RE: Alien breeder (closed with dragonknight, nsfw) -
dolria1 - 10-14-2014
"i see your babies are hungry" lilnarn stated. "well, i have the right thing for them". he spread Ryne legs apart and shove his cock deep into his womb. after a few thrust he start to cum and cum, filling Ryne's belly more and more with seed. his blue balls start to expand as lilnarn body make more sperm with few seconds. "thats right. eat that little babies" he smirks, feeling the babies feeding from his semen and drinking it.
RE: Alien breeder (closed with dragonknight, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 10-14-2014
Ryne moaned as he felt Lilnarn's cock in him. He knew the babies absorbed the nutrients in Lilnarn's seed and watched as his belly got bigger, the babies growing. He rubbed his belly as a flurry of kicks appeared on Ryne's belly. "Now they're all excited." He moaned with a pout.
RE: Alien breeder (closed with dragonknight, nsfw) -
dolria1 - 10-14-2014
"yeah, they love daddy's big cock, dont you, babies?" lilnarn smirks, making more seed for them, feeling the grew bigger inside of Ryne. he rubb the belly bumps playfuly as he was still cumming inside Ryne. "mm that big belly of yours sure be an envy to all breeders out there" lilnarn stated, smiling to his lover.
RE: Alien breeder (closed with dragonknight, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 10-14-2014
Ryne moaned loudly as he nuzzled into Lilnarn's chest. "Why me? Why did you pick me?" He asked.
RE: Alien breeder (closed with dragonknight, nsfw) -
dolria1 - 10-14-2014
lilnarn, his cock still pump a load of spern into his breeder, thought of which answer to give the boy. "well... i remember i chose you because you are handsome, beautiful and cute" he said. "and beacause you are unique". he kisses thd Ryne's forehead. "i fell in love with you the moment i saw you standing there with all the pregnang males. 'wow, i thought. 'i want that boy badly!' and then, i chose you before anyone could" he stated, and kissed Ryne lips while his cock still fill his womb with cum.
RE: Alien breeder (closed with dragonknight, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 10-14-2014
Ryne smiled at Lilnarn's answer and returned the kiss. His belly grew larger and larger before stopping, the babies refusing to grow any bigger. "My belly is so taut. Can you help calm the babies down?"
RE: Alien breeder (closed with dragonknight, nsfw) -
dolria1 - 10-14-2014
"Sure". he rubbs Ryne big belly slowly, feeling the new rounded shape he add to it. he massage it with oil, making it shine and glow. he send calm thoughts to the babies mind by placing his hands over the massive belly. he feels they calm now, and more relax. "that it" he said and withdraw his cock after feeding Ryne babies.
RE: Alien breeder (closed with dragonknight, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 10-14-2014
Ryne smiled and rubbed his belly. "Let's go to bed. I want my favourite pillow with me." He said sensually to Lilnarn.
(Skip to birth?)
RE: Alien breeder (closed with dragonknight, nsfw) -
dolria1 - 10-14-2014
(umm... ok ;) )
Lilnarn sat behind Ryne, holding the boy close, his head lays on lilnarn's chest as he gasp. his water just break. "ok love. you know what to do" lilnarn said and kissed his forhead. "when you feel you ready, push". his hole was already dialting 9 cm.
RE: Alien breeder (closed with dragonknight, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 10-14-2014
Ryne moaned against Lilnarn. "Rub my belly? It hurts."
RE: Alien breeder (closed with dragonknight, nsfw) -
dolria1 - 10-14-2014
Lilnarn smiled and rubbed the boy's huge belly, which get lower and lower in his firm. "here love. its still hurting?" he ask. he keep rubbing it in circles, pressing it gently and massage it.
RE: Alien breeder (closed with dragonknight, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 10-14-2014
Ryne nodded as he rested his head on Lilnarn's chest. "The babies aren't movinh out." He stated.
RE: Alien breeder (closed with dragonknight, nsfw) -
dolria1 - 10-14-2014
"ok" lilnarn start to get panic. "so what should i do to help you?" he ask his lover.
RE: Alien breeder (closed with dragonknight, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 10-14-2014
Ryne thought for a moment before he pulled down Lilnarn's pants, exposing his member as Ryne sat on Lilnarn's stomach, giving him puppy dog eyes. "Fuck me."
RE: Alien breeder (closed with dragonknight, nsfw) -
dolria1 - 10-15-2014
Lilnarn did as the boy ask. he grab Ryne waist and pull him down on his cock, so he can ride him. he feel the babies kicking insidd his huge belly, making more pressure on his cock. he moan loudly. "mm yess Ryne fuck... ahhh! i love you! i love you!" he shout as he thrust deeper and faster inside him.
RE: Alien breeder (closed with dragonknight, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 10-15-2014
Ryne moaned loudly in pleasure as he rode his lover. "I love you too! Fill me up! I want to be with you forever." He moaned as his belly bounced.
RE: Alien breeder (closed with dragonknight, nsfw) -
dolria1 - 10-15-2014
lilnarn hug Ryne tight as the boy ride on him, he was close to his edge. he thrust deeper into his "full of babies" womb, and plundge in with all his force, screaming "i - lovvveee youuu Rynnee!!!". he climax more then he ever cum, gallons of gallons of warm cum filled Ryne gut, as his belly expand beyond of her limits. he was so huge now that he couldnt breath without spill cum from his ass.
RE: Alien breeder (closed with dragonknight, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 10-15-2014
Ryne gasped as he was filled. The babies crowned at runes penis, being pushed out one by one.
RE: Alien breeder (closed with dragonknight, nsfw) -
dolria1 - 10-16-2014
lilnarn rubb the massive belly, helping the boy to birth. "yes! you can do it! push Ryne!" he said and saw he had a contraction. "breath deeply. now push!"
RE: Alien breeder (closed with dragonknight, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 10-16-2014
Ryne moaned as he pushed out every baby. Afterwards, Ryne collapsed on the bed, dead tired.