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C My Teacher and my Baby Daddy - Printable Version

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RE: My Teacher and my Baby Daddy - Whoknows - 05-24-2023

Jamie drove to the university in silence. He couldn’t lie to himself and say he felt calm. He wears never pjs as to what would happen.

RE: My Teacher and my Baby Daddy - justpush - 05-24-2023

In front of the dean's office, the two stood in silence, and Filon had his doubts.
"It will be fine, won't it?"

RE: My Teacher and my Baby Daddy - Whoknows - 05-24-2023

“I’m sure it will”, Jamie replied, knocking on the door and opening it. “Sir, we have something to talk to you about”.

RE: My Teacher and my Baby Daddy - justpush - 05-24-2023

The middle-aged man looked toward the door, and when he saw Jamie he lightly cheered up. He reacted slightly differently when he saw the student as well.
"Oh... You're welcome," he said and put the documents aside, "What brings you both here?"

RE: My Teacher and my Baby Daddy - Whoknows - 05-24-2023

Jamie led Filon inside and sat down. “Well you see…”, he started before looking at Filon, urging him to answer instead.

RE: My Teacher and my Baby Daddy - justpush - 05-24-2023

Dean looked at them somewhat amused. They looked quite funny when they were both quite serious.
"I'm pregnant..." Filon said, and then lowered his gaze.

RE: My Teacher and my Baby Daddy - Whoknows - 05-24-2023

Jamie held his breath, waiting for the dean to react. “And it’s mine”, he added, suddenly finding the wall interesting to look at.

RE: My Teacher and my Baby Daddy - justpush - 05-24-2023

Dean looked at both of them in silence for some time. He corrected the glasses on his nose.
"Are you ashamed of this in front of me?"

RE: My Teacher and my Baby Daddy - Whoknows - 05-24-2023

Jamie lifted his head up, “I’m not ashamed to be with Filon, I just wish that the circumstances were different.”

RE: My Teacher and my Baby Daddy - justpush - 05-24-2023

Dean sighed.
"It doesn't look ethical... But I'm not going to make a scene here full of triggers," he explained, "What are you going to do?"

RE: My Teacher and my Baby Daddy - Whoknows - 05-24-2023

Jamie sighed, “I believe the best course of action is to not let the students know. We should keep the relationship private. We should be able to act loving towards each other but if questioned neither confirm or deny”.

RE: My Teacher and my Baby Daddy - justpush - 05-24-2023

Without a word, the dean handed Filon a request for hybrid teaching.
"First of all, sit next to each other. You're not strangers to each other," he replied and leaned toward them "Secondly, what matters is the welfare of the child, so hybrid teaching will be a good option for Filon."

RE: My Teacher and my Baby Daddy - Whoknows - 05-24-2023

“Could you please explain this to me? It’s been a few years since I’ve heard of it happening”, Jamie requested.

RE: My Teacher and my Baby Daddy - justpush - 05-24-2023

"The classes will be held remotely once.... Once stationary. We will reduce his travels here. It must be a nuisance by now anyway," he said, and then looked at Jamie "For the sake of your relationship, I have to ask.... Did you evaluate his work according to the teacher's conscience?"

RE: My Teacher and my Baby Daddy - Whoknows - 05-24-2023

“So I will be teaching him separate from everyone else?”, he asked. He chuckled as the dean asked the question, “Filon was always my top student beforehand and so I have been marking it the same even through our relationship”.

RE: My Teacher and my Baby Daddy - justpush - 05-24-2023

"Jamie... I like you, but such jokes are out of place now" he replied and looked at the student "You are intelligent and I would not like to lose both a great professor and student. I will trust you, but you must be careful and listen to my recommendations."

RE: My Teacher and my Baby Daddy - Whoknows - 05-24-2023

Jamie sighed, “I’m sorry and we will be very careful especially as Filon is 5 months along”. Jamie thought back to the special teaching, “so after I have taught my usual classes, Filon will come to my room and I will teach him alone?”

RE: My Teacher and my Baby Daddy - justpush - 05-24-2023

"He will have an invidual course of study.... But I haven't decided that you will do it, but because of the situation it would be the best," he replied and looked at the pregnant student "You will be perfect because you will take care of his health and learning."

RE: My Teacher and my Baby Daddy - Whoknows - 05-24-2023

Jamie nodded, agreeing. “The other teachers better not find out about this, I know how judgy they can be and I don’t want Filon experiencing that”.

RE: My Teacher and my Baby Daddy - justpush - 05-24-2023

The dean looked at them, then signed the hybrid teaching papers for Filon.
"When your baby is born send me a picture, Jamie," he turned to the teacher, "And may it be healthy and smart like the two of you."