RE: Family Life - BabyDaddy - 09-29-2013
"What's up with this firing thing? Don't you have people beneath you that you could have do that?" Aaron said, squeezing his hand back. A kick from the baby made him soothe the child by rubbing his belly.
RE: Family Life -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 09-29-2013
" my boss makes me fire them " Liam sighs and rubs Aaron's belly he pulls infront of the doctors office and opens Aaron's door helping him out
RE: Family Life - BabyDaddy - 09-29-2013
(Btw, if he's a CEO, he's in charge of the company, which means he's in charge of everything and there's no one above him.)
"Thank you, babe," Aaron smiled. He waddled in with his husband and sat down in a chair. Many other pregnant fathers were waiting their turn as well.
RE: Family Life -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 09-29-2013
( I'm an idiot)
Liam held Aaron's hand and waited tapping his foot " I was thinking maybe we should take a small vacation I can rent that beach house you like "
RE: Family Life - BabyDaddy - 09-30-2013
"Rent it? Why don't we buy it?" Aaron said quietly, yet completely serious at the same time.
RE: Family Life -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 09-30-2013
Liam smirked " we could do that if you really want to"
RE: Family Life - BabyDaddy - 09-30-2013
"You said you wanted a new house. Why not a beach house? It'd be great fun for the kids as they grow up," Aaron said, grunting a little as the baby kicked.
RE: Family Life -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 09-30-2013
Liam nodded " your right I'll talk to the realtor tonight..." Liam rubbed Aaron's stomach " baby boy be gentle with daddy"
RE: Family Life - BabyDaddy - 09-30-2013
"We don't know if he's a boy yet..." Aaron said. "Mr. Goodwin?" a nurse called. Aaron grinned. "That's us. Help me up, babe?"
(Do you want to play the doctor?)
RE: Family Life -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 09-30-2013
It is " Liam assured and helped his husband up the nurse weighed him " 216" she said softly then showed him to a room and asked questions then got up to leave " the doctor will be in shortly "
RE: Family Life - BabyDaddy - 09-30-2013
Aaron sighed as he laid down on the table. "Ahhhh... 216, huh? That's pretty good. How far around the belly am I again?" he asked his husband.
RE: Family Life -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 09-30-2013
Liam smiled " 32 inches baby..." Liam loved to measure Aaron's belly he rubbed it lovingly and the doctor walked in " well hello mr Goodwin how are you today?"
RE: Family Life - BabyDaddy - 09-30-2013
"Fine, Doctor. Nurse weighed and measured me. This is the third baby, so I'm getting used to it at this point," Aaron said with a laugh.
RE: Family Life -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 09-30-2013
The doctor nodded and smiled " so today you have the choice to find out the sex and listen to the heart beah would you like that?"
RE: Family Life - BabyDaddy - 09-30-2013
"Of course, Doctor. Little brat was hiding from us last time," he replied with a squeeze of Liam's hand. Aaron pulled his shirt up, exposing his belly for the doctor.
RE: Family Life -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 09-30-2013
The doctor smiled rubbing the gel of his belly and moving it around til the baby popped up on the screen " do you want the sex first or the heart beat?"
RE: Family Life - BabyDaddy - 09-30-2013
Aaron was about to respond when the throbbing WHOMP-WHOMP-WHOMP filled the room. "Well I guess that answers that question," he said, his eyes fixated on the screen and clutching Liam's hand.
RE: Family Life -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 09-30-2013
Liam smiled and let a couple tears fall " that's our baby show us the sex doc..." Liam didn't ask but demanded
RE: Family Life - BabyDaddy - 09-30-2013
Aaron ignored Liam's demand and continued to smile. The doctor ran the wand lower, since the baby was heads up.
RE: Family Life -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 09-30-2013
The doctor searched for the sex and found it he pointed to the screen " it's a boy"