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C Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - Printable Version

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RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - bhdire8 - 01-02-2017

"I am thinking.... to my place. I thought... my parents would want to meet with Duncan. I have told them what happened and eventually they accepted the shock. Well if you don't feel right then I could just go to your place." Jacques had told his parents everything and in fact his elderly father had hit him with his walking stick. There were still bruises on his back, and luckily not anywhere that could be easily spotted by other people. He just had to hide better int he changing room when practice comes. "and speak of your place... " He didnt know how to phrase it to convey to Frank about his concern.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - Lovebite - 01-02-2017

"Your place... Today?"Frank looked at him for a moment then down at the baby as he rubbed his tummy gently,"No, it's okay."He said, not sure if he would regret this as he pressed his lips together,"I guess it'll be a good distraction."He said and then smoothed the baby boy's hair before kissing his head, making him look at him with a toothless grin and his heart melted again,"God, he's gorgeous."He murmured and his brows furrowed as he looked up at Jacq slightly,"What about my place?"He asked curiously and reached up to place his hand on the other man's shoulder with a slight squeeze.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - bhdire8 - 01-02-2017

Jacques gave a huge smile hearing Frank's consent on finally meeting iwth his parents. He saw the baby's smile and had to nod his agreement. "Duncan's really a little heartbreaker." He was about to phrase his concern when he couldnt control the hiss that came from Frank squeezing on his bruise. He quickly covered it by answering Frank. ".....I am thinking if we should be more careful with me moving in and out of your place. I do not knwo if there would be anyone spotting us living together and put the pieces together."

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - Lovebite - 01-02-2017

"That he is."Frank was going to look down at their son again before his partner hissed at his supposedly reassuring squeeze,"What is it?"He asked quickly and dropped his hand from it's place on his shoulder, his brows furrowed when he didn't answer him and simply replied to the question before as he looked up at Jacq's reflection,"Maybe we should just move into our own place together."He offered, sitting back in the back seat comfortably and holding onto the baby's car seat with his free hand.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - bhdire8 - 01-02-2017

"Move into our own place?" Jacques was a bit surprised. "Is this.. an offer?" He asked with a bright smile. This had been a pleasant surprise indeed. to hear Frank extending an official invitation. He could feel how wary Frank was of building a family, and he had been sneakily invaded more and more into his life as time went by. This offer to move in together was something he had wanted bad, but wasnt expecting to hear it from Frank so soon.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - Lovebite - 01-02-2017

"No. I mean, get a place to share with each other with the baby, you could live there, but I'll be keeping my own place just in case."He said and watched Duncan take in all the new sights out of the window above his car seat, the man smiled softly at their son and wondered slightly what his lover's parents were like,"So they know about me? My name? My age?"He asked, looking up again,"My work?"

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - bhdire8 - 01-02-2017

This had been a bit different from what Jacques had thought. Apparently the studnet had been jumping to conclusions, nevertheless to have Frank acknowleding his participation in Duncan's life had been encouraging enough, and Jacques settled for that. He glanced at Frank through thte rear mirror and nodded. "Yea they know it all. ANd dont worry I have convinced them of everything. They have come to accept that. Well i am a grown man, so what's wrong with falling in love with another grown man. We can hold responsiblity to whatever we have done."

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - Lovebite - 01-02-2017

Frank nodded simply and for the rest of the drive he was silent as he sat back, his eyes shutting as the painkillers made him a bit drowsy. "Could we stop by some place for food first?"He asked before fully falling asleep,"I'm starving."He hadn't eaten the hospital food because it tasted like cardboard and was hoping to stop by somewhere with Jacq and Duncan, to see the sights with his new family.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - bhdire8 - 01-03-2017

Jacq hesistated and bit his lip, consjderingfor awhile before saying "yea sure. Would the diner down the highway work?" It was aclose on and remote enough that there's usually not much business going around, epsecially on Saturday mornings like this. He just hoped they wouldnt bump into any acquiantance and if they did, whoever it was wouldnt think too much of seeing them together.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - Lovebite - 01-03-2017

Frank nodded some as he looked away again, the man went silent then as they drove until they pulled up into the parking lot. He unbuckled Duncan from his seat and picked up the seat to hold him in his hand, carefully climbing out of the car. He seemed distracted by being able to take his first son anywhere and didn't worry about what could happen as he walked inside of the diner with his partner's hand in his own. The waitress looked at them strangely.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - bhdire8 - 01-03-2017

Duncan can fussed a bit at this time and Jacques smiled natrually at the waitress. He just ddnt like how incredulous she lookrd. As if showig off, he wound an arm around Frank. "Table for 2?" He asked glancing around the diner, letting out a sigh seeing njust one table occcupied with a middle-aged man that's definitely not their acquiantance.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - Lovebite - 01-03-2017

Frank flinched a bit as he was brought into Jacques's arm, the woman simply nodded and turned to show them a booth table,"Could I interest you in anything to drink first?"She asked as Frank lowered himself into a seat with the baby's car seat beside him,"Coffee, please."He said and sat back, looking to Jacq for his answer while avoiding eye contact with the young woman who he was pretty sure he's seen in his lecture hall before. Hopefully she graduated.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - bhdire8 - 01-03-2017

Jacques was a bit hurt by the flinch, and he quickly released his hand understanding that Frank didnt feel comfortable with either the public display or simply the handsiness. He followed and slipped into the seat ordering a chocolate for himself. He waited until th3 waitress went away to ask "you seeemed to be avoiding her eyes. You knew her?"

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - Lovebite - 01-03-2017

"Something like that."Frank nodded as he fretted over the baby a bit,"She was one of my students... I think she graduated, but I'm not sure."He replied and the baby pouted some at how much it's birth father was worrying over him, rubbing his face with his booties. "Sorry, Buddy."He murmured when he noticed he was annoying the little one and sighed as he looked away, pressing his lips together and watching as she came back with Jacq's hot chocolate and his own coffee. "Thanks."He took the cup and then opened up the menu.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - bhdire8 - 01-03-2017

Jacques dreaded to know he mght have misinterpreted the strange look on thr girl's face. He sighed but knew the damage, if any, was done. If she's telling, there's no way of stopping and he could only wish that she wouldnt know he was Frank' current studnt. Tey placed their orders and ate in a slightly awkward silence, then when the baby started squirming at constant noise of the diner, he found himslf to be ignored, when all Frank cared abojt was the baby, glancing and adjusting him every half minute even wgen Duncan had settled.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - Lovebite - 01-04-2017

The professor found himself growing frustrated at their situation and rested his arm on the table as he pressed his head into his hand,"Jacq..."He murmured and looked up at him, his other hand resting on the baby's seat,"I-I think..."He exhaled and pressed his lips together, it felt right to him after all the trouble their relationship had brung even despite the good it was still outweighed,"We should stop whatever this is."He looked up at him slightly, nervous and unsure of this decision.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - bhdire8 - 01-04-2017

All color drained from Jacques' face. Just when he thought all was going well, even getting an invitation to co-habiting at a place together with his lover and son, he was getting a death sentence. In a shaky voice, he asked the professor. "You.. wanted this to stop? Like... you are ending this with me? Not 15 minutes after agreeing to meet with my parents?" He laughed bitterly. Where he thought he was making progress, he was getting pushed back a hundred steps in this race, nay, it could be said he was being disqualified.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - Lovebite - 01-04-2017

The look on his lovers face made him sick, he couldn't believe the words as they came out his mouth and yet he continued,"Yeah... I don't like it, but yeah... i think we should stop trying to make this work."He said and pressed his lips together as he mentioned his parents,"I could still meet them if you want... We're not making any decisions yet, I just wanted to put it out there."He said and shifted his salad around on his plate with the used fork, tilting his head slightly and sighing,"You understand right?"

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - bhdire8 - 01-04-2017

"i don't. I don't understand at all." Jacques spoke utterly deadpan. "And you just plan on raising Duncan yourself? Figuring it would be easier to not have me in the picture, so that you, we, us wouldn't need to hide and you could go on like life as usual?" He couldn't believe how cruel his professor was, and made a little outburst of emotion. "Alright. Whatever you say. But at least in front of our parents, could we just act like a normal couple for awhile? i wouldn't want them to notice anything wrong between us." There went his troulbe of coming out to his parents, with a professor as a lover no less.

RE: Beloved teacher (w/lovebite) - Lovebite - 01-04-2017

"No! No, of course I'm not... I don't think I could anyway..."He looked down more and pressed his lips together for a moment as he let his partner vent, then met his eyes,"Yes, that's basically it... We go our separate ways... Find other people and share Duncan."He huffed, looking to the little baby and bit his lower lip a moment before turning to the student again,"Your parent's."He corrected, though nodded at what he added about faking it for today,"What will you tell them later?"He asked, pushing his plate away now and bringing his coffee to the forefront.