RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo -
justpush - 05-04-2020
- I can't give birth to a second, beyond my strength - he moaned and began to push lightly
RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo -
Roselockheart - 05-04-2020
James smile gently "well you just give birth to a son passing the crying baby to Jacob chest
RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo -
justpush - 05-04-2020
Jacob touched the baby's body in shock. He burst into tears. One of his twins was already in the world. It was big and beautiful. It was his miracle.
- How many pounds? - he asked the doctor.
RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo -
Roselockheart - 05-04-2020
James smile gently "11 pounds sweetie he's healthy
RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo -
justpush - 05-04-2020
Jacob put the baby to his breast, from which he began to drink milk. He didn't feel cramps yet, so his siblings didn't want to be born yet.
- Honey - he said to James - Do you want to name our son? - he asked, taking the oxygen mask off his face.
RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo -
Roselockheart - 05-04-2020
He smile gently "how about Sam dear
RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo -
justpush - 05-04-2020
- Beautiful - he answered and felt the toddler fell asleep - Can I take a nap?
RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo -
Roselockheart - 05-04-2020
Yes sweetie I'm going to put a fresh diaper on sam
RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo -
justpush - 05-04-2020
- Thank you, J - he said sleepily - After you finish, lie with me, I don't want to be alone
RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo -
Roselockheart - 05-04-2020
James smile gently cuddling Jacob gently
RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo -
justpush - 05-04-2020
- How many children would you like to have? - he asked.
RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo -
Roselockheart - 05-04-2020
As many as you want my sweet and I would also want to be pregnant I don't know what is it I know your in pain but I won't leave your side he smile gently
RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo -
justpush - 05-04-2020
Jacob hugged James and fell asleep in him.
RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo -
Roselockheart - 05-04-2020
James falls asleep
RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo -
justpush - 05-04-2020
After some time, Jacob raises severe stomach pain. His anus is bleeding and he immediately gets a panic attack.
- J-james! Do something!!
RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo -
Roselockheart - 05-04-2020
James stops the bleeding "sweetie we might need surgery
RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo -
justpush - 05-04-2020
- I will not be asleep. I don't want to die! - he screams in terror.
RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo -
Roselockheart - 05-04-2020
Calm down sweetie you be awake your going to be okay your second baby is feet first
RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo -
justpush - 05-04-2020
- I want to try to give birth naturally, I am begging you. If I can't make it, I can letyou cut me now
RE: Birth Clinic of St. Pablo -
Roselockheart - 05-04-2020
James nods his head 'okay sweetie but you have to grip the bed frame to push because this one feet first okay