RE: Abused necko -
bhdire8 - 02-08-2017
"Hey babe listen to me, just this round ok? Just hold back for this round and you could start pushing when the next contraction hit. Ok? Do that for me and the baby?" Ian cupped Sil's face trying to ge that through the necko.
RE: Abused necko -
Gadiva22 - 02-08-2017
Sil breathed in tears streaming diwn his face as the contrations hit there peak. He balled up two hand fulls of ians pants legs. He grit his theet so hard it hurt. His whole body was trembling. As the pain reached its most painful sil screamed out on pain tears streaming down his face.
RE: Abused necko -
bhdire8 - 02-08-2017
The necko's painful scream and nonstop tears made Ian clench his fist as well. He could only console the stuggling necko so much, and for now he could only hold him tight. As the tense of Sil's body started to go away, Ian let out a breath nd emcpuraved Sil. "Babe thats great job. You endured it so well for us. From next one you can push, make the baby come forward."
RE: Abused necko -
Gadiva22 - 02-08-2017
Sil tensed as the next contration started. As the peak came he beared down. He pushed withall his might. As his hips were forced widder apart sil panted trying to keep from screaming. His pelvis felt so tight and his hips felt as though they were being firced outwrad. He kept pushing til the contration lightened and then let out a sigh. As his bpdy waa smaled with every peaking cobtractipn sil pushed down his body feeling like it was being torn apart from the inside. As he kept tjis up for about twenty to 30 mintues the child finaly started to crown. The ring of fire around his back side shoit pain up his spine.
RE: Abused necko -
bhdire8 - 02-08-2017
Ian could almost feel Sil's hips widened from the baby forcing it way down. He kept mostly silent letting Sil focus on the pushing, but he gasped seeing a tiny patch of head making an appearance at Sil's butt. It was small, but the shape of the head was clear from the bulgin perineum. Ian nstructed Sil carefully at this point. "Babe, be careful to regulate your pushing with your breathing. Dont go too fast or you could tear.
RE: Abused necko -
Gadiva22 - 02-08-2017
Sil looked up glearing. "I lnow this already damn it im tired im in pain and iv had just about enough out of you your the whole reason im in pain if you knock me up again imgoing to cut your dick off my damn self!" sils temper was boiling over and his nerves were fried. He was at his point of no return. He couldnt handle much more. As he beread down a scream of agony left thenecko breathless. The child moved forward crowning fully.
RE: Abused necko -
bhdire8 - 02-09-2017
Ian kept his mouth shut though he felt annoyed at Sil snapping at him. His logical part told him it's just a reasonable reaction for Sil as he's enduring neverending pain, though it didn't lessen teh annoyance he felt himself. He shut his mouth looking at Sil pushing with a scream making the baby crown, looking enormous lodged at Sil's hole. He could see the start of some tear though he was sure Sil would know himself.
RE: Abused necko -
Gadiva22 - 02-09-2017
Sil hissed as his back side burnned he knew hed torn but he didnt cear. As he slowed down his breathing he continued to give smaller pushes so as not to tear farther though that only made his already abused hips even more pained. As mintues turned to an hour sil was in tears and the childs head was finaly free. Sil had started a downward spiral into drakness as his strenth was waining.
He burried his head in ians chest his breathing was unstable. He tryed to keep his foucus but between the pain in his middle the pain in his hips and the pain in his rear i was becoming to much to handel.
RE: Abused necko -
bhdire8 - 02-10-2017
The hour went on nd Ian was getting more nervous witnessin how Sil was drainin his strength way faster than he should. The baby was huge and coming out slow, with the head finally popping with a splash of fluid, Sil almost sagged on him. "Come on Sil stay with me." He said urgently nuzzlinh his face, seein his pupils starting to dilate slightly. He quickly ran out to fetch the oxygensupply and got the mask over Sil. "Come on kitty, breath. Breath in deep, the baby need to be out or it would suffocate."
RE: Abused necko -
Gadiva22 - 02-10-2017
Sil took iiabs hand and place both his in his palm. He beared down again breath fogging the mask. His hips widened and the childs leftshoulder popped free. As sil breathed in slowly he beared down again. The child came forawrd with another tear. As the blood driped down sils thighs he beared down again the child sliping out with a scream and a heavy thud as sils body colasped to the bed.
RE: Abused necko -
bhdire8 - 02-11-2017
The blood oozing out of Sil was horrible, but Ian could only watch as he knew the baby would need to pass through before he could do anything to stop the bleeding. For thevery least the blood made it as some kind of strange lubricn that encouraged fe bababy to pasd through. He managed to catch the baby but didnt have spare hand to catch Sil. With a bloody baby, he cleaned the newborn as quick as he could.
RE: Abused necko -
Gadiva22 - 02-12-2017
Sil remained uncousious. his small form seemed even smaller bear and sprawled out across the black bed sheets. He had passed out from both pain and exuaghtion. The poor necko mother was only on baby two and already looking to be far beyond gone. It was concerning.
RE: Abused necko -
bhdire8 - 02-12-2017
When Ian got the baby ready, he was horrified to see Sil unconscious on the bed. He had no choice but to leave the wailing baby that's almost double the size of their firstborn in the cradle and tooj the necko in his arms, his belly still full and high. "Sil! Please, wake up!" He shook Sil slightly, cheking his vitals.
RE: Abused necko -
Gadiva22 - 02-12-2017
Sil opened his eyes though they were glassy and dull. He wasnt able to hear ian through the einging in his ears. Deep ragged breaths left the necko. The two children were to high up to start the birthing for several hours. But as there was less fluid yo cushion his organs his lungs were being crushed. And so were some of his organs. Not badly but bad enough it caused strain on the male necko mothet.
RE: Abused necko -
bhdire8 - 02-13-2017
Ian let out a huge breath as Sil returned to become somewhat conscious. He held the necko tight to keep him warm, even though Sil had been sweating heavily. He could feel the remaining babies being high up but there's no way for him to speed up without risking an excessive lost of fluid. He could only take hsi mate in his arms, waiting anxiously for the contractions to start up again.
RE: Abused necko -
Gadiva22 - 02-13-2017
Sil curled up against ian purring ragedly. He dozed off fainly geting some peace.
RE: Abused necko -
bhdire8 - 02-14-2017
In Sil's sleep Ian poked the belly from time to time, trying to coax the baby further down. He was met with little success as the baby seemed stubborn and the evcaution of the elder brothers did little to lure the little ones down.
RE: Abused necko -
Gadiva22 - 02-15-2017
Sil ocladped both hands in his soft tail fur that was wraped atound his under belly. He urred softly murmuring ians name. He nuzzled into ian chest eats folded and relaxed. Sil was regaining his normal color again. Thebleeding rump had slowed on its own. And sils tiny fetureswete no longer etcjed in pain as he dozed on for another hour and a half.
RE: Abused necko -
bhdire8 - 02-15-2017
Ian didnt.notice Sil's tail at first but when he found it, he smiled at the unconscious urge for Sil to be protecting his babies. He patted Sil gently on the back, rubbing him the way he liked when he was sleeping, making sure he was well rested during thuis precious break.
RE: Abused necko -
Gadiva22 - 02-27-2017
Sil nreathed softly and breathed deeply. His body was gaining strenth as he power naped.