RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
pushinghard - 06-10-2014
"Let's get some sleep," she says, getting under the covers.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
DragonKnight - 06-10-2014
Ryne got under the covers with Amanda and cuddled with her.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
pushinghard - 06-10-2014
Amanda fell asleep in Ryne's strong arms. She slept the whole night through, not moving an inch.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
DragonKnight - 06-10-2014
Ryne woke up in the morning and smiled at his sleeping wife. He started to kiss Amanda's neck.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
pushinghard - 06-10-2014
Amanda awoke to his kisses. "How you feeling?" she asks quietly.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
DragonKnight - 06-10-2014
"Pretty good. But I want you." Ryne said as he kissed Amanda, while massaging her breasts.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
pushinghard - 06-10-2014
She sighs, kissing him back, and runs her fingers through his hair.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
DragonKnight - 06-12-2014
Ryne kissed Amanda lovingly. "I love you so much." He said happily.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
pushinghard - 06-12-2014
"I love you too," she kisses him lovingly.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
DragonKnight - 06-12-2014
Ryne smiled as he mounted Amanda and entered her. He pumped deep into her, massaging her breasts lovingly.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
pushinghard - 06-13-2014
"Oh Ryne!" she moans, writhing on the bed.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
DragonKnight - 06-13-2014
Ryne pumped deeper into Amanda, reaching her womb.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
pushinghard - 06-13-2014
"Oh God, Ryne, yes!" She yells loudly.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
DragonKnight - 06-13-2014
Ryne pumped faster and faster into Amanda before he climaxed, filling Amanda up with his seed. What they didn't know, Amanda sent an egg into Ryne, impregnating him with the children they wanted. "That was great."
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
pushinghard - 06-13-2014
"Yes, it was," she said, laying down beside him. She places a hand on her own abdomen. "I wish..."
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
DragonKnight - 06-13-2014
Ryne held Amanda lovingly. "It's okay. What happened anyway? Is there any way we can fix it?" He asked.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
pushinghard - 06-13-2014
She takes a deep breath. "We were at war, and I was drafted as a medic. When I was treating a fallen comrade, I was hit. I-" she pauses, taking a deep breath.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
DragonKnight - 06-13-2014
Ryne held Amanda lovingly. "It's okay. You have a family now. There is nothing to be sad about now."
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
pushinghard - 06-13-2014
"I know, it was just a scary day," she explains, before continuing. "I was bleeding out fast. My womb was torn apart, there was nothing they could do but remove it. I had other damage to organs in my abdomen, but they were able to repair it. I ended up having fout blood transfusions." She lifts her shirt, and traces the vertical incision scar down her belly.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
DragonKnight - 06-13-2014
Ryne nodded as he kissed Amanda. "It's okay. Why don't you get me as pregnant as you want?" He suggested.