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C Pregnant Man’s Quest (Now we have our three people) - Printable Version

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RE: Pregnant Man’s Quest (Now we have our three people) - Shadow091 - 08-29-2018

Caleb says “Well Fort Maldu is about an eight hour walk from here probably longer since most of us are really far into our pregnancies.” “So we’ll rest for now and then tomorrow morning we’ll head out though before we sleep we’re going to need to think of a plan to kill Balrog and his soldiers without raising the alarms too early.” “Once we kill a good portion of the soldiers there then the alarm will be fine we’ll have to prepare ourselves when we heard that alarm bell.” “Once Balrog is dead we’ll take his key off his body and ransack his vault.”

RE: Pregnant Man’s Quest (Now we have our three people) - Birthroleplayer27 - 08-29-2018

Emily sits down her back been hurting her for a few days "nice to meet you two Thomas seeing another elf in the room

RE: Pregnant Man’s Quest (Now we have our three people) - Shadow091 - 08-29-2018

Caleb says “Thomas is human like me Arolon is the elf he’s sitting over there with his pet wolf.”

RE: Pregnant Man’s Quest (Now we have our three people) - PoisonElixir19 - 08-29-2018

"A plan... hmmm... I one but it's flimsy. It goes something like this: Emily, you're a mage, so you should be able to cause some kind of major distraction that would capture the attention of guards outside and on the turrets/battlements. As Emily is drawing them out, Caleb use your magic to make two holes in the walls, that way I can sneak in and make sure it is clear. Once I know it's alright, Arolon and Caleb can take one side, me and Namina take the other. by the time they've noticed us, we will of cleared enough guards to take the rest. By this point, Emily can met us again an jump the wall into the main courtyard and start killing, we'll all be able to meet there before finally taking the big guy and looting his vault. Does that sound good or does anyone have any other suggestions?"
Happy with his plan, Thomas sat back down near the edge of the room. He massaged his belly as he waited for a response from any of his new-found family.

RE: Pregnant Man’s Quest (Now we have our three people) - Birthroleplayer27 - 08-29-2018

Emily nods her head in agreement she looks at Thomas rubbing her stomach "I can distract him I have some really cute clothes guys like on elfs plus they like they pregnant elfs for some reason they like seeing the elf pregnant

RE: Pregnant Man’s Quest (Now we have our three people) - Shadow091 - 08-29-2018

Caleb says “It sounds like a good plan and it has some good points.” “You’re in luck to I’ve been studying to earth made materiel bending magic luckily Fort Maldu is made of Stone so those holes will be easy to make.”

RE: Pregnant Man’s Quest (Now we have our three people) - PoisonElixir19 - 08-29-2018

"It's funny that we're using the plan I first made when I started stealing. I used to have a friend that was a mason and a friend who was very pretty. we'd go to a wealthy drunk's house and she'd distract him while the mason and I snuck around the back. The mason would make a hole in the wall and I would sneak in and steal everything. we'd split it equally of course. Oh, it's nice to put a nostalgic plan into action. It'll remind of the good days"

RE: Pregnant Man’s Quest (Now we have our three people) - Shadow091 - 08-29-2018

Caleb smiles at the story “It’s nice to hear that you’re pretty open with your occupation.” “My job as being one of the king’s personal mages is that I’m free to do any experiment I pursue though sometimes it can be a little explosive.” “In fact one of my experiments created this.” He motioned to his six month pregnant belly “I don’t know if the little one is human I don’t really care if it isn’t, but I’ll raise it the best I can when it arrives.”

RE: Pregnant Man’s Quest (Now we have our three people) - Birthroleplayer27 - 08-29-2018

Emily smiles at Caleb her stomach growls loudly she blushes slightly looking at her stomach

RE: Pregnant Man’s Quest (Now we have our three people) - Shadow091 - 08-29-2018

Caleb hears the stomach growl “Well I guess you’re hungry I’m guessing everyone else is hungry to come on let’s go upstairs and get some food to eat don’t want us and our kids to starve.”

RE: Pregnant Man’s Quest (Now we have our three people) - Birthroleplayer27 - 08-29-2018

Emily nods her head she trys to stand up but couldn't sitting back down rubbing her sore back "can some help me stand please

RE: Pregnant Man’s Quest (Now we have our three people) - PoisonElixir19 - 08-29-2018

"I'm open about what I do because I don't regret it. My mother was a witch, so I know a little magic and potion making, but thieving was, and is, my only true talent. I don't regret anything that I've done. Apart from getting cursed like this, but then again I don't regret that either because I love having them. I always wanted a family"
Thomas gets up and walks to where Caleb is sat. He sits next to him and puts a hand on Caleb's rounded belly "What you've created will be wonderful, because your good magic created it"

RE: Pregnant Man’s Quest (Now we have our three people) - Shadow091 - 08-29-2018

Caleb goes over to help her up “There you go now let’s go eat.”

RE: Pregnant Man’s Quest (Now we have our three people) - Shadow091 - 08-29-2018

Caleb blushes at Thomas touching his belly “Thanks.”

(For some reason I’m seeing Thomas and Caleb in a relationship would you be okay with that?)

RE: Pregnant Man’s Quest (Now we have our three people) - Birthroleplayer27 - 08-29-2018

Emily smiles gently "thank you no one ever been nice to me

RE: Pregnant Man’s Quest (Now we have our three people) - Shadow091 - 08-29-2018

Caleb being the positive guy he is tells her “Well I was raised by my mother to respect anyone no matter what their race is.” “Before she was killed by Balagrae my mother was the person who guided me in life and after that the king took me in and raised me as his own and he helped guide me well to.”

RE: Pregnant Man’s Quest (Now we have our three people) - Birthroleplayer27 - 08-29-2018

Emily looks at the other elf ''what the elf name

RE: Pregnant Man’s Quest (Now we have our three people) - Shadow091 - 08-29-2018

Caleb tells her “That’s Arolon he’s been quiet since we’ve met guess something bad happened to make him like that.” “I won’t press on it though sometimes it’s not good to remember or talk about painful memories.”

RE: Pregnant Man’s Quest (Now we have our three people) - PoisonElixir19 - 08-29-2018

(08-29-2018, 09:29 PM)Shadow091 Wrote: Caleb blushes at Thomas touching his belly “Thanks.”

(For some reason I’m seeing Thomas and Caleb in a relationship would you be okay with that?)

absolutely fine with this, let it blossom over the course of the story though.

RE: Pregnant Man’s Quest (Now we have our three people) - Shadow091 - 08-29-2018

(Of course that’s exactly what I was thinking we should do.)