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C Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - Printable Version

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RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - bhdire8 - 12-28-2016

"Let's do that together. Then maybe we could go to bed early instead of napping." Jacques collected the plates and.cups as well, taking things on his hands. "You got a dishwasher? I usually wash them myself, you know, poor students dont get that luxury."jacques smiled as he led the way back to the kitchen. He had kept his steps slow, and couldnt help but wonder how did Frank kept the prefnancy hidden so well. At least he couldnt put the pieces together prior to seeing him in tbe clinic. Being a medical professor must have its advantage in this.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - Lovebite - 12-28-2016

Frank thought about it as he let Jacques take the utensils from him with a sigh, smiling softly and nodded some,"I do."He replied and moved to get the drinks and put them up in the fridge,"You know, I'm not that far along... Barely far into my second trimester."He mentioned and closed the door to the fridge before locking the backdoor. Then moving towards the living room, leaving Jacq to finish up as he wanted to.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - bhdire8 - 12-28-2016

"Nope you are not thay far along that you couldnt move, but just indulge in my obsession to take care of you and let me do the chores." Jacques teased as he moved towards the sink and started washing. With a dishwasher, it was fast and easy. Soon, Jacques was entering the living room to sit beside Frank. It seemed like he hadnt decided on whicj movie yet and was just flippinh through the choices aimlessly. Jacques put his arm on the couch behind Frank, not really touching him but made his presence known. "It seemed like this is the first time we are realy spending time together. Finally like a normal couple." He sighed contendedly as he seeped in Frank's unique scent.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - Lovebite - 12-28-2016

Frank tilted his head back to look up at Jacques curiously when he spoke,"Yeah."The older man nodded simply and said nothing more as he looked towards the tv again, simply choosing a documentary that looked interesting. Then patting the couch cushion beside him,"Come over here, so I can lay on you."He told him simply and once he did he laid his head down on his thigh as his eyes closed slightly, resting a hand on his knee.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - bhdire8 - 12-28-2016

Jacques combed his fingers through Frank's hair. Seeing his face on close up, he could notice the crow's feet forming at the corner of his eyes. He looked quite exhausted, probably from having to carry the belly, and being constantly alert in hiding it. He sneakily put his hand gently on Frank's belly that looked a little larger with him laying sideways. It wasnt as warm as he thought it would, at least not so compared to his own palm. He silently sighed. The babies had a rough start, he hoped they would be growing up smoothly from now on.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - Lovebite - 12-28-2016

The rough start didn't seem to end for the unborn even a full six months into Frank's pregnancy, he had warmed up more to the idea of Jacques living with him. He hadn't seemed to stop him when he began leaving clothes at his place, though one thing he hadn't warmed up to was the thought of a family. Especially with someone so young, he was still hiding it from everyone and was doing a damn good job if he did say so. Now, restricting clothing wasn't working as well, he had to start using binders for his belly and even then he looked to be sporting some sort of muscular gut. It was better than looking like a lard anyway, the older man frowned in the mirror at himself as he drew in long deep breaths. The pain was worth it to look and feel normal in front of people again, he didn't know if his students knew that he was a carrier and he meant to keep it that way. He liked when the freshmen carriers fawned over him to get an 'A' in his class and even the seeders too, with that still happening it gave him more hope that he would get through this without anyone knowing. All he could hope that was his own inspections were enough and that with going without any doctors visits would still turn out healthy babies.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - bhdire8 - 12-28-2016

Jacques had been kept in the dark, depsite how impossible it sounded. He had an extremely busy scheudle himself, which was how Frank manged to avoid him that much for the first 20 weeks of Frank's pregnancy. Jacques had been splitting his time between classes, his practices on the field and his ongoing internship, he didnt get to see Frank all that much. He did notice Frak's belly looking suspiciously smlal whenever he was in class, as compared to when he's at home and relaxed. He knew Frank had been forcing the belly down with his own way, though he thought with his medical knowledge, he would have sufficient sense to know how not to hurt the baby. Babies. It worried him to know Frank hadnt had any medical examination up until now, and he had tried dragging Frank into one but that ended badly with Frank getting extremelt furious, almost jumping off the car midway.

At the end of the day, Jacques got back to their shared home. He cojldnt hide the smile creeping its way on his mouth everytime he thought of the idea. A shared home. Between him and Frank. He wished Frank could be more accepting but knew it takes time. "I am home. Where are you Frank?"

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - Lovebite - 12-28-2016

With a slight glance over his shoulder at the bathroom door, Frank smoothed his dress shirt and tucked it into his pants as he moved out of the bathroom, fully dressed,"I'm here."He said from the top of the stairs, coming through the bedroom and heading down them,"What's gotten you so happy?"He asked curiously,"Something happen?"He asked and checked his watch, it wasn't late enough for him to be home and he wondered what might have happened,"No practice today?"

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - bhdire8 - 12-28-2016

"Yep. Cancelled because the couch and several members are sick. You...." jacques paused midsentence as he saw up close for he first time how much Frank was constircting his belly. He hadnt buttoned his jackrt so he could see the unusual patterns under the shirt that was definitely not how naturla skin would look. It's way too... irregular. "What have you been doing to our babies?" Jacques asked quietly. He didnt know what to think. He should have known the jacket alone shouldnt be as effevtive to hide a 6-month twin belly, and that Frank.couldnt possibly be looking so vastly different day and night with simple restraints.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - Lovebite - 12-28-2016

"Aw, well I guess you're lucky for not going out partying with them everytime they score a game."Frank was on his way to hug Jacques when the young man had trailed off, his brows furrowed some and he looked down slightly at his middle,"What are you talking about? They're fine."He said and then began to finish buttoning his shirt, he had to get to class,"I'm going to stop for dinner, text me what you want."He then went to grab his coat and slip on his boots.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - bhdire8 - 12-28-2016

"Frank.wait!" Jacques tried to chase behind him, but he was too late and Frank had shut the door, being way too fast as if he was escaping. Jacques sighed and rubbed his face, sittjng down slightly defeated on thecouch. He could only hope.Frank wasnt doing anything.stupid. he thought for a bit and remmebered his original plan was to cook dinner for the both of them.since he got the time. He wanted to.indulge into Frank, his diet had been quite unhealthy, insisting to befull whenhe had barely finished hf of his portion. Jacques had been believing at first, thinking tbe babies might be pressing into his stomach, and maybe some lingering morning sickmess still loomed at the corner, but what he had witnessed today had him reconsidering.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - Lovebite - 12-28-2016

The middle aged man had left with Jacques's car, that decision seeming to be a mistake when hours later into the after noon. It was almost night time and Frank was still gone, he hasn't texted him like he usually would if he was staying late at the university and wasn't answering his phone either. As if something happened to him, it just had a bad feeling all around for Jacq.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - bhdire8 - 12-28-2016

Jacques couldnt remember how many times he had called Frank. He even braved his office number but it just kept ringing. It had been driving Jacques nut to be losing contact with Frank, and in his desperation, he rode on the bike that used to belong to Frank even though he could no longer get his balance on it, and sped down the way to the campus, like a headless chicken looking everywhere for his lover. He had tried multiple places, his usual lecture hall, the library, the parking lot. He could spot his car in it so Frank coudlt be that far gone. He had ommitted the office since he thought he should hace picked up his phone if he was. Though when every other options were exhausted, he decided he could check as well. No harm trying.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - Lovebite - 12-28-2016

Frank was on the floor, passed out on a smear of his own blood that seemed to be originating from between his legs, the older man looked to have tried and remove the binding around his belly. Leaving him looking actually pregnant and in dire need of medical attention, his belly was bloated out and sagging over his beltbuckle between his shirt flaps. He groaned in his sleep, his hands cupping his distended middle while he sweated in distress, his phone beside him and lighting up from all the missed notifications.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - bhdire8 - 12-28-2016

The sight of Frank in such horrible state had Jacques skipping a heartbeat. As a pre-med student he immedtaely pulled away the restraints, letting the belly pop out entirely. Frank wasnt really putting on weiggt and the belly was on the small side, but it looked impressive enough now. Pulling off his jacket and frantically gathering the few pillows from the nearby couch, Jacques raised Frank's legs and hips up. Blood was everywhere and Jacques' hands couldnt stop trembling when he picked up his phone to dual 911. "Please Frank, please be alright...." as he waited, he clutched Frank's hands tight. From this amount of blood Frank could have past out for well over 3 hours, and Jacques' heart sank estimating the chances of th3 babies. He was almost too afraid to tocyh on his belly or pull down his pants, afraid he would be hit with tge worst.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - Lovebite - 12-28-2016

The operator stayed on the phone with Jacques after ordering the ambulance,"How far along are they? Are they awake? Try to keep them awake."She urged him as gently and calmly as she could, the professor squeezed Jacq's hand weakly and moaned as he turned his head the other way. His legs shifted and he tried to move until he collapsed back against the pillows again with a whimper, tears seeped down his cheeks.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - bhdire8 - 12-28-2016

Jacques let a deep breath out to control the tremble in his voice. He wiprd away the happy tears that rolled down on their own upon seeeing his lover finally waking up. "Err... they are 6 months, and they are awake now. I have lifted his lower body up awith pillows. He's bleeedinh quite a bit and I think he past out for almost 3 hours." He glanced at Frank to ask if that's correct.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - Lovebite - 12-28-2016

Frank didn't respond, he didn't even seem to understand what was going on until the feeling of his body came back and he dropped his head back with a grimace. "What kind of carrier are they? Male or female?"She asked and realized that the victim may be awake now,"Could I speak with them?"She asked and the older man's hand rose up to his middle then between his legs, feeling the wet there and sobbing softly. "Jacq?"He choked out, swallowing the bile in his throat.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - bhdire8 - 12-28-2016

"He's a male carrier. I will put on speaker now." Jacques put down th3 phone in between them and clutched tight on Frank's bloody hands. He swallowed hard and cleared his voice before squeezing a smile out. "I am here Frank dont worry, help is on the way. Ms? What should we do now?" Jacques kissed on Frank's hand despite the mess. He thought at first that Frank was trembling, but then he realised it was himswlf that's trembling with fear. He closed his eyes and released a deep breath again to regaij his composure. This was the time for him to be strong ans support his love, he had to do this.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - Lovebite - 12-28-2016

"Hello, my name's Erin."She introduced herself and Frank was on the brink of simply letting go and letting himself sink into a heap on the floor,"Everything is going to be okay. Just stay calm, alright? What's your name?"She asked and he pressed his lips together, resting his head on Jacq's knee and taking in a deep breath to keep from sobbing any more,"Fran-k. I'm Frank."His voice cracked and he looked up at his lover, still more than a bit out of it though he knew what was happening,"I'm losing the babies aren't I?"He couldn't help it when fat tears fell down the side of his face,"I-I'm sorry... I-I'm so fucking...sorry..."He sobbed now, he couldn't help it and the woman directed her voice onto Jacq again,"Keep him calm. Try to keep him calm." In the distance sirens could be heard out side of the campus.