RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
pushinghard - 06-19-2014
Amanda nods, steering them further and further away from Earth.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
DragonKnight - 06-21-2014
Ryne rubbed his large belly lovingly. "How long until we get to your planet?"
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
pushinghard - 06-22-2014
"About an hour, take a nap if you want," she smiles.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
DragonKnight - 06-22-2014
Ryne nodded as he started to fall asleep. As he did, his belly started to grow slowly.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
pushinghard - 06-22-2014
Amanda notices but remains calm. "Honey, wake up," she says as she prepares to land.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
DragonKnight - 06-22-2014
Ryne moaned as he slowly woke up. "What is it?" He asked.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
pushinghard - 06-22-2014
"We're here," she says as they land. As he looks around, he sees dry, barren ground around them. "You can take the oxygen off now."
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
DragonKnight - 06-22-2014
Ryne nodded as he took off the mask. "Where are we?" He asked.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
pushinghard - 06-22-2014
"My home," she says, wiping a tear. "It used to be much more beautiful," she explains helping him out of the ship. "This is the outside of town, we have to walk a bit."
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
DragonKnight - 07-05-2014
Ryne nodded as he slowly got up. "Babies are kicking." He said as he took Amanda's hand and placed it against his taut stomach.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
pushinghard - 07-05-2014
She smiles, feeling the unborn baby kick against her hand. "Ready to do a little bit of walking?"
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
DragonKnight - 07-05-2014
Ryne nodded as he walked with Amanda. He rubbed Ryne's belly as after a few minutes he started to get tired.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
pushinghard - 07-06-2014
As they walk, they enter an industrial-looking area. "This is 'the town'. It used to bee booming, the places to see and be seen," she explains. "Just two more blocks," she says, seeing him become weary.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
DragonKnight - 07-06-2014
Ryne nodded as he continued to waddle along.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
pushinghard - 07-06-2014
She suddenly stops after they've walked a block. A big empty field sits before them. Without realizing it, finger traces the scar down her belly.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
DragonKnight - 07-06-2014
Ryne looked to Amanda and noticed her tracing her body. He took Amanda's hand and placed it on his belly.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
pushinghard - 07-06-2014
A tear falls silently down her cheek, staring off into the field.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
DragonKnight - 07-06-2014
Ryne pulled Amanda close, hugging her lovingly.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
pushinghard - 07-06-2014
"Thank you," she whispers, leaning her head against his chest.
RE: Alien Neighbour (closed) -
DragonKnight - 07-06-2014
Ryne kissed Amanda lovingly. "Let's go." He suggested.