that their daughter had no desire of coming out so soon as his due date.
RE: Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite) -
bhdire8 - 12-08-2017
Morrison crowded the wheelchair with his huge belly. Jamie sometimes wondered if Morrison was indeed a very fertile omega - otherwise why would he be so big. Their daughter's obviously of a nice size - perhaps too nice. Even with Morrison's age, their daughter didbt seem to be havibg any trouble getting nutrients and growing into a healthy and strong baby.
Jamie squeezed Morrison's hand and eemoved rhe lock on the wheels once amorrison had his sfeet off the ground. He managed to make the wheelchair look a few sizes too small. Jamie was grateful tbe wheelchair was dewigned and maintained well, otherwise he could have dirriculty pushing it forward.
They arrived the final room, ajd rhe nurse was already waiting for them impatiently, his arms crossed in frintbof him. "This is your room... need anythinf, press rhe bell." He simply instructed lointing at the bell, and disappearwd without giving any other instruction.
RE: Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite) -
Lovebite - 12-09-2017
The older man glanced up to his mate and frowned slightly as he shifted himself,"Stop looking at me like that." He huffed, looking away and moving his hands to hold his stomach as he let his legs fall open more for the shape of his stomach after the squeeze to his hand. His head tilted back as he was pushed along and he stroked his stomach slowly, he blinked and the nurse was out of sight again. He sighed and closed his eyes briefly once more,"That's all? Is our stuff brought up yet? I think there's a shower with my name on it."
RE: Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite) -
bhdire8 - 12-09-2017
"You want to take a shower? Right now?" The alpha asker anxiously. He didnt think Morriosn was in the best shape to take a shower yet. He thought he looked pretty exhausted just moments ago. His legs had been trembling so hard, he wasnt sure Morrison could get in and out of the shower all by himself right now - he wouldnt want to allow that. "Our bags are here now. I am going in with you if you insist on that shower." He said pointing at the bag on the corner.
RE: Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite) -
Lovebite - 12-09-2017
"I feel gross." He replied," And a shower could fix that." He sat there in the wheelchair as they got used to their room slowly, he looked to Jamie for a few moments when he told him what he was going to do. "Fine." He replied, moving slowly to place his feet flat on the floor and push himself up belly first, groaning as he did so and making it to his feet again. He waddled over to their bags and looked down at them, knowing he wouldn't be able to get it up and open, he couldn't lift it he'd throw his back out.