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C B-side Stories (with Whoknows) - Printable Version

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RE: B-side Stories (with Whoknows) - justpush - 08-08-2023

Chris yawned softly and sat on the bed.
"Scrambled eggs... and a kiss"

RE: B-side Stories (with Whoknows) - Whoknows - 08-08-2023

He chuckled and moved back to Chris, giving him a kiss. “Now I will go and scramble some eggs.”

RE: B-side Stories (with Whoknows) - justpush - 08-09-2023

Chris nodded his head. He smiled radiantly at him.
"I'll still lie down..."

RE: B-side Stories (with Whoknows) - Whoknows - 08-09-2023

“Yes, after all you are on bedrest”, Cooper called out from he hallway. He got to the kitchen and found the eggs on the side, he cracked them then whipped them and added salt and pepper. The next thing to do was put them in the microwave for a few minutes.

RE: B-side Stories (with Whoknows) - justpush - 08-09-2023

Chris waited politely on the bed until Cooper returned. He blushed gently at the memory of last night.
"Cooper? I want more kisses..."

RE: B-side Stories (with Whoknows) - Whoknows - 08-09-2023

Cooper chuckled, leaning down and giving him a kiss. He then balanced a tray on Chris’ thighs, it had the scrambled egg and some toast on it as well as a glass of juice.

RE: B-side Stories (with Whoknows) - justpush - 08-09-2023

"Will you eat with me?" he asked him, then broke off a piece of toast and popped it in his mouth.

RE: B-side Stories (with Whoknows) - Whoknows - 08-09-2023

“Yeah, my plate is in the kitchen”, Cooper said and stood up to get it. He came back ask say down next to Chris, “do you want to come over to mine today?”

RE: B-side Stories (with Whoknows) - justpush - 08-09-2023

Chris looked at him with great satisfaction.
"I'd like to..." he said and grabbed him by the arm "But for the night?"

RE: B-side Stories (with Whoknows) - Whoknows - 08-09-2023

“I mean, I have to go to work but you can sleep in my bed,” Cooper offered, “I will be in it by the time you wake up”.

RE: B-side Stories (with Whoknows) - justpush - 08-09-2023

Chris looked at him with a smile. He nodded his head. He took his hand lightly.
"Thank you... I'll be happy to go to sleep in your bed tonight."

RE: B-side Stories (with Whoknows) - Whoknows - 08-09-2023

Cooper ran his thumb over the back of Chris’ hand, “it’s okay”.

RE: B-side Stories (with Whoknows) - justpush - 08-09-2023

Chris laid his head on his shoulder. He murmured quietly.
"You make good breakfasts.... And you give great kisses."

RE: B-side Stories (with Whoknows) - Whoknows - 08-09-2023

“I’m glad”, Cooper said, chuckling at him. “Should we turn the tv on?“, he asked.

RE: B-side Stories (with Whoknows) - justpush - 08-09-2023

Chris nodded and handed him the remote control. He turned on the TV.
"Would you like to see the usg pictures later?"

RE: B-side Stories (with Whoknows) - Whoknows - 08-09-2023

“Of the baby?”, Cooper asked, “I would love to see them”.

RE: B-side Stories (with Whoknows) - justpush - 08-09-2023

Chris smiled. Then he reached for a cardboard box and pulled out a bundle of usg photos.
"One by one I'm arranging them.... They are so cute."

RE: B-side Stories (with Whoknows) - Whoknows - 08-09-2023

Cooper looked at them, interested as to what the baby looked like. “These are so sweet, when is your next appointment?”

RE: B-side Stories (with Whoknows) - justpush - 08-09-2023

Chris stroked his tummy lightly.
"In three days..." He replied and sent him a small smile.

RE: B-side Stories (with Whoknows) - Whoknows - 08-09-2023

Cooper hesitated before putting his hand on the bump aswell, he asked, “can I come too?”