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C Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Printable Version

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RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-06-2018

Parker put his hand on the slightly noticeable bulge on his boyfriend’s midsection “Good I’m glad that they aren’t making you suffer too much.”

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-06-2018

Jackson laid his hand over Parker’s and they held his little round belly for a bit. “I think I’m finally getting over it,” he noted happily.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-06-2018

Parker says “Good then you can start eating more and help these three grow big and strong.”

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-06-2018

Jackson agreed and kissed his lion’s cheek. “I can’t wakt until they start getting bigger,” he chuckled softly.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-06-2018

Parker kisses him on the lips “I know it’s going to be nice waking up every morning with you’re hot ass next to me.” “Remember though I’m a cuddler and I know you’ll enjoy living with me.”

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-06-2018

Parker happily kisses him back, giggling a little. “I can’t wait to wake up to my big strong lion!” He said, cuddling against him. Jackson was a cuddler too.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-06-2018

Parker kissed Jackson “So Jackson I need to head to work soon if you’d like you could come with me?”

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-06-2018

“Sure I’ll totally come!” Jackson said happily, going to grab his swim trunks.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-06-2018

They arrived at the pool and Parker stopped at the locker room door “Come on I need to get changed into my uniform you put on sunscreen if you’re going to be here with me.” “And don’t peek at me while I’m changing you can look when we get home.”

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-06-2018

Jackson laughed a little “Alright I won’t look!” He turned his back and swiftly changed into his swim trunks, and then put sunscreen all over. “Do you need help putting sunscreen on?” He offered sweetly, back still turned.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-06-2018

Parker still naked says “Just keep you’re eyes closed and I’ll get it from you’re hands.” “After I’m dressed you can put it on my back that’s the only place I can’t reach.”

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-07-2018

Jackson nods. “Alright- don’t worry I’m still not looking,” he assured the lion. He lightly stroked his belly while waiting for Parker to get dressed.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-07-2018

Parker took the sunscreen and applied it to his legs before putting his swim trunks on he then turned around and presented his back to Jackson “You can open up you’re eyes now and apply the sunscreen to my back.”

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-07-2018

Jackson turned around and grinned. “Alright! It might be a bit cold though,” he said happily as he squirted some into his back and rubbed it in, applying a generous amount. He didn’t want his lion to get burned.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-07-2018

Parker says “You’re really good wit those hands of yours I should take you to work more often.”

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-07-2018

He grinned and rubbed his back for awhile longer. “I love spending time with you,” he said happily, hugging the lion from behind. He cuddled into him.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-07-2018

Parker says “Yeah I love speding time with you to now remember this time stay away from the deep end I don’t need a repeat of last time especially now that you’re carrying special cargo.”

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-07-2018

Jackson kissed the back of his neck. “Alright, I’ll be able to stay where I can touch the floor,” he responds. “I really should learn to swim better, huh?” He wonders aloud.

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - Shadow091 - 08-07-2018

Parker grinned after Jackson kissed the back of his neck “Wow babe didn’t know you had a bit of a horn dog in you when we get home then we can have some fun.” “You know I could give you lessons on how to swim better if you’d like.”

RE: Pregnant Pool (Closed Grey-y) - gre-y - 08-07-2018

Jackson snickered softly and playfully nipped the back of his neck. “Sure, sounds good,” he said happily. His tail slowly waved back and forth as it wagged. “I would appreciate that! If I’m going to hang out at the pool I gotta learn to swim.”