RE: Centaur Breeders(Closed) -
Littleittyboy - 10-06-2013
Jace shook his head "You're amazing, you just need to believe in yourself"
RE: Centaur Breeders(Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 10-06-2013
Liam shook his head " no...I can't do it"
RE: Centaur Breeders(Closed) -
Littleittyboy - 10-06-2013
Jace took his face in both of his hands "Yes you can. Your parents are always willing to help but I know you better than anyone, you know I do, and I know you can do this"
RE: Centaur Breeders(Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 10-06-2013
Liam started to sob hard " no "
RE: Centaur Breeders(Closed) -
Littleittyboy - 10-06-2013
Jace pulled him to him kissing him gently "Yes. I love you and I don't want you wasting your life here. I don't want our children living their lives with these monsters"
RE: Centaur Breeders(Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 10-06-2013
Liam held jace sobbing " I can't leave you I can't I can't"
RE: Centaur Breeders(Closed) -
Littleittyboy - 10-06-2013
Jace shook his head "You can. You're so strong. I love you. I will always be in your heart" he said softly
RE: Centaur Breeders(Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 10-06-2013
" no I'll figure away out for us both..." Liam whispered kissing his head
RE: Centaur Breeders(Closed) -
Littleittyboy - 10-06-2013
Jace closed his eyes humming softly
RE: Centaur Breeders(Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 10-06-2013
Liam kissed his head holding him and rocking him
RE: Centaur Breeders(Closed) -
Littleittyboy - 10-06-2013
Jace curled into him shaking a little, his skin was really hot and his stomach was quite swollen already
RE: Centaur Breeders(Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 10-06-2013
Liam hummed a lullaby Trying to get jace to sleep
RE: Centaur Breeders(Closed) -
Littleittyboy - 10-06-2013
Jace grabbed onto him gently, his breaths laboured
RE: Centaur Breeders(Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 10-06-2013
Liam rolled him on his side so he could sleep better he rubbed his back " rest for me baby you'll need it "
RE: Centaur Breeders(Closed) -
Littleittyboy - 10-06-2013
Jace curled in on himself sleeping for a while
RE: Centaur Breeders(Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 10-06-2013
Palentine came in and Liam looked at him " what if we make you a deal what if you let us free but we come back once a year and mate with you"
RE: Centaur Breeders(Closed) -
Littleittyboy - 10-06-2013
Jace stirred lightly whimpering quietly
RE: Centaur Breeders(Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 10-06-2013
Liam looked at Palentine waiting for an answer
RE: Centaur Breeders(Closed) -
Littleittyboy - 10-07-2013
Palentine rose an eyebrow "How will I know you are definitely coming back?"
RE: Centaur Breeders(Closed) -
(lovespregnancyRP) - 10-07-2013
" you know where are house is...that's we will be I promise you we will come back just let us go home let me make jace better"