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RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - justpush - 04-22-2020

- Unless you have a partner, sweetie?

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - Roselockheart - 04-22-2020

He shakes his head no "family disown me just me and my boys

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - justpush - 04-22-2020

- I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. - he slowly took off his pants and boxers - I haven't done it in a long time, so I'm sorry if it hurts. Breathe, I'm about to start a real battle. - kissed his back.

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - Roselockheart - 04-22-2020

Jackson groans softly in pain having a strong contraction

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - justpush - 04-22-2020

Richard knew it wouldn't be long before he was 10 centimeters long, but he wanted to get in. He started moving faster and faster. He touched his stomach and moaned for pleasure.

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - Roselockheart - 04-22-2020

He moans softly his face turns red

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - justpush - 04-22-2020

- Just a minute, I'll be there soon. You too? - he asked.

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - Roselockheart - 04-22-2020

He nods his head

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - thoughtless - 04-23-2020

Name: Everett "Rett" Victor
Origin: America
Age: 41
Appearance: Brown wavy shoulder-length hair, shortish unkempt beard speckled with grey. Lean athletic build before pregnancy but has since let himself go somewhat. Dressed in a tight black t-shirt with an unbuttoned button-up layered over it and blue jeans sitting below his bulging belly.
Personality: Standoffish and Arrogant with the swagger of a rock-star. Distrusting and self-reliant. Dislikes weakness in others and himself. Not one to ask for help. Might be overcompensating.
Role: Pregnant and in labor. Over due 2 weeks with twins.

Rett couldn't believe he was doing this. Of course he'd read about clinics like this one. The ads were usually buried in the back of trashy magazines along with hookers and wanted ads. He'd always scoffed at their promises. What kind of man needed a place with doctors who would do "anything"? And besides, money should be able to buy all of it and more with the added promise of discretion. It was fucking disgraceful...and yet here he was standing at their door.

He grit his teeth as a cramp ran through his abdomen. The pain was nothing new and for weeks he'd felt in on and off. Sometimes it was nothing more than a twinge while others could stop him in his tracks and bring him to his knees. Twice he believed the end was near but as it went on the pain faded and the cycle continued. Enough was enough. It had to end. He needed these bastards out of him and he would was desperate enough to do whatever it took. He'd been out of the limelight long enough but he pulled his ball cap down lower and hoped no one would recognize him. He took a breath as he opened the door to the clinic. It seemed surprisingly clean and quiet and he eased himself into a chair against the wall. He hated waiting. He'd been waiting too long for this to be over already.

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - justpush - 04-23-2020

When they both arrived, Richard's phone sounded an alarm that another patient was waiting in the waiting room. He spells sulfate. Where the hell is Thomas? He looked at Jackson.
- Wipe yourself off, and I'll be back in a minute, kid. - gave him a handkerchief and pointed to the boy's stomach in sperm.
He ran quickly to the waiting room where he saw Everett.
- Hey! My name is Richard. How far are you and have your waters gone?

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - thoughtless - 04-23-2020

"That's it? That's all you've got to say to me? I've been sitting here waiting like a damn idiot and you stroll in with 'hey?' What kind of cheap shit operation are you running here?"

Rett had a mind to storm out. Make a scene. At any other time he would have tied this place up in knots with legal trouble. Maybe he still would have if at that moment an intense contraction hadn't ripped through him.

Rett squeezed his eyes shut as he panted throught the pain. He shifted his hips, hoping a change in positio would ease him. It didn't. Instead the children i side him began to stir, sending pressure surging to the base of his spine. He gripped the arm of his chair hard, digging his fingers into the ugly upholstery. It was the only semblance of control he could maintain. By the time the contraction slowed his face was red and his breath was ragged.

He looked up at Richard with a sneer. "No, my damn waters haven't broke. That's why I'm fucking here!"

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - justpush - 04-23-2020

Richard was angry at Everett's words, but said he should be professional. So he took the pregnant man in the wheelchair and took him to the room where Jackson was lying. He sent the younger patient a reassuring look and promised to come back soon. He put Everett on the bed next to Jackson and separated them with the curtain. He put on clean gloves and poured a lubricant on them.
- First, I'll check how far you, then I'll do an ultrasound. Remember to breathe - he said and without any care, he pushed his finger into the Everett's hole - Only 3 cm.

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - thoughtless - 04-23-2020

Rett groaned as Richard pulled his gloved finger from inside of his much too tight hole. 3 centimeters. After weeks of contractions he was still only at 3 centimeters. The revelation made him feel sick. When would this nightmare be over?

He forced his enormous body into a sitting position as Richard readied the ultrasound machine. He could tell my the moans beyond the curtain that the man in the next bed was having a difficult time as well. At least that man would have a gift when his struggle was all over. The otber patient probably wanted his damn kids.

Not Rett. For him this was all a huge fucking mistake. A night of frivolous passion with a stranger on the road. What was he supposed to do with children? At 40 he was too old to change his lifestyle or sex, drugs and rock and roll. What was he supposed to do, drag 2 infants across the country with him. Besides, he wasn't father material. No kid would want to grow up with a man like him as a father.
"Nnnnnuhhhhhhh," he gasped as his belly contorted once more. "huh...huh...huh...guhhhhhh...."

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - justpush - 04-23-2020

Richard put down medical supplies and made a few moves with his phone.
- Dr Thomas will be here in a moment and take care of you. I have three children on bed next to you, who want to be born - not waiting for an answer he left.

Name: Thomas Johnson
Origin: Glasgow
Age: 43
Appearance: Tall, he has a carved body. Shortly shaved brunette, no beard. Grey eyes.
Personality:He loves his work through his fetish; he loves looking at the pain of giving birth to men - it excites him. He decides in every respect. He knows what the best solution is. He has a good attitude towards difficult patients. Fuck them whether they're in a relationship or not.

Thomas was awakened by the sound of his cell phone. It's Richard. So another difficult patient this week. Oh, God.
He got up quickly and put on a putty. In the blink of an eye, he was in the room. He passed a pregnant boy who was just being taken care of by Richard and moved on. He stood back to the patient, wearing gloves.
- What do we have here. . .
When he turned around, he was speechless. He knows him from somewhere.

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - Roselockheart - 04-23-2020

Jackson whimper in pain he looks at seeing another doctor in the room "I I think I gotta push

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - justpush - 04-23-2020

Richard looked at Thomas as he walked in, but then returned his gaze to Jackson's hole.
- Wait - he put a finger in it, but after a while he held it out - Yes. It's time. If I say 'push' you will do it for 10 seconds, not shorter, okay? - He asked.
When the boy nodded his agreement, Richard kissed his sweaty forehead and focused his gaze on Jackson's hole.

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - Roselockheart - 04-23-2020

Jackson groans softly in pain

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - justpush - 04-23-2020

- Great, you're doing fine. - Richard said - You can grab my hand if you want. You will be better then.

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - Roselockheart - 04-23-2020

He grabs Richard hand "I gotta push sir

RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo - justpush - 04-23-2020

- No 'sir'. Call me Richard - he said. - Now come on! Push Jackson!