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C Secret love (Closed with Whoknows) - Printable Version

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RE: Secret love (Closed with Whoknows) - Littleittyboy - 08-16-2023

Jace shrugged “Probably after 11, that’s what it usually is. She works at a supermarket in the day and most night works at one of the local restaurants” he smiled gently leading him up to the apartment. He put the key in wiggling it a little bit to unlock the door before leading him inside. The whole apartment was as big as Reece’s kitchen, there was a small kitchenette on the left with a fridge, freezer, a couple cupboards, a sink and a cupboard they used as their pantry. On the right was a tiny living room with a small tv in the corner and two old comforter chairs. Down past the kitchen was a small bedroom and the same past the living room with a tiny bathroom on the end. “Do you want a snack?” He asked putting his bag on the bench going to the cupboard.

RE: Secret love (Closed with Whoknows) - Whoknows - 08-16-2023

The apartment was tiny compared to his home but Reece thought it was cute. A smaller home was something that he wanted when he was older as he wanted to have somewhere easier to keep tidy and it just seemed cosier. “Um, if you don’t mind”, Reece replied, smiling slightly, “I don’t mind what I eat”.

RE: Secret love (Closed with Whoknows) - Littleittyboy - 08-16-2023

Jace smiled and nodded opening the cupboard and grabbed a packet of cookies and some salty crisps. “Let’s go into my room, it’ll probably be the best place to work, we don’t have a dining room here but I have a small desk and you can chill on my bed if you want” he smiled grabbing everything and headed to the room pushing the door open. The bed barely fit across the one wall and a small desk and chair was on the opposite wall. He sat down at the desk putting the snacks between them.

RE: Secret love (Closed with Whoknows) - Whoknows - 08-16-2023

“I like your room”, Reece meekly commented, perching on the bed. He liked to be respectful of other peoples belongings and so he didn’t really want to mess up Jace’s bed. Reece opened up his school bag and pulled out the work they had done so far, their notes were a few pages long already. They had a lot of differences and some similarities. “Do you have work today?”, he asked.

RE: Secret love (Closed with Whoknows) - Littleittyboy - 08-16-2023

Jace smiled over at him “Get comfortable, don’t feel awkward” he laughed gently and got out his notebook humming softly flipping to a new page. He shook his head “No, not today, I gave myself today off” he grinned at the other man. They asked a few more questions for a while before Jace put his pen down, signalling that he was going to ask about something he was not adding to the notes “How was coming out for you?” He asked gently.

RE: Secret love (Closed with Whoknows) - Whoknows - 08-16-2023

Reece chuckled and moved back, further into the bed, getting comfortable, “I’m glad you are finally having a rest”, he joked. He balanced his paperwork ontop of a book so that he could write whilst on the bed. He was writing some notes down when he was asked that question, pausing and looking up, he replied, “well it was fine really, my parents didn’t mind and my friends said they already knew”, he paused, “the only people that really cared were our classmates but then they stopped after a while”.

RE: Secret love (Closed with Whoknows) - Littleittyboy - 08-16-2023

Jace chewed his lip thinking it over going back to his work for a while. That’s what worried him, how everyone at school would react, he knew his mom wouldn’t mind but what if he lost all his friends because of it? He looked over at Reece, he had started to have a bit of a crush on the other boy over the past few weeks but he made sure to keep it hidden just like his sexuality. He sighed quietly and got off the chair and went and sat next to Reece fiddling with his fingers a little.

RE: Secret love (Closed with Whoknows) - Whoknows - 08-16-2023

Reece felt himself beginning to frown, something was up with Jace and he could tell. Was he… gay? He didn’t want to ask but the curiosity was overwhelming. “Jace?”, he asked, “are you gay too? Reece feog sorry for the bit if he was, he knew that his friends weren’t the most understanding people. He put his hand on Jace’s arm and gave it a soothing rub.

RE: Secret love (Closed with Whoknows) - Littleittyboy - 08-16-2023

Jace swore he felt a small shot of electricity run through his arm when Reece touched him and he looked down at his arm breathing a little heavily before looking up and into Reece’s eyes feeling his own well up slightly “Yes…I’m g-gay” he said nervously “I’ve never said it out loud before…” he said quietly.

RE: Secret love (Closed with Whoknows) - Whoknows - 08-16-2023

Reece felt himself crumble a little on the inside when he saw Jace’s eyes well up, “it’s okay, I’m glad you felt you could tell me”, he expressed. He sat there in silence for a second before looking back at Jace, he was very attractive, not the type of person you would assume to be gay and Reece knew that he was beginning to like him. “Are you going to tell your friends?”, he asked, unsure as to how they would react.

RE: Secret love (Closed with Whoknows) - Littleittyboy - 08-17-2023

Jace smiled warmly at him and sighed gently pulling his knees up a little and shrugging “I think…Im probably just going to stay in the closet until after we finish high school, I don’t want to lose everyone before that. I can be more myself in college, do you understand?” He asked biting his lip a little looking over at the other man, looking child-like in his worry.

RE: Secret love (Closed with Whoknows) - Whoknows - 08-17-2023

He awed to himself at Jace’s smiled, it was adorable. Reece nodded, understand his point, “that sounds fair enough, just don’t hurt yourself in the process”, Reece said, “and don’t withhold any feelings you get, speak about them to someone- it may be a crush that you have, you’re feeling sad, insecure”.

RE: Secret love (Closed with Whoknows) - Littleittyboy - 08-17-2023

Jace smiled warmly at him and turned a little to face him “This is obviously off the record..” he chuckled gently “But have you kissed anyone…or you know, gone further?” He asked curiously “You obviously don’t need to answer if it’s uncomfortable, I’m just curious how it feels” he said gently

RE: Secret love (Closed with Whoknows) - Whoknows - 08-17-2023

Reece thought for a moment before answering, “I’ve kissed a boy before but that was like a year ago now”, he told Jace, “I’ve honestly forgotten how it feels”. He felt himself turn red for admitting it, he hadn’t even told his friends that he had done it. The guy was someone he had met on holiday with his parents, he had a bit to drink and had gotten the confidence out of nowhere.

RE: Secret love (Closed with Whoknows) - Littleittyboy - 08-17-2023

Jace laughed gently “Don’t be embarrassed about that, the only reason I ask is because I’ve never kissed a guy” he said shrugging gently “I’ve kissed a few girls because…well, in the closet and peer pressure” he said shaking his head “I was just wondering if it felt better?” He said rubbing his arm nervously, his eyes subconsciously flicking to Reece’s lips for a moment.

RE: Secret love (Closed with Whoknows) - Whoknows - 08-17-2023

Reece chuckled, “well I’ve never kissed a girl before”, he admitted, blushing.
He could see Jace looking at his lips and couldn’t help but smirk a little. Was Jace attracted to him? There was no way.

RE: Secret love (Closed with Whoknows) - Littleittyboy - 08-17-2023

Jace shrugged and scrunched up his nose “It’s not great” he chuckled gently before biting his lip again “Have you ever thought about sex?” He asked nonchalantly “As in…would you be…you know, top or bottom?” He asked blushing a little “Don’t feel you need to answer my invasive questions either, I’m just curious” he said rambling a little

RE: Secret love (Closed with Whoknows) - Whoknows - 08-17-2023

He shrugged, “you probably didn’t like it cause you like boys”, he said, wondering if the talk was helping Jace. “I have thought about it”, he began, “I always find the position of top more appealing”. Okay, maybe this talk was helping him aswell, he was saying things out loud that he never thought he would.

RE: Secret love (Closed with Whoknows) - Littleittyboy - 08-17-2023

Jace felt his stomach twist a little when he mentioned being a top, he had an idea of the shy Reece being a little bit more dominating and he felt his cheeks redden and felt his pants tighten a little as he swallowed roughly. He cleared his throat “Yeah, most people if I told them I was…gay” he still found it a little difficult to say out loud “Would assume by my stature I would probably want to be a top…but I find it more appealing being a bottom…I mean, when I…you know…masturbate…I need something…in me” he blushed a deeper shade of red “To…finish” he said awkwardly.

RE: Secret love (Closed with Whoknows) - Whoknows - 08-17-2023

Reece looked at Jace and chuckled, he was turning red now and a stuttering mess. “I could see that, Y’know?”, he asked, “not everyone is what they seem”. He sat there pondering about what gay people experience differently to straight, “i think you would benefit from a dildo”, Reece openly said, “to get you used to the sensation”.