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RE: The Kingdom's Heir (closed rp) - shiro08 - 06-27-2019

Anna watched Adam in pity. It was really unfortunate and with a pregnant mate who almost had a miscarriage, she could sympathize with the man. "Come here and let me clean your wounds properly. Don't be stubborn. Your wife and child needs you to be strong and healthy." Anna stole the cloth from Adam and cleaned the wounds herself.

"You know it's not your fault. I'm sure even your wife doesn't blame you. You didn't want any of that to happen didn't you? What matters is that you saved him and now he and the child will be fine. Don't beat yourself too much."Anna faced Adam with smile that radiated motherly warmth.

"You can stay for as long as you want. I'm an old woman who've been alone for a while so I'll like the company. Don't even bother repaying me. Just promise me that you'll get yourself together and have the wife and child healthy until delivery." She stood to make both of them tea. Adam still looked too panicky for his liking.

"Alright, I don't think we've introduced properly yet. I'm Anna, what's yours and the wife's"

RE: The Kingdom's Heir (closed rp) - (lovespregnancyRP) - 06-27-2019

Adam reluctantly let her clean him up as he was still panicked looking over at Henri every couple seconds just to make sure he was comfortable and even changed him into new pants while he slept. Wrapping him in blankets and making sure he was resting soundly.

" thank you so much for your kindness and thank you for caring for him I love him and my child very much we tried for years to have a child but the gods have only blessed us recently were overjoyed" he said smiling than realized he didnt introduce himself " my name is Adam and my wife is Henri hes such a good wife been by my side for many years" he said smiling

RE: The Kingdom's Heir (closed rp) - shiro08 - 06-27-2019

Anna felt even more compassion for the couple after hearing that this was a special pregnancy for the both of them that had been trying for so long. "Adam and Henri,aye. Well don't worry. We'll do what we can to get Henri and the baby back into health." Henri continued to sleep. It was like his body was using all its energy into recuperating the baby's well-being, and Anna estimated that it may take them a week before Henri's completely recovered.

"You say that you'll be travelling more? If you don't mind me asking, where did you come from and just where are you planning to go?" It was making her curious on the origins of her patients. But then she saw Adam shifted, probably she made the man uncomfortable. "I'm sorry. If you don't want to you don't have to tell me. I trust you enough to believe you're good people." She didn't mean to doubt the two but it would definitely help their case if he knew what environment and conditions Henri was exposed to.

RE: The Kingdom's Heir (closed rp) - (lovespregnancyRP) - 06-27-2019

" were going very far as far as we can I dont know if we can stay? Are we safe here?" He looked around and lowered his voice " I wont tell you what kingdom we are from but Henri was supposed to produce a heir he technically committed a crime against the kingdom I dont believe he did it's not his fault he couldnt have children" he said
" I think it was that environment them forcing us to procreate all the time please dont tell anyone who we are if you know the kingdom I'm talking about we cant go back there" he said worried she would tell. He kissed Henris hand " I need to keep them safe we must go far as we can get" he said

RE: The Kingdom's Heir (closed rp) - shiro08 - 06-28-2019

Anna listened carefully to Adam. She now understands why the man was insistent on travelling far. She knows the kingdom that he was referring to and how cruel that kingdom was. Still she was shocked when she realised that it was the exiled prince and his consort she was taking care of, and that the baby she saved was the royal heir.

“You-you’re the prince! Forgive me for not recognising you sooner, your highness. You are safe here. This village isn’t part of that kingdom and it has a big population so you won’t easily be found here.” Anna watched the love that flowed from Adam from Henri and their baby. That love was so pure that she became determined to help the two with all her can.

“I need to make a balm that’ll help him his body and the baby to recover faster, but I need you to fetch me some of the ingredients that I'll be needing. Can you do that for me, dear prince? Here’s a list and some money.” Anna asked, though it was more of a command, as she began to check Henri's pulse and bump again.

RE: The Kingdom's Heir (closed rp) - (lovespregnancyRP) - 06-28-2019

Adam frowned hearing his royal title "please dont call me that we are regular villagers now when we were thrown out of the kingdom we found land and became farmers Henri has a good green thumb but as soon as we found out he was carrying we had to get farther away" he said

Adam didnt completely trust that he and Henri were safe he was always on his guard " I will go get the ingredients but I wanna make some money to travel with I might not be back right away if Henri wakes up and is scared tell him I will be back please watch over him" he said as he bent down kissing Henris head and stomach very softly

He rode his horse to town and scrambled around the market to find the ingredients. They werent the easiest thing to find but he had a younger girl help him. He gave her one coin for her kindness and help and looked for work. He was able to move bricks for a couple hours and make a couple coins after that he rushed back to Henri and Anna " I have everything sorry if I took long how is he?" He asked absolutely exhausted

RE: The Kingdom's Heir (closed rp) - shiro08 - 06-28-2019

Anna smiled at the humbleness of the prince. “If that is what you want, I’ll return to calling you Adam. But I’m hopeful you’ll return to the kingdom and be the one to bring about it change.” She nodded at the reminders Adam told her before he left. Adam is a good man. He'll definitely make a good king if his love for his wife was any indication of it.

Adam had left at noon and was gone until the noon of the next day. Henri woke at early morning at the feeling of nausea. Good thing there was Anna who was quick to help him into a sick bowl. But after that, Henri was back to sleeping again. He was still delirious from the medicine working in him and was soon unconscious again.

“You did great in finding them for me. Thank you. Henri woke earlier because of his morning sickness but he was still out of it from the medicine and he was sleeping soon after.” With the ingredients ready, Anna moved to make a salve. When she finished, she gave a jar-full of it to Adam.

“Take this and spread it over his bump where the child is. He might fully recover tomorrow with that if all goes well.”

RE: The Kingdom's Heir (closed rp) - (lovespregnancyRP) - 06-28-2019

Adam was exhausted but thanked her for looking after his wife " your are so wonderful to be so kind to my wife and our child this way I will repay you maybe I can fix up your house some or run more errands for you" he said feeling bad he didnt have much money to give as the money he had just made was for traveling and food. He was saving as much as he could.

Adam took the jar and carefully and gently spread the salve on his loves stomach being gentle not to wake him but spread it where he could feel the baby " am I doing it right? You think hell be okay by tomorrow? Should we travel or wait. Whatevers best for Henri" he said

RE: The Kingdom's Heir (closed rp) - shiro08 - 06-29-2019

Adam was really kind-hearted. Anna was amused at how generous and pure this young man is. “If you insist. My windows need some fixing and this old body can’t do it anymore. But it is really fine, Adam. Henri actually reminds me of my own son so I like taking care of him and the child.”

“That's right. Make sure it gets the whole area thickly covered. He'll wake up soon, but I think you shouldn’t travel immediately after. It'd be too stressful for him still. Let him rest a few days more; I suggest a minimum of three days.”

Anna checked Henri’s and the baby’s pulses again. She smiled. “Good, their pulses are getting stronger”

RE: The Kingdom's Heir (closed rp) - (lovespregnancyRP) - 06-29-2019

" I would be happy to fix your windows thanks for letting us stay with you" he smiled and went to fix Anna's window

He kissed henri deeply " we will stay as long as he needs I'm glad he and the baby are getting stronger may I lay with him?" He asked as he laid beside Henri kissing him before Adam fell asleep as well.

RE: The Kingdom's Heir (closed rp) - shiro08 - 06-29-2019

"I'd really appreciate the the help. Thank you, lad. And of course you can lay with him. Just be careful not to hit his stomach. It's still tender and we don't want to risk them unstabilizing again." Anna told Adam as she left to let the couple be together again.

It was almost noon the following day when Henri woke up with full consciousness. His eyes widened when he saw that he was in an unfamiliar room. The past events came rushing back to him and he tried to sit up. "Ahnn.." He groaned as he found that it hurt to sit. His hand felt his bump. What happened to the baby? Is she okay? "A-Adam? Adam?!" He was alone at that moment and it made him scared.

RE: The Kingdom's Heir (closed rp) - (lovespregnancyRP) - 06-29-2019

Adam had been cleaning with Anna and help make some lunch when he heard his name he rushed in to Henris side " just rest I'm here love this lovely women Anna took us in the baby and you are fine but you need rest before we travel anymore I'm here love you want some lunch maybe some tea are you nauseous? He said that called to Anna " hes awake" he said as he got in bed and laid beside him again

RE: The Kingdom's Heir (closed rp) - shiro08 - 06-29-2019

Henri felt greatly relieved to hear that their baby was okay. His body relaxed and rested against Adam. "Thank goodness. I'm sorry i didn't protect her enough. She got hurt because of me." He rubbed his belly, saying a silent apology for the baby. "I'm not nauseous; actually the opposite. We're hungry, love. And I think I'd agree to rest more. I still feel sore and tired." Henri leaned to kiss Adam just below the jaw as to assure his husband he was really fine and thankful to him.

Anna came in soon after and Henri was eager to thank the lady. "Thank you very much for saving our baby. We are forever in your debt." Anna smiled at that. "I'm glad to see you are doing better. Don't worry about anything and just rest. You have a very good husband willing to do anything for you. You should thank him too."

Henri blushed but did as he was told. He pulled Adam in for a long, passionate kiss. He then looked deep in the eyes of his love while smiling that soft smile of his. Thank you, love." Anna chuckled. They were just so cute. "Adam maybe you should feed him the lunch you've cooked."

RE: The Kingdom's Heir (closed rp) - (lovespregnancyRP) - 06-29-2019

Adam was happy to see Henri wide awake finally " it wasnt your fault it was mine I should of found my sword faster my love " he kissed him deeply " I'll get you a large plate just wait a minute" he said and soon Adam came back with a large cup of tea and a large plate of scones and some sandwiches " I hope you like it Anna helped me make the scones I dont know how to cook Anna said she can teach me" he said smiling proud of himself

RE: The Kingdom's Heir (closed rp) - shiro08 - 06-29-2019

"Oh Adam. I know you did your best to protect the both of us so this isn't your fault." Anna smiled at the two exchange whose fault it was. "It was neither your fault. You couldn't have expected that to happen but you both fought hard and have saved your baby. You should be proud of that." Henri smiled, nodding at her.

Henri was surprised to see that Adam had cooked something. He didn't know he could cook. "This looks delicious, love. Thank you for teaching him Anna. Okay, let me taste it." The scones were a bit burned in some areas but Henri didn't mind. All he thought was the effort Adam had put into this.

It was good! In his hunger, Henri had managed to eat all of the scones and had also finished all the tea. "That was good! I didn't even have any morning sickness today. Thank you. You did amazing, love!" Henri beamed.

RE: The Kingdom's Heir (closed rp) - (lovespregnancyRP) - 06-29-2019

Adam smiled proud of himself for making scones for his love " I'm so glad you enjoyed them and your not sick today just rest" Adam said firm obviously still very worried for his love

He went and rubbed his belly very gently and putting a little bit of salve on his stomach " hi little girl its papa I love you so much already do you know that? I hope you look just like mama get his eyes and his smile be beautiful just like him I'm sure you'll be stunning " he said kissing his stomach

RE: The Kingdom's Heir (closed rp) - shiro08 - 07-04-2019

(Sorry for the long absence :( )

Henri chuckled fondly at the scene before him. He ran his hand through Adam's hair then kissed the prince's forehead. “Baby says she loves papa too. Well, if papa can say that then I hope you get papa's beautiful hair and lips. You'll be our princess. Our beautiful princess.”

Anna smiled for the happy family and decided to leave them alone.

Three days had passed and, with the help of the salve, Henri was able to fully recover. They had planned to leave tomorrow and was now busy preparing for the continued journey.

At the moment, Henri was busy making and packing food with Anna. He was undecided with the amount of food they had. He doesn’t know how his appetite will increase in the following months and it was still uncertain for how long they'll be travelling. He doesn’t want to spend more from what little money they had for more food. Henri rubbed his belly, thinking where Adam can be and when he'll be back.

RE: The Kingdom's Heir (closed rp) - (lovespregnancyRP) - 07-05-2019

( missed you)

Adam had been to the village selling some of his fancy clothes he had saved and a gold necklace he was gifted by Henri years ago. They needed the money to be able to travel as far away as they could.

Adam came back with a handful a coins and made sure the horse and wagon was ready helping Henri in the back getting him covered in blankets so he was comfortable for the long journey. He hugged Anna tightly thanking her for everything and promising to write to her once they got somewhere safe suggesting she should come visit when it came close to Henris due date so she could help.

RE: The Kingdom's Heir (closed rp) - shiro08 - 07-05-2019

(Missed you too Blush )

Henri hugged her too. “We'll miss you, Anna. Thank you for everything.”

It was a long travel but Henri remained comfortable. All thanks to Adam that always made sure he was fine. Henri still feel nausea at times but he was getting better. However, with the nausea subsiding, his appetite seemed to increase. In the wagon, if he wasn’t feeling tired or sleepy, he'd feel hungry. Henri knows that it's because of the baby needing its nutrients but with limited supplies, he shouldn’t really eat that much. They were also running out of things to sell.

It was when Henri reached the fourth month. They had stopped to camp for the night. Adam was sleeping beside him but Henri couldn’t sleep. His stomach was rumbling in hunger and he was craving something sweet, even when they just had dinner an hour ago. He had a small candy and he ate it but of course that wasn’t enough. He held his larger belly. “Maybe we can eat a little more.” He whispered to the child within before carefully getting up as not to wake Adam. “Just a little, Henri, we need to ration food.” He would remind himself.

RE: The Kingdom's Heir (closed rp) - (lovespregnancyRP) - 07-05-2019

Adam had heard Henri wake up and go rifling through the food. Adam felt bad that they had to ration food and eat only small amounts because he knew Henri craved food and so did the baby. He sat up " eat the rest of the candy will stop and get some tomorrow maybe I'll find something to sell maybe my sword"

He got up kissing Henri on the cheek and than his growing bump " grow strong princess " he whispered