RE: The Deal (Closed with Dragon Knight) -
DragonKnight - 08-30-2015
Ryne groaned and gripped Ginsu's hands. "I need to get on my hands and knees! I can feel it coming!" He exclaimed.
RE: The Deal (Closed with Dragon Knight) -
Monkeypaws19 - 08-30-2015
(08-30-2015, 12:53 AM)DragonKnight Wrote: Ryne groaned and gripped Ginsu's hands. "I need to get on my hands and knees! I can feel it coming!" He exclaimed.
"Alright take it easy my love". He whispered and moved Ryne into position
RE: The Deal (Closed with Dragon Knight) -
DragonKnight - 08-30-2015
"I'm sorry. It just hurts causing I'm pushing a baby out of me!" Ryne said before he collapsed weakly on the bed in pain.
RE: The Deal (Closed with Dragon Knight) -
Monkeypaws19 - 08-30-2015
(08-30-2015, 01:15 AM)DragonKnight Wrote: "I'm sorry. It just hurts causing I'm pushing a baby out of me!" Ryne said before he collapsed weakly on the bed in pain.
"I know you are doing great". Ginsu coached and massaged his belly to ease his pain.
RE: The Deal (Closed with Dragon Knight) -
DragonKnight - 08-30-2015
Ryne moaned and clenched the sheets through a contraction. "Am I dilating any farther?"
RE: The Deal (Closed with Dragon Knight) -
Monkeypaws19 - 08-30-2015
(08-30-2015, 02:06 AM)DragonKnight Wrote: Ryne moaned and clenched the sheets through a contraction. "Am I dilating any farther?"
"Yes, keep breathing for me". He replied. "You're 45 percent now".
RE: The Deal (Closed with Dragon Knight) -
DragonKnight - 08-30-2015
Ryne moaned and laid on his side. "I feel like I'm going to pass out. I can't take it anymore." He said weakly.
RE: The Deal (Closed with Dragon Knight) -
Monkeypaws19 - 08-30-2015
(08-30-2015, 01:01 PM)DragonKnight Wrote: Ryne moaned and laid on his side. "I feel like I'm going to pass out. I can't take it anymore." He said weakly.
"I know just take a break for now."
RE: The Deal (Closed with Dragon Knight) -
DragonKnight - 08-30-2015
Ryne nodded and laid one the bed, panting heavily through each contraction. His body started to glisten with sweat as he looked so helpless.
RE: The Deal (Closed with Dragon Knight) -
Monkeypaws19 - 08-30-2015
(08-30-2015, 07:49 PM)DragonKnight Wrote: Ryne nodded and laid one the bed, panting heavily through each contraction. His body started to glisten with sweat as he looked so helpless.
"Your doing great". He whispered and massaged his back. Before wiping his sweat away and gave him ice water.
RE: The Deal (Closed with Dragon Knight) -
DragonKnight - 08-30-2015
"This baby better get out of me soon. It's taking its sweet time." Ryne said as he took a sip of the water.
RE: The Deal (Closed with Dragon Knight) -
Monkeypaws19 - 08-30-2015
(08-30-2015, 08:21 PM)DragonKnight Wrote: "This baby better get out of me soon. It's taking its sweet time." Ryne said as he took a sip of the water.
"I know just keep breathing for me. It's going to be worth it in the end". He replied
RE: The Deal (Closed with Dragon Knight) -
DragonKnight - 08-30-2015
"Help me. Let me walk around." Ryne asked weakly.
RE: The Deal (Closed with Dragon Knight) -
Monkeypaws19 - 08-30-2015
(08-30-2015, 09:46 PM)DragonKnight Wrote: "Help me. Let me walk around." Ryne asked weakly.
"Sure." he nodded and helped Ryne to his feet
RE: The Deal (Closed with Dragon Knight) -
DragonKnight - 08-30-2015
Ryne held onto Ginsu as they walked around the apartment. His large belly glistened in sweat as he waddled around
RE: The Deal (Closed with Dragon Knight) -
Monkeypaws19 - 08-31-2015
(08-30-2015, 10:04 PM)DragonKnight Wrote: Ryne held onto Ginsu as they walked around the apartment. His large belly glistened in sweat as he waddled around
Ginsu walked with him carefully
RE: The Deal (Closed with Dragon Knight) -
DragonKnight - 08-31-2015
Ryne crouched down and squeezed Ginsu's hand as he felt a contraction. He continued to pace in circles for nearly half an hour before Ryne moaned. "Ohhhh! It's coming! It's coming and I need to get to a bed!" He stated.
RE: The Deal (Closed with Dragon Knight) -
Monkeypaws19 - 08-31-2015
(08-31-2015, 12:56 AM)DragonKnight Wrote: Ryne crouched down and squeezed Ginsu's hand as he felt a contraction. He continued to pace in circles for nearly half an hour before Ryne moaned. "Ohhhh! It's coming! It's coming and I need to get to a bed!" He stated.
"Ok here we go". Ginsu replied and hurried him to y he bed quickly
RE: The Deal (Closed with Dragon Knight) -
DragonKnight - 08-31-2015
Ryne groaned and got on his hands and knees. "Check my dilation?" He asked wearily.
RE: The Deal (Closed with Dragon Knight) -
Monkeypaws19 - 08-31-2015
(08-31-2015, 02:14 AM)DragonKnight Wrote: Ryne groaned and got on his hands and knees. "Check my dilation?" He asked wearily.
"Yes, just take deep breathes". He whispered and inserted his fingers inside once more. "Alright, you are at 98 percent. I may have to break your water soon".